Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Crossing

Flying madly, making my heart go to my throat.

I did not expect that Feiyang can produce such a powerful explosive force. Looking at the state of the mount, Feiyang is now in a state of blood.

Let me be happy for a while, thinking that it has evolved or alienated. In fact, Feiyang is now the ultimate form and it is impossible to evolve.

Only one hour, the jungle had appeared in front of him, and Fei Yang was also at this time, fell heavily to the ground, his mouth was spitting rough gas, and its **** state had passed.

I leaned down and stroked Fei Yang's head with heartache, rubbing the **** sweat on it, and felt Fei's weakness.

I do n’t have time to care about it now, I will fly back to the pet space, rush to the forest, and shout: "The army of the king is coming soon, Fanxue! Jack! History! Go and report to Shepherd, this time They came with an evil spirit! "

After dozens of calls, without any response, I was attacked by several monsters. I wanted to go deeper, but accidentally hit a lasso, which is a masterpiece of the hunter!

After the lasso hung me in the air, an arrow rain shot me half dead and poisoned me.

I shouted, detoxifying myself, and then summoned Qiu Qiu to shoot me a lasso.

I just fell to the ground, a pain in my chest, a dagger stuck in my chest, and before I could react, the Qiuqiu in the air had suddenly become white light and disappeared.

So fast! In a moment, he killed Qiu Qiu and then resisted me.

The man in black was Jack the Assassin.

The dagger was half a minute into the flesh and did not go deep, but with a little bit of force, it could instantly pierce my heart!

I shouted, "Did you just hear what I said just now! I'm here to report, this is true!"

Jack flashed a faint blue in his eyes behind the mask, and a somber voice rose in my ear: "I heard it, it is true, so I want you to die."

The white light flashed, and I returned to the resurrection point of Friendship City.

Just hang up? I can't believe what was just born.

Just now, definitely not my illusion, but that Jack is a traitor in the village of the world left!

This is not uncommon. Shefel may have a high charm to allow his men to work for him for ten years, but he cannot let everyone be willing to live such a lonely life.

Maybe Jack didn't rebel in the past, but only recently got tired of the life of the dead, and can't see the meaning of such a life, only to become greedy for the glory and wealth outside.

With Jack's ability as an assassin, he could not help the king's army to pass through the virgin forest surrounded by monsters. Therefore, he waited until the evil spirit appeared.

Perhaps the one who told the king was Jack, not the executioner!

The king got the evil spirit, and there was a traitor inside. The village of the dead world is too dangerous this time!

Is it too late for me to rush, maybe not, but I must do my best!

Due to the death once, Fei Yang can call again, but looking at Fei Yang's tired body, it has not recovered.

I suddenly gritted my teeth and stroked Fei Yang's neck: "Fei Yang, I'm sorry!"

"Long River Sunset"! Pushing Fei Yang against the city wall, I moved the forced attack mode, and a series of numbers rose from the top of Fei Yang's head. In the eyes of surprise and sadness, Fei Yang was killed by myself.

Before I get too sad, I rush to the Temple of Light and pay the gold coins to bring it back to life.

After the pet is resurrected, various states will be restored, but each time the pet dies, the friendly value with the owner will drop. Killing the pet with my own hands, the friendly value will plummet. On the other hand, too frequent deaths are said to affect pet life.

After the resurrection, flying, looking at my eyes, with a kind of panic and atrophy, made me particularly uncomfortable, but for the village of the dead, I have no choice.

Struggling to soothe the flying, and resurrected Qiu Qiu, I rushed to the town again in the teleportation array.

There are still some iron armored guards in the town. This time, I don't know how many men the king used.

The trick was repeated. I drove through the siege circle, and then desperately urged it, scolded it, and wanted it to explode its previous strength.

The voice of protest in Fei Yang's mouth and the trembling in my body really made me very sad.

Is it right for a pet to recover from a mistake made by a host?

Is it because Feiyang is my pet, and because it can be resurrected, I can ignore its feelings?

Just when I was about to give up, Fei Yang sighed in anger and started a long-distance sprint again.

Although this time the sprint was still so rushing, I obviously felt Fei Yang lost that momentum.

However, I still passed by the Guards Corps and escaped the chasing and blocking. After an hour, I rushed out of the jungle again.

I can no longer walk from the ground, put away the flying fly, I drove a Pegasus to the sky, but behind me, a sharp scream came, and the pterosaurs chased me!

There were only a dozen pterosaurs approaching in the distance, and probably the hundreds of knights had scattered around the jungle.

The degree of Pegasus below is far less than that of pterosaurs, and my combat strength, don't even think about competing with pterosaur knights with an average level of 12o.

The horses flew forward, and in front of them were large groups of birds and beasts.

Put on the Santa suit and go about a third of the way. As the monsters get higher and higher, the suit has little effect on them.

The only good thing is that the chaser behind me was also blocked by monsters, and there was a short distance from me.

I have never given up calling loudly, but neither the animal trainer Fan Xue on the ground nor the arrowhead Yuhua in the sky have appeared. I also tried to give these npbsp; messages, but the system prompt was invalid. Perhaps, the village of the dead world has their own transmission system.

Relying on a few people to defend such a wide area was originally impossible. Usually, the person responsible for patrolling should be Assassin's Jack. Only advanced assassins can have such a wide range of reconnaissance and action capabilities, as well as extraordinary Spiritual sense.

Once Jack deliberately does not send a message, it is difficult for others to see the crisis.

In fact, on the other hand, if the king wants to buy a person in the village of the dead, the most promising is Jack, because all the outside information, Jack is the first to know.

My voice has become dry and it reminds me of my musical skills.

The general ordered. Although the quality of the drum I use now is far worse than that of Thor's drum, the power of the Divine Comedy is different, the monsters dodge, and the chaser behind me can't help slowing down.

The sound of drums spread between the heavens and the earth, and was quickly absorbed by the heavens and the earth. Drumming in such a vast space made me feel small.

The general order was not omnipotent. When I flew forward a further distance, all the birds were crying, and the wind of many flying beasts began to fight back at me, and I spit out blood.

The Divine Comedy was cracked, and the Pegasus wailed and turned into white light. I had to summon one more.

But the continuous tweets pierced into my mind, even if I turned off the hearing, it didn't help, the blood volume began to drop quickly, and Pegasus kept falling down.

At the critical moment, I desperately stabilized my emotions and listened carefully to the various tweets.

Although some of these birds are not good at sound killing, the sound of their combination has infinite power. Just like the waves, the invasion and endlessness make my soul tremble and become unsustainable.

This may be the harmony of music. As long as it is well coordinated, harmony is far more attractive than solo. Thousands of birds, who have lived together for many years, have already practiced a "music array" for themselves!

Even the Divine Comedy, in the hands of semi-toned musicians and ordinary instruments like me, is far from being the opponent of this large array.

Sound killing is perhaps a more uncomfortable way than any attack. This sound really makes people crazy, not just me in the game, but also my nerves in reality.

Instead of hanging up by myself, I am most worried about it now.

After the chaos behind the pterodactyl knights, they have hurriedly retreated, and because I have used the general order, I can't find any power to produce large skills now.

In the gradual loss, my mind suddenly appeared the audio knowledge taught by Ao Gu.

To crack the other party's music, of course, it disrupts the integrity of his music, but sometimes, it is necessary to enter the other party's music.

I think of Banjo's use of oral skills to attract beasts, of my step into the yogi, and of my process of absorbing black energy.

I merged my heart into the "Music Array", struck the war drum gently, and imitated the birds' tweets in my mouth.

The second Pegasus finally turned into white light, and I replaced the third Pegasus.

The pressure of the closed world's tweets gradually reduced, and I knew I finally succeeded.

It is exciting to go up against the current in the rapids, but conforming to the water is the real way to win. The ancients have known this for thousands of years.

But to conform to the current, not to follow the flow, but to use it.

With the system prompt: "You have learned" Bird Whispering. "The birdsongs around finally slowly subsided.

In the infinite world, when the player's skills and occupations meet certain conditions, and he has a high level of understanding, and performs certain behaviors in a specific environment, there is a certain chance to realize some low-level skills.

Ban Zhuo and other oral skills, Ban Zhuo also learned by himself.

Although bird vocabulary is only a very low-level skill, even if it is trained to a very high level, it can only ease the hostility of some ordinary birds. However, if it is used in conjunction with grazing and animal training, the effect will be greatly improved.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and now the Pegasus has descended to a height less than half a meter from the crown of a tree, and almost fell into the forest and was surrounded by various unknown dangers.

I used bird speech all the way, and finally flew to about three-fifths of the jungle. All the monsters I faced were all above level 100. As far as I was looking, there were thousands of them. Bird speech could not move anymore. They, and my combat strength and Pegasus degree can not compete with them at all.

Looking at these monsters, I think I'm really poor. No matter how hard one tries, he will always have something he can't do. 2k novel reading network

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