Revived Warrior

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Confrontation-4th

Chapter III Confrontation

When I heard the words of the Holy Devil, I was shocked, and finally, I met the Holy Demon Xueke in the game.

At this time, the large screen of the auction house gave a big close-up. A man with a full body of black armor was sitting in a luxurious private room. Next to him, he was a peerless beauty with gorgeous and elegant clothes.

This is Xue Ke's image in the infinite world. With a good-looking but slightly ordinary face, sharp eyes, a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, it seems to ridicule this world.

Compared with the shy face with exaggerated face and exaggerated expression before, this Saint Demon King seems to make people more chill.

My heart was clinging tightly. The last time the Holy Devil broke my soul and almost made me disappear from this world, but now, it is just a layer of black space under his casual cloth, which has kept me from getting trapped for months The absolute gap in strength between us makes me nervous.

However, a stream of air surged from the bottom of my heart, and I finally shouted, "1.1 million gold coins!"

The sound transmitted through the loudspeaker to the entire auction site and the world seemed firm and decisive, and even I felt a little incredible.

At the same time, the system asks: "Your auction amount has exceeded one million gold coins. Do you disclose your identity?"

I chose to make it public, and the image on the big screen immediately switched to my image. Without the system registration, many players have already exclaimed: "It's the Warrior!"

I took a deep breath, since the words had been exported, indicating that I had officially entered the war, there was nothing to hide.

Devil's Fork is useless to me as a full-time person, indicating that people who can use this weapon can only be very advanced hidden occupations, which are unique in the game.

I checked the information of Saint Demon King on the forum. He is the only "magic" occupation in the game, and has touched several conditions, so he can cultivate five life occupations in total.

The so-called demon is probably the messenger of the demon faction. The devil is the fork of the devil. Is this devil fork matched with the "devil suit" of the devil?

Once he gets this devil fork, the power of the Saint Demon King will definitely increase greatly, no matter what, I will not let him succeed!

A black data stream hit my eyes almost at the same time the system announced my name. It was too fast. I couldn't escape at all. The data stream instantly entered my brain.

All my souls and intelligent programs gathered nervously, but the data flow was not as terrible as imagined.

An image of the Holy Devil appeared in his mind, and he stared at me coldly: "Tiansha Lone Star, no, now you should call you to fight with heaven, are you fighting me?"

I dared to meet the eyes of his soul without fear, and sent the message: "Yes! No matter how strong you are, I will fight you to the end!"

There is nothing to be afraid of. The demon king is my invincible enemy. I am full of hatred towards him. This hate will make people forget the fear.

Maybe, no matter in which aspect, in the game or the soul world, I am far less than him and can not even hurt him, but now I have a chance to fight him!

Let the demon king not get the devil's fork and cannot become stronger, this is my goal!

The holy devil looked at me, the shadow slowly disappeared, and after a while, a voice came out of his private room again: "1.2 million gold coins!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, the Holy Devil did not attack my soul this time. Want to come, today's auction site belongs to the place where game consoles pay great attention, and he doesn't have the courage to do too crazy here.

At this time, the auctioneers of a dozen other auction houses have consciously slowed down the auction rhythm, so that everyone can turn their attention to this. There are only a handful of transactions with more than 10 million world coins in the game. Even in the history of the entire game, the transaction record is only 24 million world coins, which was set recently.

After stabilizing my mood, I once again exclaimed: "1.3 million!"

But the Saint Demon had no intention to retreat. We called for two more rounds. I shouted 1.7 million before the Saint Devil stopped.

Suddenly I regret it. Is it worth it?

The Devil's Fork is my own. I shot it back. Although the loss was only 5.4% of the handling fee, the Devil's Fork was rotten in my own hands.

Who can use this fork other than the Holy Devil? Can he afford the price even with a second "magic"?

The strength of the holy demon king is already strong, even if he cannot get the devil's fork, I can't fight with him.

For hatred, lost nearly 20 million world coins?

Man, after all, is an animal of feelings. I am still firm in my choice. In any case, I cannot lose this battle!

When the auctioneer announced a second time of 1.7 million, the Saint King finally called out 1.8 million, and it became clear that this thing was very important to him.

I clicked the button and informed the auction house supervisor: "I want to conduct a mortgage auction."

Mortgage auction means that players can mortgage other items and real estate in their games to the auction house or seller.

The supervisor agreed to my request to mortgage the item to the seller and reminded me: "The value of the item you have mortgaged is evaluated by us, but whether the seller accepts it is his matter."

You do n’t have to worry about this, the seller is myself, can I disagree.

The auction house is very efficient. I quickly submitted my priest set to the evaluation: "Fight with the sky, a bidder wants to use a systematic priest set of three million coins as a collateral." Bid on your Devil's Fork. After the transaction is over, if the bidder fails to deliver the full bid amount within three days, the Mage Set will belong to you. Below are the attributes of this item ... "

Such a long string, except for the value of the shepherd's suit, made me pay attention to it. I smiled slightly, agreed to the mortgage, and then raised the bid price directly to two million gold coins.

I didn't expect that my smile was captured by reporters and later posted on the front pages of major media. Outsiders don't know that I mortgaged this time, so in their eyes, my smile means that I consider two million gold coins as a trifle, it is too chic ...

The auction scene was already boiling at this time, and the whole world is probably fiercely discussing this demon fork.

The fork itself is noticeable, and the two people participating in the auction are the focus of everyone's attention, especially when everyone is now the first two in the game's popularity list, they are all crazy.

Holy demon king, fighting with the sky, two equally mysterious characters, the same unknown background, also created a game myth, divided into six ends of the big and six, today finally stood together and confronted!

Could it be that both people know the real value of this demon fork?

Could it be that they are fighting for honor for who is the best in the game?

Could it be that ...

Fortunately, the name of the owner of the Devil's Fork was not disclosed after I applied, otherwise, the whole world would be stunned by my actions.

Bidding your own items to achieve the purpose of raising prices is not allowed in the actual bidding field, but the game company is waiting for someone to do so, so that they will get higher fees.

The auction continued again, and neither side did not hesitate too much, and has been raising the auction price to 4 million world coins!

Other auctions have already automatically stopped auctions, and everyone looked at the big screen with a choking expression.

The holy devil is always the face with a mocking expression. The light emitted from his eyes shows that he is not nervous, but instead finds the auction interesting?

The woman around Saint Demon is always so tender and touching, looking at the auction house with a quiet smile, and then looking at the Saint Demon with affectionate eyes from time to time, a little charming and noble temperament exuding from her almost makes all men Players have the urge to spit blood.

However, I was a bit uncomfortable to be followed by so many people. I closed my eyes and only increased the price after the Holy Lord asked for a price.

Actually, in the private room, others can't see me directly, but billions of eyes are watching me through the screen, and I really feel it.

This attention is different from the celebration party. At that conference, people were looking at me with the eyes of worshiping heroes, but this time, it was very complicated. I had jealousy, contempt, and ridicule of various negative emotions. feel.

But I still did n’t ask the system to stop giving me close-ups, because now it has evolved into another war, a war against the Devil King. If I hide, I lose the momentum.

In addition to pointing the camera between me and Saint Demon's two bags, from time to time, the faces of some game celebrities will appear on the screen.

The representatives of the major groups, especially those young men, have different expressions, but none of them are relaxed and natural. They were originally out of the limelight. Who wants to watch others play handsome here, can it not be depressed?

The most depressing is probably the invincible Poseidon of Greece and the Netherlands. The two of them couldn't help when they had more than two million gold coins. They stood out and asked for a few times, but when we raised the price to three hundred When more than ten thousand, they finally retreated.

In Greek mythology, the sea **** used a harpoon. Although Oris could not use it, he could use it as an "artwork" for collection. Invincible Poseidon is a fisherman profession, and he is afraid to bet that he can use this thing.

However, for good reason, it is indeed impossible for them to buy 30 million world coins for this piece of equipment.

Although the consortium behind them has huge assets, if they spend money in the game for no reason, they will also be criticized and criticized by the board of directors. Even their father may not be able to keep them.

A god-like growth-type equipment, once traded in the game for about five to ten million world coins, of course, there are exceptions, like the family who is so hungry and afraid to die, the fan of Fengshen only sold one million world coins , Was slaughtered hard enough.

6.2 million world coins! Crazy, completely crazy, maybe this number is nothing to the rich, but the key is that the target of the auction is just a piece of virtual equipment, just a bunch of data!

At this moment, a new voice sounded: "Seven million gold coins!"

Chapter 4: Staff of the Shepherd God

The audience was sensational again. On the big screen, the "Peer changed it", now the first player in the game level, the third player in the reputation list. His bid represents the world's Fupil.

With Peel's hundreds of billions of world currency's private wealth, 70 million world currency is too pediatric, and the audience suddenly became quiet.

Yes, the atmosphere came down all of a sudden, because Peel threw this money out and it was not worthy of discussion.

I laughed. It happened that my money was used up. Someone took over the best. I didn't believe that the Holy Devil had made the world rich.

The devil stopped for a moment and called out 7.1 million gold coins again.

Everyone's eyes turned to Peel on the screen to change it. This handsome young American coughed and smiled: "Hey, I'm just out to play, you two continue."

Disadvantage, this guy, he stepped in, and easily compared the two players on the top of our reputation list without paying any price.

It's like two people fighting each other on the road until they can't be separated. A bystander comes over and gently pulls them apart. Then they spread their hands: "I just want to try my strength and you can play next."

The simple action shows the powerful strength behind Peel.

The audience became quiet for a while, and it was very uncomfortable. I suddenly felt boring.

What are you fighting for? Defeating the Holy Devil, am I really happy?

Even if I "collateralize" Friendship City and other equipment on my body now, and replaced it with tens of millions of gold coins to overwhelm the Holy Devil, such a victory is unfair.

Every increase of 10,000 gold coins is equivalent to paying a handling fee of more than 5oo gold coins, which is too mean, but the Saint King pays real money.

In fact, even if the Saint King gets the Devil's Fork, his strength is improved?

I am eager to defeat the Saint King one day, but instead of winning under the condition of suppressing his strength, I should let myself improve faster to defeat a strong Saint King evenly!

I looked up. On the screen, the devil still had the smile, but I saw his frown frown slightly.

The Saint Demon King has a county territory and several well-presented cities. It is said that he also has a high level of business, but it is very difficult to earn more than 7 million gold coins in such a short period of time.

At this moment, the beautiful woman suddenly stretched out her hand like a greasy jade, and put it lightly on the hand of the Holy Devil. Her gentle and clear eyes also seemed to say to the Holy Devil: "I support you."

Seeing such a scene, my heart finally receded.

I put my body on a chair and closed my eyes quietly listening to the auctioneer's call, but my heart was no longer excited.

Finally, the last bid was completed, the gavel sounded, and the auctioneer announced that the Devil's Fork belonged to the Holy Demon King!

In this confrontation, I still lost. I lost to my old enemies in the face of the whole world, but somehow I had the joy of winning a big battle, and there was a feeling of being there.

Yes, I have overcome, I have overcome my hatred, impulse, and meanness. In fact, hitting the enemy is no happier than feeling your own growth.

Of course, there is another reason for happiness, that is, I sold ten times the price of a thing I ca n’t use, and the injustice is still the **** of the holy demon hahaha!

The holy devil won, but the reason he won was not himself, but because of me, this time, it was me that affected his destiny! Although only a little bit.

Since then, the items have become more and more exciting. Twenty-seven items of God-level equipment, three of which belong to the same suit, this time once again attracted the auction **. In the end, these three items were 4.6 million gold The price was changed by Peel.

But there is something stronger in the equipment category, that is, two growing earthenware and the first growing earthenware in the game.

The owners of these three pieces of equipment were not announced. Later, players have been rumored that these three things were brought out by Tianji Company, but they cannot be confirmed.

The two earthenwares were sold for 5.1 million and 5.05 million gold coins, respectively, and were obtained by Mars and Purple Tianlong, respectively. The starting price of the heavenly tools was eight million gold coins.

This is a "cloak of night". It is not limited to occupations, with a total of five final skills, and the effect of increasing the skill level of each of eight different occupations. In other words, players of a certain occupation wear this cloak, in addition to By upgrading one skill in this profession, you can also gain the skills of the other seven professions.

In the end, Peel changed to 150 million world coins to become the ultimate winner, and the six major groups participating in the bidding just became his foil.

The champion item in the art category is a holy angelic picture scroll with twelve angels, which is lifelike. At the same time, this picture also comes with some special effects. This painting can sell for three million world coins. In fact, it was because in the battle of Tiepingguan, my **** painting brought too much shock to players.

The winner of the pet egg is a "Raksha witch egg". The humanoid pet was originally the rarest and hottest, and this pet egg was an eighth-order boss. Therefore, it was eventually sold to a famous **** for six million gold coins. The prodigal took it and gave it to the gorgeous enchanting lover beside him.

According to data from the official website, the game now has about 600,000 boss-level pets, 150,000 or more in the second-order, 60,000 in the third-order, 15,000 in the fourth-order, 15 thousand in the fifth-order, 300, six-tier, and seven-tier bosses. There are only 21 pets, and Takeda Murata's Hachichi serpents are among them. There are currently only four of the eighth-order, including the purple dragon, and the nine-order pet only has the dark demon dragon that belongs to the demon king. .

And I, Xuangui's sixth-order boss and chubby first-order boss, are not worthy of their prestige first status. However, I don't think my pet is worse than people.

Of course, pets that have not reached the boss level also have some good abilities, such as Bai Yu and the mutant evil eagle that I do not stay, and my hills.

There are many other auction items with a transaction price of more than one million gold coins, and after I got the seven million gold coins of the Saint King, I also bought what I wanted most.

"The staff of the shepherd **** can grow to the level of God, dedicated to the herdsman profession, improving herding, animal training, and various soil system spells to reduce the growth time of herding objects by one-third. . "

In addition, according to my current level, the staff of the shepherd **** is displayed as a jade, and the added magic attack power and mp are equivalent to the ordinary starcraft staff.

The most important thing is that with this staff of the shepherd god, my shepherd **** suit is truly complete. The original shepherd **** suit has finally been displayed as a jade, and my ability has been improved.

Since there are already several hidden herder occupations among the new players, these players have been recruited by the big groups, so this staff of the shepherd **** still has some group bids, but when I directly out to one million gold coins, I got Got it.

In addition, I was excited to shoot two gems, one is "Rhino Soul", which can be inlaid on the rod of the **** of shepherds, and it can graze the attacking monster rhino.

The other is the pupil of Vulcan, which I have long been craving. It can be embedded in the eye of Vulcan, which greatly enhances the power of Vulcan.

These two gems cost me only 300,000 gold coins, mainly because there are relatively few competitors.

The auction conference is finally over, but the follow-up impact of this conference is quite significant.

Because of my crazy bidding with the Saint Demon King, it directly stimulated all subsequent artifact auctions, and it also formed a speculative atmosphere in the game. Since then, the transaction prices of many advanced game items have become more and more valuable. In other words, prices are skyrocketing.

The greater impact is that many large groups that had originally dismissed the game ’s money, after watching the live broadcast of the auction, finally enthusiastically entered the game, started buying professional players and cultivating new players.

As a result, a large number of amateur players have also increased their online time, and even spent all their spare time on games. Expecting luck someday, they will also explode an artifact and leave the life of the working class.

For me personally, the reputation in the game has increased a lot. According to the analysis of some game "masters", I only have one city, and the total income in the game should be no more than 2 million gold coins, but this time The asking price of one of my items was as high as more than 6 million gold coins, which really surprised them. Since then, I have been included in the ranks of billionaires, and some people have speculated whether I would be a billionaire or billionaire.

Leaving the private room and heading for the free teleportation array set up at the auction house, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind, the voice of the Saint King: "Fight with the sky, thank you."

I paused, but immediately came to understand that the Holy Devil may be the "person" who knows me best in the world. He should know that I finally gave up the auction. It was not because I had insufficient financial resources or regretted money. He should understand my thoughts.

The voice of the holy demon sounded again: "Next time we meet, we are still enemies. However, I don't want to see you still as garbage, I want a decent opponent! Work hard!" 2k novel reading network

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