Revived Warrior

Vol 6 Chapter 1: Santa ~ 2nd

Chapter 1 Santa Claus

In order to welcome Christmas Eve, I bought a lot of fine wine and planted a lot of grass around Friendship City.

The gifts of the Christmas tree and Christmas elf are not high-grade, so everyone's attention is focused on the legendary Santa Claus.

The reindeer who pulls the car for Santa likes to eat grass, and Santa likes to drink. There are such legends on the forum. Of course, everyone must try it.

Christmas Eve Christmas has become a global holiday, and even Muslims in the Arab world have joined in, because this day is no longer just a religious anniversary.

Moreover, Christmas Eve in the infinite world is even more lively than reality, because there are so many prizes to win, and here, people from all over the world can spend the festival together.

On the street, in addition to the Christmas trees planted by the system, I personally took out a sum of money to buy a batch of Christmas trees from the system and packed thousands of small gifts in boxes.

Youli's restaurant has already prepared thousands of turkeys. On this special day, people who eat a whole turkey can add a small amount of hp, and the turkey made by Yuli is even better. Need, a lot of players specifically sit on the teleportation team to buy one hundred gold coins, just to get better points.

At seven o'clock in the game time, activities around the world began at the same time, and Christmas elf appeared one by one in the sky and in the wild. At the same time, the small gifts on the Christmas tree also began to light up, the enchantment was lifted, and the gifts were ready to be picked.

From the Christmas tree, everyone can only pick one gift, but the elves can catch them at will, so everyone rushes to those elves first.

However, these translucent elves dressed in red are like snowflakes. As long as the player blows the wind, they will drift away, so it is difficult for players with high or low sensitivity to get it.

The ice mage was going to freeze them with ice cubes, and the monks were preparing to apply hysteresis, but were warned by the system not to attack the elves.

Some people use fishing nets to grab the elves, but the elves are not essential. They can easily pass through the mesh.

I only watched it for a few minutes, and then tried it. If I couldn't catch it, I went to the forum to read the post.

Funny, the first one to catch the elves actually opened their mouths and took a sigh of breath to **** the elves over. There is also a feather duster to stick the elf, and some are splashing water ...

Back in the game, teach everyone the method, and soon, the elves were caught one by one.

I just sucked the two elves into my mouth, and after getting the gift in their hands, the elves disappeared into silver light.

There is nothing good, just an intermediate magic potion and a silver ring. Yeah, it would be weird if all the elves like snowflakes bring good things.

However, there are still some players yelling excitedly. Those newcomers will be very happy even if they get the same goldware, and advanced players also get jade-level equipment or special items.

But judging from the forum discussions, jade articles are considered to be the best, and I am not interested in fighting on.

Although it looks funny and inspiring to see everyone inhale and grab the elf, but after watching it for two hours, it is a bit annoying and annoying.

There are also many people playing in the city's playground, but there is nothing particularly interesting. The new large screens erected in the city are broadcasting some celebration programs and movies and television in reality, and I always feel that I can't stand it.

Suddenly I felt empty in my heart and it seemed that I could no longer stay in the city.

I sat in the teleportation array and came to Haza Village, where the atmosphere was not so strong.

The Xiaozhi family went back to Christmas in reality. They go online for a few hours every day, so they are not so obsessed with the game world.

The herdsmen returned to the tent, and the entire Haza village seemed quiet. Even the Christmas elves floated sparsely in the air.

Riding around in a flying circle, came to Snow Horse Racecourse.

Since I didn't dare let too many people know about this racecourse, I didn't find the mage to supplement the racetrack's protective cover with energy. I sent several other NPC soldiers to station here. At the same time, ordinary herders grazing on the outskirts can also protect the horse farm.

The main thing is that the residents of the Haza village other than herders have always been the most trusted players and some npcs. Those who can pass between the teleportation arrays have also been set as the few people I can trust. Never encountered danger.

Give a few gifts to the npc soldiers, they looked at me stupidly, without knowing thanks.

There is no way. The soldiers generated from the building of the Friendship City Barracks do not have any life experience, and their intelligence is really low.

Put Feiyang and other Pegasus mounts on the racetrack and let them spend the festival.

After leaving the racecourse and walking among the snow-covered grassland, the world became deserted, and I felt relaxed.

Is it best for a lonely person like me to have a holiday like this?

I wonder who Mingxin spends Christmas with?

I haven't been able to contact him today. I want to come. She is also spending it with her family and friends in reality. By the way, Mingxin is actually very beautiful. I wonder if she has a boyfriend in reality?

It is rare for a girl to spend so much time in the game.

However, even if she doesn't have a boyfriend now, she will one day ...

At this time, a small body appeared in the vast white space, not from the village, but from the Friendship City side.

This kind of weather is also a festival. Will anyone rush to this wild place for a few hours?

I slowly greeted it, but suddenly I felt a cold breath, not the cold wind, but the silhouette from my eyes.

Close, I saw a pair of cold eyes.

This figure was actually a five- or six-year-old child who stared at me coldly for a while, then turned and walked in the snow in a difficult way, but this time, he returned to the same way.

I don't know why, my heart was tight for a while, and my hairs felt like standing up.

By the way, that was the last time Tangmen brought the baby back ...

Where does this terrible intuition come from, and where does this child's eyes come from? Also, his growth seems to be faster?

Moreover, why did he come here? Perhaps the Tangmen couple told him that he had picked it up from this grassland. They did not go online in Tangmen. I am afraid that this child would come to the grassland alone, but it is really dangerous for a small child to cross the road of so many monsters.

I looked up and tried to protect him, but I could not see him anymore.

Thinking about the child, thinking about Mingxin, and then thinking of Zhao Xueer ...

At this moment, an intelligent program awakened me, and I could not help looking up into the sky.

The time shown in the sky was already 12 o'clock in the evening. It scared me. It turned out that people passed the time so fast in cranky thoughts. According to this time, the game activity was over.

And another moving shadow in the sky was the reason why the intelligent program awakened me. Although my eyesight was not good, when the shadow flew past the moon, I immediately recognized what it was.

It's Santa's sleigh!

I rushed towards the racecourse, quickly riding a pegasus and chasing the shadow.

During the flight, quickly open the forum to see everyone's posts.

I was stunned on the spot. Although according to Tianji Company ’s long-announced information, Santa will not be harmed by any attack, and the person who attacks him will increase the crime value, but there are still no fewer than one million players in hundreds of places. Santa shot.

Not necessarily attacking Santa Claus, there are some players who surround Santa Claus to prevent him from passing, while others are trying to grab his baggage, or else it is Santa Claus who makes troubles next to him when he presents.

In addition to being stopped by some honest players, most players were warned by the system, and those who refused to change were forcibly taken away by the guards. If the guards couldn't get around the crowd, then Santa would pretend to use a gorgeous trick to stun these people.

As for Santa ’s gift, it is not for everyone. He generally gives players with high justice and charm, as well as children, including npbsp; players do n’t get much gifts, usually some candy and Toys and candy can add some attributes, while toys have functions similar to pets, advanced ones can automatically play monsters, and some can make some cute expressions. Immovable toys also have various functions.

Generally speaking, Santa Claus did not bring much surprise to players. After all, this is a game that can directly exchange game currency with World Currency, and the game company cannot be too generous.

At this point I had stopped in front of Santa Claus, closed the forum, and greeted me with a smile.

How does this old man in red clothes look like the guy standing outside a fast food restaurant? Probably because this fast food restaurant gave Tianji Company a lot of money.

The old man glanced at me and barely squeezed a smile, but his eyes were full of boredom, and he could see that he was annoyed by those players in the game.

I smiled: "The old man is working hard, is it off work? Are there any gifts?"

Santa looked at me with surprise, presumably he didn't expect me to be so polite. He shook his head: "I'm sorry, even if it's twelve o'clock, the contents of my pockets have already been exhausted. Wait for next year."

I yelled, "I think so, by the way, where is this old man? Where do you come out once a year and go back without playing?"

The old man smiled lightly: "I am a low-ranking member of the angel family. Except today, I am usually responsible for cleaning and running errands in heaven. How can I have time to play?"

Chapter II Auction Conference

Surprised, there is such a thing. It turns out that this old man who usually laughs and lives is not very happy.

Look at the reindeer swallowing the snowflakes in the sky, I smiled: "Come and sit at my horse farm, and let your reindeer take a rest. The snowflakes there are good, and they are the food of Pegasus. And, You are an intelligent program. If you want to evolve, you should experience more things. What ’s the point of doing the same thing in heaven? "

Santa opened his eyes again and looked at me, and said for a long time: "Hehe, I have time, I'll go with you, hehe."

At the Snowflake Racecourse, I put the reindeer first to eat snowflakes and play with Pegasus. I accompanied the Santa while drinking and eating while chatting.

Wine is the best wine, and the dish is the best box lunch made by Yu Li. Santa laughed so much.

Half an hour passed quickly, the old man was about to leave. He looked at me and suddenly smiled: "Actually, I am not an intelligent program. I am a handyman sweeping the floor of Tianji Company. This time, the company is afraid that the intelligent program will not beat the player and you are picked by you. Cheap, so find some real people to play Santa Claus in more important areas, your friendship city is one of the key points, huh. "

I ’m sweating, I can understand why Friendship City becomes one of the key points, because I have been too prominent in the game, if it is really an npc Santa, it is difficult to say how many babies I will dig out of his baggage Come.

The old man slowly put down the baggage and took out a large number of gift boxes: "Every Santa Claus carries gifts that are originally tens of thousands, but because of the impulse behavior of some players, they have lost the opportunity to obtain gifts. Qualified players are not online, so there will always be surplus, I will give you these. "

I looked at these gifts in amazement. I didn't expect that I would get so many benefits just because I was lonely to find someone to accompany me to drink and chat.

Santa watched me stay and added: "You don't have to be afraid that I will be punished by the company. This gift should have been given to the player. As long as the game console's monitoring system knows that I haven't left myself, nothing will happen."

I thought about it: "These belong to other players, so I will pass them on, but the gifts I send out will lose the meaning of Christmas. Elderly, can you put yourself in this position? give me……"

The old man opened his eyes wide and suddenly laughed: "Alright, you are a full-time person, you can use the equipment of all occupations, then I will send you the" Santa suit ", ha, it is really interesting, the manager is not It is stipulated that I cannot give this suit away, haha! "

With a smile, I took the "Santa suit" that the old man took off, and I was busy giving him a cotton coat made by a master tailor.

The old man drove away on his sleigh, and said loudly: "If I have the opportunity to install an NPC next time, I will apply to visit Friendship City again, haha!"

When the old man walked away, I suddenly felt a little uneasy. Will the old man give me the suit like this, will he be punished?

It's still the trouble of fine wine. Although the wine in the game is virtual, it can also make people excited.

Look at the overall attributes of the suit: "Santa suit, holy equipment, equipment requirements, 'Santa' special occupation, no level limit, cold resistance 8o%, charm + 3o, will not be actively attacked by ordinary monsters."

Khan, 3o's charm is really abnormal, and will not be attacked by monsters, even more abnormal. I'm afraid to use it because I am afraid that other players will protest and cause Tianji Company to punish this Santa Claus.

Fortunately, Santa's ability to resist any attack from the player and to stun the player belongs to the profession itself. If it is also attached to the suit, I am really invincible.

On December 25th, a screenshot appeared on the forum. It was a "young Santa" sending gifts in Friendship City during the day. This quickly caused the blockade of Friendship City teleportation, and players flooded from various places. Come, let me unexpected.

I desperately escaped into a shop and changed my clothes as fast as possible, and I managed to avoid it. I do n’t have the ability of Santa Claus to be invulnerable. So many crazy players go together. It ’s terrible.

Friendship City is a mess, and in the forum, there are also a large number of players protesting the game bug, asking why only Santa Claus in Friendship City did not leave.

Fortunately, the twelve o'clock game auction conference is about to begin, attracting everyone's attention.

The auction site is located in the capital of the country with the largest game, "Central Plains", and is still broadcast live. At the same time, there are also major media reports on the spot.

Each city in the game has a large live broadcast screen. Sixteen screens show sixteen auction venues, but I don't need to look at the square.

Since the item "Devil's Fork" that I applied to participate in the auction this time is a grown-up god-level item, I was invited to the VIP room on the spot. Of course, I do n’t need to pay for the transfer fee. % Handling fee.

There are hundreds of millions of items registered for the auction this time, but after npc screening, only more than one million were selected. The lower grades are placed in the system to make a menu for the players to check the status of the auction, the best 30,000. Multiple pieces are auctioned on-site.

A total of sixteen auction sites were set up on the site, including artworks, books, gems, patented products, production materials, pet eggs, contract books, decorations, elixir, decorations and furniture, life professional equipment, weapons, combat professional clothing, Large equipment, mission intelligence and maps, miscellaneous.

Usually, there are consignment houses in major cities, and players advertise on the forums a lot, but there are always various reasons for some good things to exist without a suitable seller. At the same time, the players are located in different places, and the toll of several hundred gold coins is still a trivial matter. It is only a trouble when they are robbed, so this time is really a good opportunity for players.

Of course, putting equipment at this auction also has a reputation, because when these high-end equipment is auctioned, the name of the owner will also be reported at the same time, unless you do not want to announce it yourself.

Therefore, major groups also attach great importance to such auctions. They are often not really for those equipment. It is most important to show their strength and momentum at the auction. Billions of people around the world are watching live broadcasts. Advertising opportunities are rare.

The auction has begun, and a variety of treasures that are usually difficult to see have appeared on the scene, making players dizzy, and there are a lot of exclaims at the auction site. Every time the best treasures appear, hundreds of touted stickers will appear on the forum for the first time. Child, of course, does not rule out childcare arranged by the holders.

Of course, the items that are auctioned are more and more exciting, but the tens of thousands of items selected from hundreds of millions of treasures are no worse. After four hours of auction, the worst transaction price also reached 8,000 gold coins. One, in addition, there are also auctions directly with Worldcoin.

I now have a net worth of 15 million world coins. The treasury in Friendship City and my personal vault also have 200,000 gold coins, but I have the ability to buy some goodies.

I bought three books for 50,000 gold coins. One is a monk's intermediate skill, which can slow down the enemy's blood recovery. One is a farmer's method book "How to Plant a Fountain Tree." One is a dance. The "Qi Qi Wu" map used by the author is intended for dancing and killing.

I also spent 20,000 gold coins to buy a set of more advanced painter equipment, adding a total of third-class painting skills and improving the painting effect by 7o%. The shock of the **** painting in the war was too deep.

At this time, the atmosphere of the auction has become more and more fierce. In the contract auction house, a 14o-level double-shielded soldier has appeared. The pet egg auction has also appeared the first third-order boss pet, and a marble statue in the art auction house is even more. It was sold at a high price of 360,000 gold coins.

Finally, my Devil's Fork appeared at the weapons auction.

Divine growth equipment! The audience was boiling!

There are only more than 400 sets of god-level growth equipment in the entire game. There are only more than 10,000 single-piece god-level equipment scattered throughout the country. It is only in dozens of cities that a player has a god-level equipment. People have not even seen the shadow of a god-level suit.

Although "Devil's Fork" did not indicate which occupation's equipment and its attributes were unknown, the shouting price of the auction still kept ringing, only three minutes later, and the price had climbed to 800,000 gold coins.

However, buying an artifact worth eight million world coins may not reach anyone's limit, and the next auction will be less intense. After all, there are still many better things behind.

At this moment, an impatient voice sounded: "I give out a million gold coins!"

The audience was quiet for a while. Although some young masters felt that this person had grabbed their limelight, they were not interested in this and they did not continue to bid.

The npc shooter yelled: "One million gold coins for the first time! ... one million gold coins for the second time! ... If no one bids again, then this demon fork will belong to the player Mr. Saint King Now! "2k novel reading network

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