Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 453: There are always a few flies in this small world

Time always flies when we are busy. March in Yangchun flies by in the blink of an eye, and Meng Xia arrives quietly.

April 1st, April Fool’s Day in the West, Scholar Publishing House printed a big red banner in Chinese style on its official website:

Congratulations to "Room" for its global sales of over 30 million copies and its ranking at the top of the North American and European book sales charts for 30 consecutive weeks!

This news was picked up by media outlets around the world and kicked off the global promotion of the movie "Room".

Various versions of posters and trailers instantly covered all publicity channels, and promotional slogans and slogans also emerged in endlessly.

"When you walk out of The Room, you will see a different world!"

"There is no doubt that Hua Xiaqiu's movie is more exciting and touching than the novel!"

"The Hua Xiaqiu couple collaborated for the first time, Hathaway's first love as a mother!"

"For the sake of mother and child, please believe this story!"

The interview videos of the protagonists Hathaway and Jacob Jr. were broadcast on the TV network one after another, arousing the attention and discussion of many fans of the original work.

"Annie, it is said that you have been preparing for this movie for more than a year and participated in the creation of the entire novel and movie. Is this true?"

"Yes, when Qiu told me this story, I was deeply moved. I burst into tears and couldn't calm down for a long time. I had just become a mother at that time, and there was only one thought in my mind. I want to play this great mother. I want to Use everything I have to play this role well, it has nothing to do with anything else, I just want to do it, and I must do it!”

"So, you gave a soul-deep performance. Both Bruckheimer and Helen Mirren were amazed by your performance. What do you think of your performance in the film?"

"I am very grateful to Qiu for creating this role for me. Not only did I find everything about a mother in this role, but I also rediscovered the joy and satisfaction of being an actor. During the filming process, I fully realized the mission and mission of the actor's profession. Proud, it is no exaggeration to say that this is the sublimation of my soul in my life. I see more precious and priceless things, which are worthy of our lifetime to protect! ”

"Little Jacob, everyone says you are the most talented young actor. What do you think of your performance in the movie?"

"Hmm~ I don't know, but both Annie's mother and Qiu said that my performance was very good, and my father also said that my performance was great!"

"Before filming started, you lived with them at Qiu's house for more than a month. How did it feel?"

"Grandpa Qiu and Grandma Qiu are very good. I like them very much. Annie's mother has always liked me, and there is also Bernier. He is the funniest little boy I have ever seen. He loves to laugh and like make trouble!"

The enthusiastic promotion of "Room" in countries around the world has raised public expectations for the movie to a new level, especially among the many female book fans. Elizabeth and Tate's mother and son once again set off a wave of discussion.

But as the core character of the movie, the director and original author Shanhe has never shown up.

Even reporters with great savvy could not even find his whereabouts. It was not until mid-April that Shanhe appeared in the public eye again.

After nearly two years of planning and preparation, the filming of the movie "Operation Mekong" is finally about to begin.

On April 10, Chuhe Film and Television, China Film Group and Golden Shield Film and Television jointly held a grand opening press conference at the Chuhe Studio.

After receiving the news, reporters from various media at home and abroad packed the "Operation Mekong" press conference to a packed house.

Shanhe's movies have never been very fond of holding press conferences for the launch of their films, and they always start filming in a low-key manner, but this time they acted in such a high-profile manner. The reporters all wanted to find out, what is the difference between this movie and Shanhe's previous works, and what does it mean?

At the beginning of the press conference, the first person to speak was Xing Guowei, the producer representative of Golden Shield Film and Television, who was dressed in a police uniform. This gave the media reporters a very special signal.

""Operation Mekong" is a project initiated by Golden Shield Film and Television, jointly prepared and produced by Chuhe Film and Television and China Film Group. This is a film adapted from a real case. Three years ago, two Chinese merchant ships were attacked in the waters of the Golden Triangle of the Mekong River. A premeditated armed raid resulted in the death of dozens of Chinese crew members. The Chinese police attach great importance to it. The Chinese people do not tolerate infringement and slander by others. After many efforts, the Chinese police organized a task force to personally go to Southeast Asian countries to investigate and collect evidence. After nearly a year, Through the investigation and pursuit, all the criminals who committed crimes and framed the Chinese crew were arrested and successfully transferred to China to accept punishment from China. "Operation Mekong" was adapted from this case. Our police hope to use this film to pay tribute to The people of the country have expressed their determination: It is the bounden duty of the Chinese police to safeguard the safety and innocence of Chinese citizens, and we must be fearless and go all out!"

Xing Guowei's serious and awe-inspiring opening remarks not only made the Chinese reporters on the stage applaud, but also set the tone for the entire press conference.

"Director Xing, can you give us a detailed introduction to the project preparation status of "Operation Mekong"?"

"Operation Mekong has a different operating method from previous Golden Shield Films works. We teamed up with China Film Group and Chuhe Film and Television to operate the film in a full business model. This issue was discussed by Mr. Han from China Film Group and Yang from Chuhe Film and Television. The answer is always more appropriate!”

Han Shanping then took over the topic,

"Hello everyone, "Operation Mekong" is another commercial exploration project of Huaxia Film with a large investment. This project is expected to invest 600 million yuan. It will be directed by the screenwriter Shanhe, and will be jointly produced and distributed by Chuhe Film and Television and China Film Group. The filming and production period will last one year. It is expected to be released at the end of next year. We have great expectations for this film and hope that it will explore a new path for Chinese-language police action movies!”

Later, Yang Liu also made a speech on behalf of Chuhe Film and Television,

"...The project "Operation Mekong" is of extraordinary significance to Chuhe Film and Television. This film is not only a review and improvement of Chuhe Film and Television's film industry system, but will also expand Chuhe Film and Television's film production types. , in addition to large-scale fantasy and science fiction productions, we will get involved in more action and military themes in the future, and this is just the beginning!”

After several producers gave a general introduction to "Operation Mekong", the press conference entered the question-and-answer stage. Shanhe, who had not spoken until now, naturally became the focus of the reporters' siege.

"Shanhe, can you tell us your original intention of taking over the filming of "Operation Mekong"? Are there other factors involved in this project?"

Shanhe on the stage answered very calmly.

"Haha... don't beat around the bush, yes, this project is a national mission for me. I am honored to be the director of this film. It has always been my expectation to film major events of the Chinese people themselves. As a Chinese filmmaker , I am very happy with this task!”

"Shanhe, your works have always focused on integrating the tastes of Eastern and Western audiences, and have a strong international vision. Will taking on the main theme film this time cause some damage to your international influence?"

"I don't think so, and I don't care about other people's criticism. Everyone knows that I am a Chinese nationalist. I have never concealed this. "Operation Mekong" is just the beginning. I will focus more on domestic films in the future. In terms of subject matter, from a commercial film perspective, there is no conflict. There are no shortage of similar examples in Hollywood films!”

"Shanhe, do you think the main theme movie can also be a global bestseller? How high are your expectations for the box office of "Operation Mekong"?"

"Why not? Most of the Hollywood movies have the theme of Country M, including the Marvel Universe that is now rampant around the world. The West has their movie heroes who can save the world, and we also have ours! "Operation Mekong" will be a commercial It’s a film with enough elements that I have no worries about its commercial prospects!”

"Qiu, what are your expectations for the box office of "Room"? It is said that this is your Oscar-winning movie tailor-made for Hathaway. Is this rumor true?"

"This is the launch conference of "Operation Mekong". We will discuss the issue of "Room" after the conference!"

Reporters asked Shanhe questions one after another, and the questions were all kinds of. Shanhe dealt with them quite calmly, with almost no secrets. He didn't have many things to worry about now. As long as the questions didn't involve politics, Shanhe would answer them. Very simple.

Liu Ye looked at the boss's calm expression from the side and couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Look, this is a truly awesome person. He is extremely confident. You can feel the dignified demeanor and dignity of a citizen of a great country in him. tolerance!

As a popular fried chicken who had just become famous all over Asia because of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", Liu Ye was ignored by reporters for half an hour. After the reporters finished bombarding the mountains and rivers, they turned their attention to him.

"Liu Ye, this is the second time you and Shanhe have collaborated. How much are your expectations for this movie?"

"After filming "Bottom Girl", the boss has always taken good care of me. Our contact has never been broken. Of course I am very excited to work with him again. Do you still have to doubt his works? Just ask anyone, Everyone knows that his movies start with one billion dollars, and I think this time will be no exception!"

"Liu Ye, can you tell us about the role you played in the film this time? How confident are you in your performance?"

"The role I play in the play is an undercover anti-narcotics police officer. I am very confident in the role because the boss gave us several actors full preparations. Hong Lei and I have already trained two times in the SWAT base. For months, we have fully realized the dedication and persistence of frontline police officers, and also felt the weight behind this persistence. We are all deeply touched. I will try my best to play this role well to express my respect and respect for the hero. admiration!"

Sun Honglei is the most famous actor in the play besides Liu Ye, and is also one of the main targets of reporters’ questions.

"Sun Honglei, can you tell me how you got this role? How do you feel about being the protagonist of Shanhe's film?"

"Starting in Shan He's movie is a dream opportunity for all actors, and I was no exception. When I received the audition notice, I was very excited, but I didn't have much confidence in myself at the time. I relied on playing the villain. As a young man, playing the role of a SWAT captain is a huge challenge for me, but Shanhe gave me this opportunity. I will not let down his recognition, nor will I embarrass the hero in the play. I believe I can play this role well. Role!"

The launch press conference lasted for nearly two hours. The next day, major media around the world reported on Shanhe's new movie. It was not limited to film entertainment, but also provided various interpretations of Shanhe's answers.

Naturally, the domestic media was full of praise. A report by Dazhong Daily quoted one of Shanhe's answers to a reporter's question as the headline:

"China has its own heroes!"

"Dazhong Public Security News", "China Police", and "Sharp Sword" all reported the launch news of "Operation Mekong" on their front pages.

Various entertainment media also made headlines with the news of the launch of "Operation Mekong".

"RMB 600 million to create China's first large-scale production with the main theme of police and gangsters!"

"Shanhe takes over the national mission and opens eyes for the Chinese heroes!"

"Chinese-language films have reached a new investment high, with investment of over 600 million in "Operation Mekong"!"

However, Western media’s reports on Shanhe’s new work are full of doubts and pessimism.

The headline from the Hollywood Observer is:

"Hua Xiaqiu participated in government propaganda and lost the persistence of artists, which may usher in a Waterloo for his career as a director!

The "Times" report also reported the launch news of "Operation Mekong" in a disappointed tone,

"...After we have witnessed the rise of a peerless genius, we may be able to witness his fall again. Huaxia Qiu could have been greater, but he made a wrong choice. This is a sighing beginning!"

Because Shanhe declined the invitation to the Cannes Film Festival, the French media reported on Shanhe even more harshly.

"Hua Xiaqiu has been dazzled by past success. He is no longer the universally elegant artist and has become a propaganda tool for the government. His talent will be drowned in his arrogance!"

Not only newspapers and magazines, but many Western cultural trolls on the Internet also targeted Shanhe, questioning Shanhe's speech and choices based on their values.

At this time, the promotion of "Room" was at its peak, and some extreme Western netizens even shouted the slogan "Boycott Shanhe", which cast a shadow on the originally promising prospects for the release of "Room".

"Operation Mekong" became famous in Western society in another way.

Shanhe looked at the doubts and criticisms from various Western mainstream media, smiled crookedly, and dismissed them. He knew you would do this, and couldn't help but think of a poem by Mao Zedong:

In this small world, a few flies hit the wall.

Buzzing, a few screams, a few sobs.

The ants are attracted by the locust tree and exaggerate the country, but it is not easy for the earthworm to shake the tree.

In the west wind, fallen leaves are falling in Chang'an, and dysprosium is flying in the air.

Many things are never urgent;

The world is turning and time is running out.

ten thousand years is too long, fight for now.

The four seas are churning, clouds and water are angry, and the five continents are shaking with wind and thunder.

Wipe away all pests and become invincible!

You guys, buzzing and squawking like flies, can still stop the pace of the times. I am reborn. Ten years later, even if you become vicious dogs, you will not be able to stop the strong rise of China. The great man said it well!

Wipe away all pests and become invincible!

"Ah Hui, there's no need to collect these messy things. Let's do our thing and let them buzz and scream!"

"Boss, Mr. Bruckheimer just called. He is a little worried that this public opinion trend will affect the box office of "Room"!"

"You're nothing to worry about! Just reduce the box office and I'm not a tool for them to make money!"

"Boss, do you need us to start crisis public relations?"

"No need, what kind of crisis is this? The real crisis has not yet come. Let's get used to it first! Sooner or later we will have to face the rebellion and suppression of Western society. We don't have to tolerate them!"

"I see!"

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