Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 468: The new generation of the richest Chinese

Due to sufficient preparation, the crew of "Green Book" had almost no running-in period and got into the groove right from the beginning.

The heritage and perfection of the Hollywood film industry is indeed impressive. From props and costumes to location construction to on-site management, every behind-the-scenes position is very smooth. All the director needs to do is let these people understand his intentions.

Coupled with the outstanding performance of the two leading actors, the filming plan of "Green Book" was executed accurately and efficiently under Shanhe's command.

Just when Shanhe lamented that there was still a huge gap between the domestic film industry and the talent behind the scenes, the domestic film market was booming.

"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" took nearly two months to break through 3 billion yuan, setting a new domestic movie box office record and pushing the single-film box office to a new height.

National media rushed to report the news, full of pride and confidence in the development of the Chinese film market and domestic films.

Foreign entertainment and financial media have also lamented that China's consumer market potential is unfathomable. From the perspective of movie box office alone, it is a foregone conclusion that it will surpass North America in the future and become the world's largest movie consumer market.

Huaxia Film Company immediately gained the favor of investors, and the stocks of all listed film companies have increased to varying degrees. Chuhe Film and Television, as the leader in the Chinese film and television industry, has been reported and sought after by global entertainment media and film companies.

Many professional financial media have made special reports on Chuhe Film and Television, introducing this huge film and television kingdom created by Shanhe. To the surprise of the foreign public, the system of this kingdom is actually more complete than the six major Hollywood ones. It is full of vitality and has already taken the shape of a global entertainment empire.

Amid a chorus of admiration, the valuation of Chuhe Film and Television instantly soared by nearly 30%, approaching US$80 billion. Although it is still far behind Disney, its rise is astonishing.

Among them, Tudou, the only listed subsidiary of Chuhe Film and Television, benefited the most. Its stock price continued to skyrocket. Within a few days, it soared from US$150 per share to nearly US$200, an increase of nearly 25%, becoming It has become a veritable "demon stock" and has been favored by global investors.

Zhong Lifang and Tudou's top management have begun planning a stock split in order to increase stock liquidity and the number of shareholders, provide shareholders and investors with more good information, and also reserve more room for Tudou's growth.

The wealth of Shanhe, the owner of Chuhe Film and Television, has increased significantly. In the latest rich list released by Forbes, he even surpassed Larry Elson with assets of US$58 billion, ranking fifth in the world's richest list.

Not only did he widen the gap with Wang Jianlin, the original richest man in China, but he also surpassed Li Ka-shing and became the richest Chinese in the world.

Global media reports on Shanhe immediately spread from the film and television circles to the financial circle. Various media outlets reviewed Shanhe's life experience in large lengths, with various titles.

"The rise of a young genius!"

"In fifteen years, he created two myths, an art palace and a business empire!"

"The proud man of the new century! Please know that this proud man has just turned thirty!"

Unlike other rich people on the rich list, Shanhe is not only young, but his field is neither real estate nor computer network, but the cultural and entertainment industry. Shanhe's sudden increase in wealth has aroused evaluation and discussion from all walks of life around the world.

Bill Gates, the world's richest man, mentioned this in an exclusive interview with Forbes,

"Qiu is an incredible figure. His wealth and his youth are not what I pay attention to. I believe he himself does not care about these things. What is important is that he has a decisive global influence at this age, and his field At the cultural level, a talented writer and director are also the top power holders in the global cultural circle. This is really impressive. You must understand the importance of the cultural industry. Although technology can enable society to develop rapidly, culture can make human beings Stay true to yourself and don’t get lost in technology and ignorance. Qiu is likely to become the next wise man to lead the world!”

Elon Max, a young rich man who has become very popular in Europe and the United States recently, also expressed his admiration for Shanhe in a public interview.

"Qiu is younger than me, but I feel that we are the same kind of people. We have extraordinary imagination and creativity, as well as extraordinary execution ability. I have always wanted to have a good talk with him. Maybe others will think that I Arrogant and crazy, but he will definitely agree with my idea. I even think he will join my plan. Exploring space is the limit of human imagination and creativity. Qiu will never lack these things. It is easy to see from his works. See this!"

Li Jiacheng, who was replaced by Shanhe as the richest man in China, also talked about Shanhe in an interview with Singapore media.

"I met Shan He on Hong Kong Island ten years ago. He was only in his early twenties at that time. He came here to acquire Jiahe. Wen Huai and I made an appointment with him for morning tea at Lu Yu Teahouse. He left a deep impression on me. It can be said that he is heroic, magnanimous and has great personal charm. It only took him less than fifteen minutes to convince my old friend and thus obtained the majority of the shares of Jiahe Cinemas, which was owned by Chuhe Film and Television. At the take-off point, his vision and courage are unparalleled among the younger generation. Unfortunately, I did not realize the importance of Jiahe at the time. Shanhe easily exchanged Jiahe's shares from me. Now he has surpassed It’s not surprising that I have become the richest man in China. China’s history is always about new generations replacing old ones. Maybe it’s time for me to retire from the stage!”

Unlike the evaluations of the wealthy, the Chinese public has become accustomed to Shanhe's various miracles and achievements. Although the richest Chinese sounds extremely awesome, everyone just exclaimed and started daily gossip.

"If I had known that Shanhe would replace Li Jiacheng sooner or later, look at the scale and development speed of Chuhe Film and Television, it is simply supersonic!"

"It's less than 60 billion US dollars, I think it must be more than that. Huayi's market value is nearly 100 billion yuan, and Chuhe Film and Television is not ten times stronger than Huayi. Besides, Shanhe's personal income alone is tens of billions of US dollars!"

"Chuhe Film and Television is not listed, so the valuation is just an estimate. Just look at Tudou.com and you will know. 58 billion US dollars is definitely less. Seven Color Light Prism made a movie. Billions of RMB, and there is a whole universe of conferred gods to come. How much can the seven-color prism be worth? "

"What a monster, literature, film, and business are advancing in parallel. The originally most inconspicuous business field is so amazing. Li Jiacheng's 16 consecutive years as the richest Chinese man were ended by a person who is "not interested in money"! "

"Haha... I really want to listen to Shanhe's interview now. I like to see him pretending to be cool!"


In this "wealth myth" trend created by Shanhe, the biggest profit is the distribution and promotion of "Operation Mekong". Since the beginning of April, China Film and Chuhe Film and Television have started large-scale publicity for the film, and this time Shanhe's top position as the richest Chinese has maximized its effect.

Needless to say, China Film Group plus Chuhe Film and Television's strength, the country's support, Shanhe's appeal and the new wave of the richest Chinese, the news that "Operation Mekong" will be released during the May Day holiday has long been known to everyone.

What makes China Film and Chuhe Film and Television happy is that overseas publicity and distribution have also reaped an unexpected bonus from the media's hype about Shanhe's wealth.

The work of a newly-crowned world's youngest super-rich director has doubled its appeal to movie fans. On the Internet of various countries, the click-through rate of the trailers of "Operation Mekong" in various languages ​​has skyrocketed, and the various imaginative gunfights, actions, explosions and car-racing scenes have amazed audiences around the world.

Hua Xiaqiu has just become the fifth richest man in the world. Is he going to change his style? This is definitely a pure commercial action blockbuster. "Operation Mekong" has aroused the curiosity and expectations of movie fans. It is worth buying a movie ticket and going to the theater to find out!

In terms of overseas distribution, Disney and European distributors immediately increased their publicity resources as soon as they saw that it was profitable, and various European and American theaters also expanded the scale of their screenings.

Take North American cinemas as an example. Originally, Operation Mekong opened in less than 2,000 cinemas and less than 3,000 screens. This was due to Shanhe's personal appeal. Before, European and American agents and cinemas were not very optimistic about this Chinese theme film.

But Shanhe's luck was so amazing. Half a month before the release, the hype of a wealth myth changed their views to a certain extent. In the West, rich people are successful people, and super-rich people are powerful people!

They all understand the appeal of a newly-promoted youngest billionaire in the top ten in the world among the general public, not to mention that this person is Hua Xia Qiu, who has a strong record in the past.

The number of North American cinemas for Operation Mekong opened increased to 3,000 within a few days, and the number of screens opened was close to 4,000. The same is true in European countries. Cinema managers will not miss the opportunity to make money.

Needless to say, Asian countries, the Pan-Chinese cultural circle has become Shanhe's basic base!

The media in Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia reported on Shanhe as well as in China. The title of the richest Chinese has also triggered public discussions, which are no less than those in China. All theaters are naturally looking forward to the film.

At this time, the domestic film industry has been speechless by the strong blow of Chuhe Film and Television. Since November last year, the entire domestic film market has been dominated by Chuhe Film and Television. From "Charlotte's Troubles" to "Lost in Thailand", and then to "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World", Chuhe Film and Television has been overwhelmingly leading the Chinese film box office.

"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" has just broken through the ceiling of 3 billion, and Shanhe's "Operation Mekong" has followed suit.

What is frustrating is that Shanhe's luck seems to have no limit. A wealth hype has come unexpectedly. With Shanhe's appeal today, coupled with a large-scale investment in the main theme of commercial blockbusters, if nothing unexpected happens, this film will once again break the domestic box office record just created by "Nezha".

They are not human beings. They don't even let us breathe. What makes people speechless is that in the second half of the year, Chuhe Film and Television still has "Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame" and "Ghost Blowing Light: The Mystery of Dragon Ridge", two sequels of the popular series waiting to be released!

In 2015, Chuhe Film and Television's market share is estimated to exceed 40% of the national box office. This reality makes other Chinese film and television companies envious and jealous to the extreme, but they can't do anything about it!

The reason is very simple. Chuhe Film and Television is a super freak in the Chinese film market and the absolute overlord of the Chinese film industry. Whether it is technology, talents, or management and scale, it is far ahead of other peers.

To date, Chuhe Film and Television has formed a complete entertainment kingdom integrating production, publicity, distribution, screening, and surroundings. Even if other film and television companies unite to fight against Chuhe Film and Television, it is difficult to compete with it. Once targeted by Chuhe Film and Television, no film and television company can withstand its suppression.

To tell the truth, Chuhe Film and Television already has the strength and qualifications to unify the world. If Chuhe Film and Television stomps its feet, the entire Chinese film industry will be shaken!

Shan He is not only the richest Chinese man in the world, but also has become a de facto talkative person in Chinese movies!

But the speaker was completely unaware and was still busy filming a movie on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

On April 30, after more than a month of cheating publicity, "Operation Mekong" held its premiere at the Great Hall of the People.

This was the first time that Shanhe's movie had its premiere in this solemn place. Both Shanhe and his wife asked for three days' leave from the crew and rushed back to China to attend this grand premiere.

That night, almost all the celebrities in the Chinese film and television industry gathered at the Great Hall of the People, and being invited even became a status symbol.

China Film Group's La Peikang and Chuhe Film and Television's Zhong Lifeng became the hosts tonight, and guests were present throughout the Chinese literary and art circle.

There are not only well-known older generation directors such as Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Wen, and Xu Ke, but also Mesozoic directors such as Ning Hao, Wu Ershan, and Xu Zheng. Of course, there is also no shortage of Guo Fan, Lu Yang, and Bai Yuxia. Waiting for representatives of the new generation of directors.

Even more actors came. Almost all the first-tier mainland stars such as Chen Daoming, Li Xuejian, Gong Li, Zhou Xun, Zhang Ziyi, Li Bingbing, Liu Ye, and Hu Ge were present. Hong Kong stars such as Jackie Chan, Stephen Chow, and Tony Leung Ka Fai also made a special trip to support the show.

In addition, there are many cultural celebrities from other industries among the invited guests, such as well-known novelists and writers such as Ma Weidu, Tiening, Yu Hua, Mo Yan, Liu Cixin, etc.

The entire Great Hall of the People was star-studded, becoming a rare gathering of domestic cultural circles!

There was no noisy red carpet ceremony in the past. The guests walked into the venue in sequence as normal. Although some reporters were invited to the scene, there were no chattering questions. Everything showed a low-key gorgeousness.

The premiere process in the auditorium was also very concise, without lengthy speeches. Three producers, each representing Golden Shield Film and Television, China Film Group and Chuhe Film and Television, took the stage and briefly introduced the start, preparation and shooting process of the film.

Then, the director Shanhe came on stage with the entire crew. He did not talk endlessly, but just thanked the guests for coming. The whole prelude took less than half an hour and ended with Shanhe's words,

"The theme of the premiere is watching movies. The protagonists tonight are not us, but the frontline police officers in the movie. We can live in peace because they are carrying the burden forward. The reality is far more difficult than the movie. They deserve to be celebrated!”

Amid thunderous applause from the audience, the film premiered.

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