Revived Warrior

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Rhythm

At this time, Yuhua, the Raptor Arrow, finally appeared. Although there was no Jack's information, letting an outsider so deep into the airspace that he could no longer detect it was almost the same as the dead.

I raised my last strength and told Yuhua the current situation in a husky voice. Yuhua listened silently, and finally said slowly, "Oh, ignorant people, your lies are not brilliant, and you say that you will offer evil spirits. To Charlsea, I believe, because you are a despicable person, but you say that Jack betrayed the village of the dead, but it is impossible! "

"At first, in order to show loyalty to Lord Sheffield and His Royal Highness, several of us gave vows to heaven and never betrayed. That was the highest-level vow in the world. The offender, even the soul, will be destroyed. Even if we die, we will follow Lord Shepherd! "

I can't help it, swear? Is this useful? In the face of the test of life and death, how fragile a sentence I said a decade ago.

Yuhua's longbow has been aimed at me forty feet away, and I feel that my whole body is locked.

Hearing from the Black Sea Eagle said that at first he had the feeling of being locked at a distance of eighty feet, and immediately launched an attack on the periphery, rushing out forty feet, but was still hit by an arrow.

This is an advanced skill for advanced arrowmen. Although it is impossible to name it, once it is locked, it is difficult to escape even if it is in the sky.

I took a long breath, and for the sake of my sins, lost two levels, am I relieved?

No, even if I had done it in Feiying Town at the beginning, although I lost one level in order to say what I should say, the guilt of Tu Yingjiao to the Iron Horse Cavalry Company was a pain in my heart forever. Can't compensate for that feeling at all.

So I can't die.

A seemingly ridiculous thought rose from my heart, and I suddenly put away the instrument and slowly settled.

I relax all my mind and body, let my soul and intelligent program extend infinitely all around, and look for the rhythm of this area.

Yes, rhythm, this day, this tree, this mountain, this beast, this wind, this person ... everything has a subtle and unified rhythm. This is the environment I used to sing with all birds. Realize it.

Fan Xue and Yu Hua, they can walk freely in the monster group and will not be attacked, because they have the same rhythm and will not be regarded as enemies by the monsters. For more than ten years, they have let them and the environment here Into one.

And I, relying on the experience of "the unity of man and nature" several times, relying on intelligent programs to become increasingly familiar with the programming method of the infinite world, I really found this rhythm!

I can't express this rhythm because it is too complicated. It may be a tens of thousands of bytes of code, but it is recorded by my intelligent programs.

It's like a password. Having such a password can pass the test and be recognized by the people and monsters from the forest.

Faced with the bow and arrow about to shoot, I closed my eyes and meditated like this, which was really weird, but it was very effective.

I do n’t know how long, Yuhua ’s arrow has not been fired. Finally, the arrow ’s energy disappeared. Yuhua slowly said, “I ca n’t feel the hostility on your body, you can move on.”

Hostile? I wasn't hostile at all. Yuhua was referring to the kind of breath I had when I was eager to break through the raptor protection net.

Yu Hua's thinking seems very simple. He didn't even rush back to report the message himself. Think about it. Only a person with a simple mind can reach the pinnacle of archery with no hesitation.

Flying all the way, I continued to maintain the rhythm I just experienced, while using Santa suit and bird vocabulary, I was never attacked again.

Can I use this method to take the world by storm?

Yes, there must be a similar rhythm everywhere in the game, which is some kind of verification code.

Players in a team can't attack each other's blood. Players with blood relationship can generate combination skills. Monsters of the same type will not attack each other. These are the functions of verification codes.

In reality, the relationship between animals and animals is not all judged by thinking. They often identify enemies and friends by smell. If a human is covered with the smell of an animal, they will even treat you as a kind.

In theory, as long as I can analyze the verification code of each environment and each monster, I can really go anywhere without being attacked.

Of course, the more advanced the place and the monster, the more complicated the verification code is. It is even possible that some verification codes are set to be unbreakable. If they are forcibly cracked, they may be regarded as malicious attacks by Hailan.

I don't know what this discovery will bring me. The most important thing in front of me is to rush to report.

Finally came to the village of the dead, and under the leadership of the villagers, she saw Sheffer for the second time.

Shepherd was looking deep into the jungle, and it seemed that his eyes were also anxious.

This npc with advanced intelligence must also have super intuition. What did he foresee?

I quickly said everything, and then waited quietly for Shefel's decision.

Sheffer didn't speak immediately, not even a little surprised expression on his face, but looked at me equally quietly.

For a long time, Sheffer said slowly, "That's how the mission is set."

"Task, setting?" These two words shocked me. Does this seem to be what npc said?

Shepherd didn't seem to be panicked about the imminent danger. He was still talking to me: "A few years ago, a fortune-teller came to the village of the dead and announced our destiny. Many years later, a 'player "Under the guidance of greed, give the heart of evil spirits to the king, and there will also be a traitor among us. The village of the dead world will be destroyed at this time, and everyone will be killed. This is what the Lord God has set for us. Ending. "

I stayed. Did "blue years" have counted everything to this day?

Probably not, Hai Lan just set such a task based on the human nature she knew. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to get the spirit of dispel evil and give it to the king, which may also be the only way.

Hai Lan may not be able to count Alices to give me the evil spirit, but sooner or later, the evil spirit will fall into the hands of players, but it is a positive fact.

Of course, the conditions of many advanced missions may never be met, so they are buried permanently. But it happened that I accepted the king's task, and that I knew Alisis and got his favor.

Sheffer suddenly burst into a weird smile: "If the fortune teller may be wrong, then the task window shown on me now shows the procedure given by the Lord God, but it is something that no npc can violate, and This procedure is to die for me, to destroy the village of the world left ... so you tell us that it doesn't make any sense, because fate cannot be changed. "

I stayed again. For the first time, the NPC told me what program the Lord God had set for them. Does this mean that Shepherd is the strongest intelligent program I have seen so far?

Shepherd's smile was even stranger, and gradually showed a kind of grief: "So, although I know Jack has rebelled, although I clearly feel the danger is coming, although I knew that day should not let you take away the evil spirit, but The mission is set like this, I can only wait for everything to happen like a fool! Hahaha! "

Desolate laughter rang throughout the dead village. The villagers looked at their leader in surprise, and the priestess Mei Yilin slowly walked to Sheffield and took his hand.

I can appreciate the hero's faltering. How can he be willing to accept such a fate with such intelligence?

However, npc is born to serve tasks, and this is the rule.

I suddenly shouted, "You guys are npc, but I'm not, I can change this task!"

Everyone looks at me. From their eyes, I can tell the difference between their intelligence, but everyone has the same desire, that is survival.

Intelligent programs with emotional and thinking abilities, like us humans, survival is the most important, but when they are in a very high-level task, their survival is subject to this task, and now I want to help them Break through this setting!

The setting of Hailan is only for the normal situation, she cannot take into account all the actions of the player.

Hai Lan only counted that the player would turn over the evil spirit, but she could not expect that I would desperately send a letter to the village of the dead world, she could not expect me ...

I screamed again: "Yes, in the setting of the sea blue, the tunnel is definitely not considered! The tunnel is mine, it is not part of the mission, the jungle is surrounded, but you can enter the tunnel to survive!" network

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