Revived Warrior

Vol 6 Chapter 5: Another World ~ 6th

Chapter 5: A Different World

After the auction, I did n’t set the gems or learn the skill book. I did n’t go to exchange the gold coins for world coins. Instead, I immediately quit the game and returned to my soul space.

I don't know how many times I have faced this darkness, but I don't know why. When I face it today, I have a new feeling that I can no longer feel its hostility and threat.

What is going on here, is it that the Holy Devil changed this space?

The last words left by the Holy Devil in my mind, although spoke in a vicious tone, made me feel indescribable.

It was these words that suddenly made my hatred of him and that little fear deep inside blurred.

The relationship between us seems to suddenly change from the enemy to the ordinary opponent relationship. It seems that there is no resentment between us, just that God wants us to fight against each other.

In fact, apart from letting me fall asleep, the holy devil didn't know what crimes he had committed. At least from the discussion on the forum, he didn't seem to have done anything bad. And he would seal my soul at first, in fact, he was still trying to protect himself, which did not prove his evil.

Consider the situation just now, there is a woman who supports him so much and admires him. I am afraid he is still a good man. In fact, I have to admit that the temperament and grace displayed by the Saint King at this auction is really outstanding.

But how can I make this hate go away? Does he keep me from waking up for twenty years, involving my parents, just forget it?

I don't allow myself to think about it any more, just keep reminding myself to hate the holy devil, I must hate him, and I will try to be strong and eventually destroy him!

I continually attacked the black space and cast the green sea, but this time it was really different, I felt as if I were attacking myself.

It's like a person with a rotting body trying to cut off his dirty parts, and each knife will make him painful.

This is not ordinary pain, but painful. The stronger my attack, the stronger the pain. In the end, it makes me feel like I am broken.

After absorbing various intelligent programs, as they merge with me, I have always thought that my soul is getting stronger and stronger, and the black space seems to be getting weaker and weaker. The day when I get out of sleep is approaching every day, but Now I suddenly feel desperate!

The Vietnam War was getting worse, and I finally stopped and re-entered the game.

It took me a long time to get rid of the irritability. I forced myself to start working, and sat in the teleportation array to the cities of the Witch God Kingdom for more than an hour before I found the seeds of the fountain tree.

Back in Friendship City, using the fountain tree planting method, these seeds were planted on the square of Friendship City and beside the farmland outside the city.

Friendship City belongs to the northwest and lacks sufficient water, so although I promised that the **** of the city would build a city that does not harm nature, but protects nature, Friendship City is actually better than other cities in terms of greening.

According to the records, the fountain tree is a very precious tree species. In addition to absorbing groundwater with a strong root system and spraying it on the ground, it can also absorb water stored in the air. Its function is not only to beautify the city, but also to greatly Promote agro-forestry exhibitions.

After I planted the fountain tree, the fog shadow also helped me catch a total of hundreds of two rhinos. Famil had already built a rhino farm and forcibly locked them in.

Although I have a full set of herdsmanship equipment, and the "rhino soul" is inlaid on the staff of the herd, it is very difficult to domesticate these attacking monsters. It took me a few hours to let these rhinos listen. I ordered.

At this time, the system announced: "The other world system is officially open. Players please check the game help to understand the other world system."

I immediately opened the game help, and the game description I saw opened my mouth.

This alien world system turned out to be a part of the infinite world adapted from various classic online games.

The first adaptation is from various game companies acquired by Tianji Company. After ten years of history, there will be 6 new adaptations in the future.

Since it is now running for the first time, these games are placed in a different world first, and after a period of time, if there is no problem, these game worlds will appear as a city in the infinite world.

At present, players can pay transfer fees in different world teleport arrays in major cities and enter the games they want to go to.

After entering the other world, the player ’s equipment pet level skills are still valid, and they can still gain experience and items. In order to encourage everyone to play the new system, the system also increased the explosion rate and increased the experience value by 1% in the other world.

The original monster levels and attributes of these old games have been converted to the setting of the infinite world. The ultimate bosses of some larger games have been changed to bosses above 16o in the infinite world, and the ultimate equipment has also been changed to With holy artifacts and even artifacts.

Looking at the familiar game names in the game help, my heart seemed to jump out.

In these games, I used up most of my youth, how many beautiful and painful memories emerged, and I felt like I was in a dream.

These twenty years are basically a dream to me, and the first twenty-five years of my life are not like a dream. Those memories are like being born yesterday, but so far away. Can't touch.

If someone is old, someone tells you, giving you a chance to go back to the past, you can see that you were a young and beautiful lover, you can go back to play childhood games, and hold your heart to ask adults How would you feel for a dollar to buy your favorite snack?

It is a feeling of travelling through time and space, and the imagination alternates with reality, making memories come true.

I can't hold it anymore, and I don't need to press 捺 to rush to the new world teleportation formation in the city.

The teleportation array was already full of players, and the haze and the old guys in his gang were all at the forefront, one by one, so that other young players were surprised.

How can young people understand our mood, but similarly, how can fog shadow and other old players understand my mood?

They are just looking for dreams, looking for memories in their youth, and I have to find myself.

No matter how my soul grows, I still ca n’t clearly feel the existence of that “I” twenty years ago. Although I have the same body, “Fighting with Heaven” and “Lone Star” seem to be two A completely different soul.

In the past, I was so cold and arrogant and even ruthless, but now I am different in many places.

It's hard to say which "I" I want to be, but I have to find it.

Only by going through what I have experienced in the past, may I get my soul back? It's as if a person with amnesia needs relatives and friends to talk about the past in front of him repeatedly, play songs he likes to hear, and say what he said.

I am not a memory loss person, I am a soul loss person, I must have lost some souls in the past world.

Players disappeared in the teleportation array, and finally it was my turn.

Faced with the names of thousands of different worlds in front of me, I have been unable to choose for a long time. Where should I go?

The game world that I am most eager to go to is of course the "Devil World" that has made me sleep for twenty years, but there is also the place where I am most afraid to face.

The shadow in my heart is something that is difficult to explain. No matter how brave a person is, he has something to fear or something he doesn't want to face.

After all, I did n’t choose Devil Realm, but instead I entered the game “Indiana Jones” that I played in my middle school.

The picture of this game was really not good at first. Although it was good in the three-d games of that era and the game npc was also good in intelligence, it was quite rough compared to the infinite world and even the "Devil World".

I was heading for that rough, it was a strange idea. In a completely simulated world like the infinite world, it can make players feel that life here is more interesting than reality, but because of this, the infinite world makes people forget the reality.

On the contrary, if I can play a rough game, can I feel that the game is false and that I am a person living in reality.

I need that feeling.

But my strange wish has not been achieved after all, because the treasure hunter has been transformed by the sea blue, and the quality of the picture has become the same level as the infinite world.

The npc intelligence and language of the game are also significantly higher than before. Although more playable, I am disappointed.

Riding on the fly, within a few hours, strolled around the place where the bosses in this game of Treasure are located, easily solved a few general-level bosses, exploded some good equipment, rose to 77, but I really feel Somewhat boring.

Although there are some corrections to the original shortcomings of these bosses, there is still no way to fight back in front of me. I easily occupied the best position, or introduced them to a dead place, otherwise, I got special from npc. The props restrained them, all of this is not much different from before.

The purpose of adding these new games to the infinite world is mainly to give old players a chance to nostalgia and attract players over 30 years old. If they change too much, they will not achieve their goals.

However, the six strongest bosses in the treasure hunt are all set as 1oo-level bosses in the infinite world. Although I know their weaknesses, I still can't kill them.

I didn't know how to play for a while, and the original excitement fell down.

I know these old games so well that even in those days, there were basically no people who could play as well as I did. For me, playing this way is really not difficult, and I can never find the excitement when I played these games for the first time.

In this case, I will use my advantage to kill more monsters and get some equipment.

Chapter 6 Jinao

I changed two games and did a bunch of high-level missions, killing dozens of bosses of sixty or seventy, including a boss of level 84 boss, bursting into a monthly bucket and many star equipment and Advanced materials. At the same time, my level rose to 8o in ten hours.

Although there are many players entering these games, the younger generation of players are basically unfamiliar with these games. They do n’t even know where the bosses are, and it ’s impossible to solve a boss just like me. Now everyone is just It's all over the world.

However, when those big groups have collected the data of these old games, I will not have much chance.

Must speed up, the next game: "Myth of Mountains and Seas".

He went to Taolin to cut down that Kwafami sacred tree, stole the faeces of the boss monster "呲 铁" (a weapon can be used) with his pocket, and killed a lot of boss monsters. Finally, I bought a watermelon at the fruit stand with 1o copper coins, and carved a human head to ** oss Xingtian on Changyang Mountain using carving to exchange two high-level gems: "God beads".

With my ability, the high-level tasks that can be done are almost the same as the boss that killed him, but I suddenly remembered Juao, who was carrying Shenshan.

In the game of mountain and sea myth, that giant Ao belongs to the first few ** oss. I don't know what attribute it has been changed by the host.

Ao belongs to the tortoise class, it should be a high-order boss in the same line as Xuangui. The last time Xuanwu saw my baby, he immediately helped it evolve into a sixth-order pet. If you go to this god, will you also Help Xuangui evolve once, at least it can reward some attributes.

Judging from some of the tasks done earlier, the host sea blue combines a lot of settings in the infinite world with these old games, and my idea is not ridiculous.

Half an hour later, I came to the "Bohai" side, and the scene in front of me stopped me.

Jin Ao, who was originally carrying the God Mountain floating on the sea, threw the God Mountain into the sea and appeared on the shore.

I hurriedly changed into a Pegasus and flew to a mountain to avoid being attacked by Jin Ao.

Jin'ao will not land automatically. You need to go to Long Bo Kingdom to do a quest, get a giant fishing gear from the giant, then hunt an alien beast boss above 6o level, make a bait with its meat, and go to the beach. For Jin Ao to use, Jin Ao will be hooked.

Now on the seashore, there is a player dancing the fishing rod, leading Jin Ao a little bit ashore.

Jin'ao's body reaches hundreds of feet wide. Although it is slow, both defense and health can be described in terms of terror. How can one take it with the strength of a player?

I threw out a reconnaissance technique, using a universal instrument and a combination of heart and mind, plus a scan of an intelligent program, I found out the result: "Jin Ao, 14o class seventh-order boss. The rest of the attributes are unknown."

14o level boss, this is not something that current players can deal with, is this person crazy?

But if he is a fool, how does he know how to hook Jinao?

I sent a reconnaissance and scan to the player who waved his fishing rod. It was dizzy and it was invalid. I couldn't see anything. The only thing that showed was that he was a player and not an npc. Looking at that player, he was about twenty-five or sixty years old. , The face is still handsome, but maybe there is little exercise, it looks thin and pale, and he is a fancy dress that can not see the profession and grade.

I do n’t know his age, how do I know the gameplay of the game more than 20 years ago, I remember this trick is a secret between professional masters, a few people we figured out at that time agreed to not disclose it.

Anyway, since he understands the game and dares to come fishing for Jin'ao, he must have his own set, so I sit down and watch quietly.

When the young man saw Jin'ao go ashore, he immediately called for a ... a broom?

Riding on a broom, the youth flew up into the sky and began to cast all kinds of magic towards the ground, ice-based fire-based electricity, all kinds of spells are available, and it turned out to be all advanced magic!

When did such a master appear in the game? Look at each of his magic falling on Jin Ao, it will cause thousands of injuries!

I really can't believe my eyes. The current players can single-handedly bully 14o bosses?

Jin Ao snarled again and again, spewing huge water columns, but the young man flashed over one by one. His agility was also quite high. A high-mind mage?

Unconsciously, the battle had been going on for more than ten minutes, and the youth had killed Jinao more than 200,000 hp, but Jinao still did not seem to be injured at all, but he was abnormally irritable.

The boss of 14o class thick blood type, hp million or more is for sure, I decided to stop watching it.

Suddenly, a clear and delicate voice sounded, "Brother, you have a meeting in half an hour, so let it go today, okay?"

I was startled and looked up. The voice came from another hill near me, a beautiful young girl in a blue coat.

Since there are more intelligent programs in my soul, the sensitivity to the surrounding environment is far beyond that of ordinary people. As now, there is a person next to me, which has never happened before.

In particular, the young girl's blue clothes flashed gorgeous and strange light in the sun, how could I not notice her?

Maybe I'm too focused on fighting?

At this moment, the young man in the sky gave a sigh, and it seemed a little unwilling to say, "Hey, I rarely have time to play for so long, I have done all the previous tasks, but the result still can't be completed. Hailan, help me find a way. "

Sea blue? This girl actually took the same name as the host, which really has character.

The girl Gege laughed: "Brother, didn't you say you don't want me to help? Then you think about it, you are a genius, you will think of it."

The young man looked to this side before he noticed my existence. Ah, he flew over on a broom, nodded to me, and then said to the girl, "You do n’t tell me if someone comes, let ’s go back. Come back and play again. "

I suddenly laughed: "Friend, there is actually a way to kill Jin Ao quickly. Do you still have a bait?"

The young man sang, looked at the girl, and then looked at me again: "Do you really know? You talk about it?"

I laughed: "We just put the bait on this mountain, and Jinao will be led to climb up the mountain. This mountain is very steep, Jinao will stand upright. Then, we wrap it around its neck and move backwards. Pull, it will fall on its back ... "

The young girl suddenly laughed: "Good way, there is a part of Jin'ao's belly without armor, so that his brother can beat him more than 3,000 blood at a time, and his four feet are facing the sky, and he can no longer fight back, brother. No need to dodge, you can kill it in twenty-one minutes. "

The young man looked at the girl in surprise: "Is his method better than you think?"

The girl pursed her head and nodded with a smile: "Yeah, I originally wanted you to attack its ears and eyes. I never thought about it, so heavy Jin'ao can be turned over."

After that, the girl threw an autumn wave at me, and all I felt was a hemp.

Now that we are very close, I can clearly see the appearance of this girl. There is no doubt that she has a perfect face that can no longer be perfect, her skin has no flaws, and she even has the feeling of crystal clear Like a porcelain doll, her blue eyes under her long eyelashes are extremely clear, but pure and full of temptation. Her nose and mouth show both charming and ingenious traits at the same time, coupled with her lovely shape and good figure, it can be said that it combines all the advantages of all beauties.

And the most terrible thing was her smile, every move, every look was so right, to the most itchy place in the heart of a man, I think, even a woman, can't help falling in love with her.

However, for some reason, I couldn't help but compare her with Zhao Xueer, Mingxin and Zifengling. The first feeling was that the beauty of this girl was not real.

This beauty, which can only exist in fairy tales, makes me feel a little uneasy, and faintly, I think of the feeling that Imei God gave me.

At this time, the young man came down from the broom, walked towards me, and smiled, "Seeing that you are about the same age as me, why do you seem to have played this game? This is an old game more than 20 years ago. You came to check the information specifically of?"

I grinned and said, "What's the matter, I accidentally flipped over an old magazine."

The girl came with a smile on her face, and her watery eyes seemed to see through me: "Hee hee, you're not honest, this method you said is not recorded in any magazine."

I smiled a little, yes, this method is my unique skill of that year, other professional players have never thought of.

I laughed: "Time is still a bit tight, don't chat anymore, kill Jin Ao quickly, don't let it come back to the blood, come, we will form a team, and I will use auxiliary spells to help you."

The young man hesitated, pondered for a moment, and finally said, "Well, join me."

In fact, with my strength, even if Jin Ao is standing on four feet, I can't kill it. My team experience with them seems to take advantage of them, but I really want to help him and make this friend. Looking at the expressions of the youth, although hesitated, I can see that it is not because I was divided by experience that I was not upset, but maybe I was thinking about other things.

I directed the youth to "apply to join the team" and the other party accepted. At this time, Jin Ao was attracted to the bait and climbed up the mountain.

Open the "Team" column and look at the properties of the siblings.

"Liang Bo, 15o class genius, hp ..."

"Sea Blue, Unknown Level, Unknown Occupation, Unknown Attribute ..."

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