Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 469: The main theme can still sweep the world

The premiere of "Operation Mekong" began with the guests' expectations.

The vast and desolate Tanggula Mountains appeared on the big screen. This is the source of the Mekong River in China. The movie gave everyone a sense of grandeur at the beginning. The camera then flew forward from the snow-capped mountains, swept across the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland along the Lancang River, entered the Golden Triangle section of the Mekong River, and finally locked on a moving cargo ship.

In the first few minutes, the film explained the beginning of the incident with heavy and depressing colors and atmosphere. Crazy drug dealers and corrupt military leaders of neighboring countries used Chinese crew members as scapegoats for drug trafficking. Seeing their compatriots being ruthlessly abused and slaughtered, the guests present could not help but feel extremely frustrated and angry.

As the camera turned, the incident spread to China, which attracted the attention of the domestic police. The "809" special task force was quickly established. With the appearance of the protagonist Sun Honglei, the opening "Operation Mekong" fell from the sky in heavy but exciting music.

Unlike the original film, the first half of the film adopts a dual narrative, telling the development of the incident from the perspective of the two protagonists.

Sun Honglei's perspective represents the dignity of China as a great power and the determination and will of the Chinese police to seek justice for Chinese citizens. Liu Ye's undercover experience shows the audience the chaos and disorder of the Golden Triangle, the shocking situation, and the huge criminal network and evil deeds of drug dealers.

The significance of Operation Mekong is self-evident in the eyes of the audience. It not only reflects the zero tolerance of Chinese officials for drugs, but also demonstrates the determination of our police to protect the safety and dignity of the people.

The dedication and sacrifice of the front-line police officers in two different positions moved the guests present, especially the undercover police officer played by Liu Yezhu. In order to break into the drug trafficking group, the damage he suffered was unimaginable to ordinary people.

The theme and main melody of the film are full of flavor, but the rhythm is very smooth, full of commercial elements.

If the first half of the film attracted the audience with its twists and turns and dangerous plot, then the second half fascinated everyone with the various imaginative large-scale roundups!

Actions, gunfights, car races, and explosions were overwhelming on the screen. While releasing their emotions, the audience was also brought into the excitement on the screen.

Waves of low exclamations continued to appear in the Great Hall of the People!

Shanhe's advantage in storytelling was fully demonstrated in the film. The rhythm of the whole film was mastered to perfection, tightly controlling the audience, and their emotions fluctuated with the development of the plot.

The two-hour screening time felt like a flash. When the crazy drug dealers were caught and taken back to China in the film, the guests present realized that the movie had come to an end.

"Those who offend Chinese citizens will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

As the Chinese police solemnly swore in the film, a line of subtitles appeared on the big screen for a long time:

This film is dedicated to all frontline police officers. No one knows your names, but your achievements will live forever!

The Great Hall of the People fell into a moment of silence in the majestic symphony. The first to stand up and applaud were the police representatives who were invited. With tears in their eyes, they stood up and applauded the movie.

Then everyone stood up and applauded. The applause was thunderous. The whole audience expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the efforts and sacrifices of the frontline police officers. Everyone hopes to live in a safe and harmonious environment, and it is these heroes in danger who bring safety and harmony!

During the period, the police representatives collectively turned back and saluted the guests who applauded them with red eyes. The applause did not stop, but became more and more enthusiastic, and lasted for five or six minutes.

That night, Operation Mekong became the focus of the Internet, and the comments of directors, stars, and cultural celebrities on the film were listed on the hot search list.

Zhang Yi: "Although Operation Mekong is a commercial film, it has master-level performances in color, light, photography, and rhythm control. What is amazing is that Shanhe is still improving..."

Chen Kai: "I don't need to say anything else. Shanhe's genius is well known. What impressed me most was the portrayal of the characters in the film and the imagination of the big scenes. I gained a lot from it!"

Feng Xiaogang: "I dare to guarantee that this film will cost 3 billion yuan in China and at least 1 billion US dollars worldwide. It is so beautiful that it can easily beat Hollywood blockbusters!"

Jiang Wen: "Shanhe's talent for commercial shooting is unmatched in the world, even Cameron can't compare. It's no exaggeration to say that he is a master of controlling emotions!"

Ning Hao: "A textbook work for commercial blockbusters!"

The unanimous praise of the celebrities made domestic movie fans eager to go to the cinema to see what it is.

On May 1, Operation Mekong welcomed its first day of release. Almost all the movie tickets were quickly sold out, and the midnight show was even pre-sold out.

As expected, Operation Mekong broke all domestic single-day box office records on the first day, but it also brought a little surprise. The film's midnight show broke 30 million yuan, and the first-day box office broke the threshold of 300 million yuan, reaching an astonishing 340 million yuan!

The audience's word-of-mouth was rave reviews. On the first day, the number of viewers who participated in Douban's rating exceeded 200,000, and the score reached an astonishing 9.8 points. Although there were a lot of praise from Shanhe fans, it was enough to show that the audience highly recognized the film.

The praise of film critics has been drowned in the dense audience messages,

"The best movie, no one, both exciting and cool, and touching the heartstrings, Shanhe will never disappoint!"

"Oh my god, cliff racing, jungle raids, land explosion-proof tanks and surface patrol boats can all fly into the sky. The imagination of Shanhe is off the charts, leaving Hollywood blockbusters behind!"

"I am very moved, especially the last scene of the film. Their names are unknown, but their achievements will last forever! I praise the Chinese police officers, thank you for your dedication and sacrifice!"

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are! It is so inspiring. I am proud to be a member of China. I have no regrets about joining China in this life, and I will be a Chinese in the next life!"

However, the surprise is not over yet. The next day, the national theaters once again expanded the screening volume of "Operation Mekong", and the single-day box office once again broke the limit, reaching 410 million yuan!

Three days before the May Day holiday, "Operation Mekong" broke the record of breaking 1 billion, reaching 1.12 billion, which shocked the film and television circles across the country and even the world.

Labor Day is not a legal holiday in the West, but it happens to be a weekend. The biggest competitors of Operation Mekong in Europe and the United States are San Andreas, which was released at the same time, and Avengers: Age of Ultron, which will be released in the next two weeks.

Shanhe's reputation and appeal played a key role. San Andreas opened in 3,000 theaters and 4,000 screens in North America, with a box office of 25 million US dollars on the first day, while San Andreas, which opened in nearly 4,000 theaters and more than 5,000 screens, had a box office of 18 million US dollars on the first day. The box office of Chinese mainstream movies actually beat Hollywood disaster blockbusters in North America!

Operation Mekong landed at the top of the North American box office weekly rankings amid amazement.

Operation Mekong has a natural disadvantage in Europe and the United States. First, Westerners cannot appreciate the Chinese sentiment in the film. Second, Western audiences are not used to watching movie subtitles. In the West, subtitles are generally considered to be a way of watching movies for the deaf and dumb. Third, they are not very accepting of Asian heroes. In their minds, Asians are mostly clowns.

But Operation Mekong has covered up the above weaknesses with its smooth and refreshing plot, ups and downs of the rhythm, and exciting and cool scenes.

On European and American websites, Operation Mekong's Rotten Tomatoes rating has reached 88%, and the critics' rating has unexpectedly exceeded 80%.

"An action commercial blockbuster that exceeds expectations, Hua Xiaqiu's commercial talent is still underestimated!"

"Distinctive character personality, smooth plot, imaginative and cool scenes, what else can you ask for in a commercial movie?"

"If you want to see trucks flying over cliffs, tanks flying over rainforests, and speedboats rushing into the sky on the crest of waves to fight helicopters, then go watch Operation Mekong, you can satisfy everything!"

Under the influence of the appeal of the mountains and rivers and the reputation of the film, the box office of Operation Mekong rose again on Saturday, 29 million US dollars, and 27 million US dollars on Sunday.

On the first Wednesday of the first week, Operation Mekong, an authentic Chinese-language theme movie, earned $81 million in North American box office data, far exceeding the originally optimistic San Andreas, and ranked first in the weekly box office rankings.

This result greatly exceeded the expectations of Chuhe Film and Television and Disney. This is a film full of Chinese values. Before, Chuhe Film and Television and Disney did not have much hope for the North American box office of this film. The film was too different from Western values. Their highest expectation was only 50 million US dollars in a single week, and this was when Shanhe's appeal was fully utilized.

But the result gave them a big surprise!

The situation in European countries is similar to that in North America, but there are also some differences. European audiences are more receptive to commercial action blockbusters than North America. Every "007" series movie can get good box office data in European countries. The "Fast and Furious" series also has many fans in Europe, and even Jackie Chan's films have performed quite well at the box office in Europe.

Operation Mekong was regarded as a purely commercial action blockbuster, and it also conquered European audiences. The scenes of high-speed racing, action gun battles, chariot flying, speedboat taking off, etc. made European audiences extremely happy.

On the first three days of the first week, the box office data of European countries gave Chuhe Films a bigger surprise, 85 million US dollars, which was better than the North American box office!

In Asian countries, Operation Mekong swept across the country, and Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia all landed at the top of the box office that week, and killed the second-ranked film by a factor of two.

Especially in Southeast Asia, perhaps because most of the film was shot in Southeast Asia, the scenes in the film not only attracted local Chinese, but also the indigenous people of Southeast Asia were very excited.

Even the first week box office of Thailand, the location of the villain military in the film, exceeded 27 million Thai baht, equivalent to nearly one million US dollars. This box office can be ranked in the top ten of Thailand's single-week box office history!

On the first three days of the release of Operation Mekong, the global box office was close to 400 million US dollars, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The happiest people for this result are not Chuhe Film and Television, nor China Film Group, but Golden Shield Film and Television and Huaxia Police.

Golden Shield Film and Television will not only reap huge profits from this movie, but also become famous in China. Not only has it perfectly completed the task assigned by its superiors, but its future development is also smooth. It has become a consensus in the national film and television industry that there are action movies with the main theme of police and gangsters.

The biggest profit belongs to Huaxia Police. The publicity effect of "Operation Mekong" exceeded the expectations of all police senior officials. One movie even exceeded the sum of all previous positive publicity.

Because of this movie, there has been a wave of tribute to frontline police officers in China. Drug enforcement police officers have been praised by all walks of life. The tribute at the end of the movie has been reprinted and quoted by countless media and the public. "Their names are unknown, but their achievements will last forever!" has become the highest honor of the national police force, and the title of "unsung hero" has resounded throughout the country.

Even the police officers in the police station have been respected and respected by the public. The relationship between the police and the public has reached the highest point of harmony, which has brought great convenience to the work of the police.

Not to mention that "Operation Mekong" also gave the Chinese police a global publicity campaign, and the image of the Chinese police has been greatly improved.

The encouragement brought by the film to the police force is also unprecedented. Every police officer who walked into the theater watched the film with tears in his eyes. When he saw the tribute at the end, many police officers even covered their faces and cried. All the hard work and efforts turned into a handful of tears at this moment. It is all worth it because someone remembers and praises it.

Spiritual power is indelible, especially in the disciplined forces. This power is indispensable. The film "Operation Mekong" has this power. The police have already discussed booking the theater to let the police officers across the country receive a spiritual baptism!

The invisible and invisible benefits above made the entire police high-level happy. Shanhe, this young man, is worthy of being the representative of the new era of China. He did a great job!

The extraordinary outbreak of "Operation Mekong" has caused the world to be in a heated discussion. After two days of intimacy with their two children, the parties Shanhe and his wife quietly boarded the plane to Hollywood.

Shanhe and his wife can hide from domestic reporters, but they can't hide from the pervasive paparazzi in North America. The "Kitty" has just landed at Los Angeles International Airport, and the Hollywood paparazzi have been waiting here for a long time!

Shanhe is really impressed by these American reporters and paparazzi. I don't know where they received the news from, and they can understand the couple's itinerary so accurately.

The protection of the security personnel still couldn't stop the numerous reporters from surrounding them. Shanhe was the biggest news focus in the world at that time. Even the most rogue Los Angeles police couldn't make the paparazzi and reporters from major media give up questioning the couple!

"Qiu, what do you think of Forbes' rich ranking? Is 58 billion in assets seriously underestimated for you?"

"Qiu, what do you think of the box office data of "Operation Mekong"? Is it a political propaganda film?"

"Robert Iger said in an interview with NBC that Chuhe Film and Television will catch up with the six major Hollywood companies in five to ten years. Do you agree with his prediction?"

Shanhe was surrounded by a large number of reporters and was helpless. It seemed that they would not give up if they did not give them some answers.

"I will answer your questions at the same time. First of all, "Operation Mekong" is adapted from real events. You can go and investigate. The reality is more tortuous and tragic than the movie. There are not too many fabrications and exaggerations in my movies!

Secondly, I don't care about Forbes' rich ranking. This ranking has no meaning to me. In my opinion, Chuhe The value of film and television cannot be measured by money. It is just a platform for me and my companions to realize our dreams. As for whether Chuhe Film and Television can catch up with the six major Hollywood films, I am very confident because I have a Chinese market with unfathomable potential behind me!

Okay, that's it! "

"Qiu, it's me, Locke, a reporter from the New York Times. Answer another question. How do you evaluate yourself as a writer, director, and businessman?"

"Well, okay!"

Shanhe looked at the familiar New York Times reporter, thought for a moment, and told the truth:

"I think I should be a barely first-rate film director, a second-rate writer, and a second-rate businessman!"


Shanhe's answer made the whole audience laugh. Even the security personnel and passengers who were watching the excitement were amused by Shanhe. Hathaway beside him couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Fuck, this guy is so pretentious!

Shanhe looked at the joy around him and shook his head. What I said is all the truth. Believe it or not!

"Annie, do you agree with Qiu's answer?"

"Hehe... In my eyes, my lover is unique and the best man in the world!"


Hathaway's public display of affection caused the audience to boo again, and then burst into laughter again!

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