Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 454: Eliminate all harmful insects and become invincible

The launch conference of "Operation Mekong" did cause some trouble for Disney, which is currently promoting the film.

The news that Shanhe has taken over the production of a large-scale domestic theme film, and his candid speech at the press conference, directly touched the sensitivities of the mainstream Western cultural circles.

They have always been accustomed to being aloof and leading the world with Western values. They always look at the Eastern cultural circle with a sense of superiority, and even have the illusion that Shunchang will perish. Nearly a hundred years of leadership has filled their consciousness with explosions. Hu's arrogance:

If you want to become famous and win awards, you must obey our values. Your honor is given by us, and you can also take it back!

What Shanhe did was regarded as a kind of rebellion in the mainstream Western cultural circle, and it hurt their inexplicable sense of superiority.

As a result, major European and American media and some mainstream writers began to question and judge Shanhe.

Shanhe didn't care about these bullshit Western criticisms. What made him a little angry was that some domestic media and public intellectuals also began to praise the stinky feet of Europe and the United States and made some weird comments. Although Shanhe was not named by name, others The perspective and goals are clear.

"The duty of writers and literati is to criticize reality and to use the sobriety of bystanders to alert the public, rather than to succumb to power and serve as a cover for the ruling class!"

"Literati need to have their own character. The result of blind flattery can only be degeneration and vulgarity!"

"When an artist loses his perseverance, he will no longer have the soil for his talent to be born, and will inevitably usher in decline!"

Originally, Shanhe had no time to deal with these disgusting flies wearing Western green hoods. He was busy filming the Beijing scenes of "Operation Mekong" and was also taking the opportunity to get along with the huge crew.

Perhaps a video Ah Hui showed him changed his mind. Some pests had to be killed immediately. Keeping him was really nauseating!

This video is a talk show column planned by Komatsu Gao on a certain website. In the video, Fatty Gao holds a fan in one hand and thinks he is cool. He makes casual comments about historical figures, criticizes current ills in reality, and talks nonsense.

It seems that he is laughing, scolding and not following others, but in fact, he is full of the flavor of a slave who admires foreign things.

Perhaps because he felt that Shanhe would not pay attention to or care about his programs and remarks, Komatsu Gao criticized Sang Huai in his program for a program called "Geniuses in Chinese History".

In the program, some famous geniuses in Chinese history were ridiculed and satirized.

"...the genius literati in China all have a problem, that is, they like to be officials, learn literature and martial arts, and sell them to the emperor's family. This has almost become the success standard for Chinese literati. The highest goals of Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Tang Xianzu, Xu Wei, etc. are all Being an official always takes power as the highest goal, and this is still the case today. This is a helpless sadness for literati. China should have more geniuses like Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci, who despise authority and insist on the truth. What a genius should do!”

After Shanhe read for a while, he smiled contemptuously with a crooked mouth. Xiaosong Gao has long been a bad name on the streets in later generations. Now it's okay to use his past name to deceive ignorant young people. After all, everyone still doesn't know his background. In fact, someone has played the role of Komatsu Gao in the show for a long time, but some capital has been helping him cover it up for profit and some impure purposes!

Okay, since you want to take advantage of my enthusiasm so much, then I will help you!

The next day, Shanhe's Weibo was updated with a new blog. He was not secretive like those famous public figures. His style was to speak his mind directly.

"Recently, many European and American media have criticized me verbally, but I don't care. I understand them. To them, it is the original sin for Chinese literati not to abide by their values. But many domestic literati also followed suit, and I don't understand it!

Literati indeed have the attribute of criticizing the current ills, but they also have the responsibility of promoting truth, goodness and beauty. You praise the main theme culture in the European and American cultural circles and praise Western patriots. But why do you change your face when you come to China? When are you patriotic? And promoting Chinese heroes has become degenerate and vulgar? Where is your conscience and what is your purpose! China has stood up, but you are still kneeling and begging for food from others. I really feel sad for you, and at the same time I despise your shamelessness!

In addition, Xiaosong Gao, a citizen of Country M who belongs to Country M in terms of nationality and body and mind, came to China to talk about your abandoned ancestors and used it to make money and brainwash you. What qualifications do you have? It is simply shameless. It is no exaggeration to say that you are a traitor! "

As soon as Shanhe's Weibo was updated, his nuclear bomb-level influence in the country began to explode. Just a few words turned into a huge fly swatter, shutting up all the buzzing flies.

Just a few sentences set off a frenzy against refined intellectuals on the domestic Internet. What Shanhe said was right and serious. When did patriotism become a mistake, and when did praising heroes become vulgar?

Xiaosong Gao, the name pointed out by Shanhe, became the target of public criticism. His details and inappropriate remarks in the past were immediately revealed by netizens. Shanhe was right. How could an M countryman who had abandoned his ancestors speak nonsense in front of the public? , why should he wantonly belittle the heroes and talented literati in Chinese history? The most infuriating thing is that he actually thinks that it is normal and reasonable behavior for Neon people to pay homage to the "Yasukuni Shrine", and he has even gone to pay homage in person!

Is this guy still from China?

Komatsu Gao's Weibo official account was scolded by angry netizens that day, and his nonsense program was immediately blocked. Shanhe directly defined him as "traitorous behavior".

His past titles such as "musical talent" and "artistic male god" were all replaced by "traitorous literati". There is no poetry in his distant place, only hesitation!

Overnight, Xiaosong Gao became the scum of China that everyone shouted and beat. He no longer had the disdain in his eyes or the sense of superiority on his face, and his whole person fell into regret and decadence.

How could Shanhe do this? We are all literati, elites, and the same kind of people in the same circle. Aren't you, Shanhe, also making a lot of money in country M? You wouldn't have gotten to this point!

Xiaosong Gao never expected that Shanhe would directly name him and scold him with contempt. People like him always think that others are exquisite egoists like him, without persistence and bottom line, and only looking at interests!

What should he do? He knew that to Shanhe, he was just an insignificant creature with no sense of existence, and could not shake a single hair from them!

He could only turn to the capital and website behind him, but the answer he got made him despair!

"Xiaosong, you'd better go abroad for shelter. It's not that we won't help you. Shanhe is not someone we can handle. You also know his influence, not to mention that he still has several behemoths in his hands. Don't say You and even us can't bear his revenge. If you save some money, you can live on for the rest of your life. If you are unlucky, you have to bow your head when you should!"

"No, you guys also had a hand in planning this show. If something goes wrong, I can't handle it all by myself!"

"Why, you still want to drag us into trouble, then you probably won't be able to stay in country M!"

"I didn't mean that!"

People like Xiaosong Gao have no bottom line in their hearts and are as soft as shit.

"I just want you to find a way to reconcile with Shanhe. I didn't mean to offend him. I just wanted to enjoy the heat. It won't be so tragic!"

"Don't you know who Shanhe is? He doesn't care at all who you are, Xiaosong Gao, or whether you want to offend him. He doesn't even need to take action. You're finished. You're unlucky. He treated him like a chicken and killed him. , admit it! Besides, Shanhe is right, isn’t it normal for a person from Country M to return to Country M for development!”


Before he could speak again, the other party hung up the phone.

"I'll fuck you Mahler Gobi!"

Xiaosong Gao slammed the phone against the wall.

People who forget their ancestors will never get the true respect of others. Even if they can abandon their motherland, what else can they not sell? Who would believe a hypocritical scholar who has no bottom line?

Xiaosong Gao couldn't help holding his head and howling, why, why is it me who is unlucky? I have grown so frustrated and my luck is so bad!

How could it have come to this point? I am from a Kochi family, born into the elite, talented, musical genius, and a role model for literary and artistic youths. I should not have come to this point!

He understood that he no longer had a foothold in China, and maybe he would be infamy for a hundred years. If he abandoned China, China could also reject him!

From then on, Xiaosong Gao can return to his country M without any worries, become a free and democratic citizen of country M, and truly strive for his whole life to realize his dream of country M!

As for whether the people of country M will accept it, and whether he will live a worse life, these are all matters for another time. People must pay the price for their choices!

With one word from Shan He, a popular intellectual who had been talking loudly was kicked out of China, and he even had to bear the infamy behind him, making all the elite public intellectuals tremble.

This trick of "killing chickens to frighten monkeys" was extremely effective, causing literati and intellectuals all over China to panic. Under the condemnation of the entire country, they immediately disappeared and retracted their heads into the turtle shell. They are all a group of weaklings who adapt to the wind. !

This made melon-eating people all over the country laugh. What about the character and persistence you keep talking about? Don’t you mean that you should not be afraid of power and stick to the truth?

They have been doing this for a long time, saying that others are invincible, and then acting like they have diarrhea when it is their turn. What a bunch of scum! The seed is as open and open as the mountains and rivers, from beginning to end!

In the nationwide wave of cleaning up Internet pests, many shocking Internet incidents were revealed, and some things made Shan He, a reborn person, extremely angry.

Just recently, a well-known Hong Kong actress went to Tiananmen for the first time and posted a Weibo post with a photo of her at Tiananmen and a sentiment:

Forty-eight years later, I finally came here, the red of the east, the sun in my heart!

As a result, the actress's Weibo was subjected to online abuse from various netizens. She was called "little pink" and "five cents". Various criticisms and insults came one after another!

It's so chilling. When did patriotism become a mistake and hating one's country become an honor? Even if you just express your patriotic feelings on the Internet, you will be scolded to the point where you can't take care of yourself.

As Shanhe's global influence continues to increase, no one dares to target him in recent years.

He has been busy with creation and family in the past few years, and has not paid much attention to the rights and wrongs on the Internet. Shanhe has always believed that no matter how much he talks, it is not as good as actually doing things, but what he sees in front of him makes him extremely angry. No matter what the reason or background, patriotism cannot be the original sin!

If a country does not have a stable situation, its citizens will inevitably lead an extremely miserable life. Not to mention their dignity, even their lives will be trampled on at will!

China's past is an example, and Shanhe has countless examples of the future in his mind. The one that makes him sigh the most is a certain area in the Middle East:

There is no country to protect it, and it has been in turmoil for a long time. People are imprisoned, driven away, and subjected to planned genocide. The people have no safety, no guarantee, and the children have no food and no future!

This tragedy makes everyone sympathize and pity them, but no one can help them. The only one who can protect them is their country!

As a Chinese, you can discuss the shortcomings of the country, question the injustice of society, and complain, but you can't lose the bottom line of patriotism. Patriotism is really not an empty word that can be ignored. It is related to the life and future of every Chinese.

If everyone becomes a "hate-the-country party", how terrible will this country be? There are factual examples. Look at the places where the "color revolution" has passed, which are devastated and gloomy!

Shanhe liked the actress's Weibo and attached a message:

I, Qiu Shanhe, said that I love her more than anything else. Come and scold her!

Two days later, the actress's Weibo became popular all over the country!

Because there were so many comments below, including Shanhe's fans, the masses, and a large number of celebrities!

"You come and scold!" became a declaration, completely drowning out the ill-intentioned "color trend" on the Internet!

With the support of the whole country, Shanhe left Beijing with the crew of "Operation Mekong" and set off for Xishuangbanna.

After this storm, Shanhe attached more importance to "Operation Mekong". He understood the deep meaning of this national mission. The cultural war has no smoke, but it has been going on. It will not stop, but will only expand!

Shanhe put aside the disturbances from the outside world and devoted his energy to the filming of the movie.

As things developed, many domestic flies were killed by Shanhe, and other flies of the same kind also temporarily quieted down.

However, the criticism of Shanhe in the mainstream Western cultural circle has not subsided. Their purpose is obvious. They attempt to use the difference in values ​​to reduce Shanhe's international reputation. Especially when "Room" is about to be released, they hope to set off a wave of "boycotting Huaxia Qiu" among the audience, so that the arrogant Shanhe in their eyes will know a little bit and make the right choice!

Bruckheimer is a little depressed about this, but he is not too worried. He is confident in the reputation that Shanhe has accumulated over the past decade!

He knows very well that there is an iron rule in Western society:

You can criticize anyone, but you cannot affect business operations and capital making money!

"Room" is a Western story and a Hollywood movie. Shanhe's criticism has not had much impact on Disney's distribution work. No one can stop Disney from making money!

Western mainstream media opinion is indeed very powerful, but it is almost impossible to suppress a perverted genius like Shanhe in the short term!

Using differences in values ​​to attack Shanhe will not be very effective. He has never concealed his nationalist thoughts, and even publicly expressed his love for the motherland at the Oscars and many Western award ceremonies. Everyone knows this!

Loving one's own country is not a mistake for Western people, it is even a virtue. Making mainstream movies is not something worth mentioning in the eyes of Western people. Hollywood has never lacked mainstream movies. From "Schindler's List" to "The Hurt Locker", many mainstream movies of the United States have won Oscars.

"Operation Mekong" became a little popular because of the media's criticism of Shanhe, and its real events were also reported. When Western people saw it, they thought it was an anti-drug film. What's there to criticize? Drug dealers massacred Chinese citizens and wanted to use them as scapegoats. No one can stand such a thing. If it happened in the United States, it would have exploded long ago!

What's there to criticize about Huaxia Qiu making this? It's really inexplicable!

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