Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 471: Successfully blocked

In mid-May, the superheroes from the Marvel Universe gathered together, and "Avengers: Age of Ultron" swept the entire European and American film markets like a hurricane.

On the first day of its opening in North America, the box office of "Avengers 2" exceeded US$70 million, and the box office on the first three and three days was US$180 million. Almost all movies were overwhelmed by its light.

"Operation Mekong" is no exception. To the surprise of the media and the public, the film's decline was not as big as expected. Shanhe's appeal has not yet been exhausted. In addition, this Chinese-language film has a good reputation. It opened its third weekend in North America. It still received box office data of 36 million US dollars, which was less than 30% lower than last weekend. The decrease was even smaller than last week. The box office curve is quite healthy.

On the Rotten Tomatoes rating website, the Rotten Tomatoes freshness of "Avengers 2" is only 70%, and the media score is only 6.7, which is far lower than the 88% freshness of "Operation Mekong". , and a media rating of eight-point-one.

The same is true for European countries. The box office data of "Operation Mekong" is very strong. In the third weekend, European countries reported nearly 40 million US dollars. The decline is even healthier than that of North America. In terms of reputation, it also far exceeds "Avengers". 2", he was not beaten by Marvel's superheroes and was unable to fight back!

This phenomenon amazed the Western media. When reporting on "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron", they inevitably mentioned "Operation Mekong".

In Asia, Marvel Animation does not have the appeal of Europe and the United States. Although "Avengers 2" relied on huge investment, sophisticated special effects, and the advantages of sequels, it also topped the box office rankings of Asian countries for the week, but "Avengers 2" The box office of "Operation Mekong" is still very stable, and the gap between the two movies is even smaller.

If the two movies are released at the same time, this Marvel superhero masterpiece with an investment of 300 million US dollars may not necessarily be the opponent of "Operation Mekong" in Asian countries.

Not to mention China, the China Film Group said: Sorry, there is no room for the release of "Avengers 2" in May, let's talk about it in June!

A Chinese-themed movie has surprisingly resisted the pressure of Hollywood super blockbusters on a global scale. Under the threat of "Avengers 2"'s global box office of nearly 500 million US dollars in its first week, it still earned 200 million US dollars in its third week. Global box office of 30 million US dollars.

"Operation Mekong" aroused admiration and successfully blocked the global journey of Hollywood super blockbusters.

Three weeks and seventeen days after its release, the global box office of "Operation Mekong" easily exceeded one billion, reaching one billion and thirty million US dollars. The myth of Shanhe's "Mr. Billion" is unbreakable!

This week, the two biggest news in the global film and television entertainment industry are the global explosion of "Avengers 2" and Shanhe's production exceeding one billion again. Almost all entertainment media have put the two movies on the headlines.

"The Marvel Universe is unstoppable, "Avengers 2" is rampant around the world, Huaxia Qiu is still strong, and "Operation Mekong" breaks one billion again!"

"Two commercial blockbusters from China and the United States have dominated the global film market this month. "Avengers 2" is coming fiercely, but it has not crushed Huaxia Qiu as expected..."

"Disney's Huaxia Qiu is fighting among themselves, and the success of the global box office battle between "Avengers 2" and "Operation Mekong" is unknown, but Huaxia Qiu has won the reputation first!"

Disney has been enjoying the dividends of mountains and rivers in the past, but this time it finally feels the pain of being blocked by mountains and rivers!

Disney and Marvel executives are very upset about this situation. This is just asking for trouble. Why did you choose this schedule in the first place? Huaxia Qiu is really a monster. A film with pure Chinese ideology has been released two weeks later. It can bring them a lot of obstacles, so they should listen to the advice of Bruckheimer, an old gangster, and just move the schedule back!

At this time, on the set of "Green Book", the old gangster was gloating with Shan He, joking about the troubles of Robert Iger and Marvel President Kevin Feige.

"Haha... Look, Disney and Marvel have finally suffered from you this time. If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences in front of you!"

"What hardships do you suffer?"

Shanhe looked at the footage in the camera and responded to the old gangster,

""Avengers 2" has already grossed US$500 million in box office in three days. What else do you want? You old man will just rely on your old age to sell it!"

"How come you didn't suffer any hardship? Do you know what the box office figures were for the first week of "Avengers 1"?"

"I don't know. It's similar to Avengers 2, right?"

"Much worse!"

Old God Bruckheimer replied calmly,

"The North American box office of "Avengers 1" was 83 million US dollars on the first day, 210 million US dollars in the first week, and the global box office in the first week was more than 600 million US dollars. Look at the difference!"

"So many?"

Shan He glanced at the old gangster who was gloating about his misfortune.

"Don't say it's all because of me. "Operation Mekong" is not that great."

"It is indeed not entirely your fault. There is a problem with the script of "Avengers 2"."

Bruckheimer nodded and smiled again.

"But your resistance cannot be ignored. Look, with the reputation of "Operation Mekong" to compare with, Marvel is still going to suffer a lot!"


Shanhe turned to look at Bruckheimer. He had always admired the old gangster's vision. Sometimes he, a reborn person, was not as sharp as him.

"What do you think the final box office of "Avengers 2" will be? Can it exceed the US$1.5 billion level of the first film?"

"It's definitely not worth 1.5 billion US dollars!"

Bruckheimer raised his finger and shook it.

"Let alone 1.5 billion, it's hard to say whether it will reach 1.2 billion. I told them a long time ago that Avengers 2 chose the wrong schedule. Using this quality of film to take over the schedule of Hua Xia Qiu is simply asking for trouble. Movie fans are not blind and will make comparisons. You will see that Disney and Marvel will become more and more troublesome. Who knows, they will have to beg you by then!"

"Come to me?"

Shanhe smiled at the old rogue,

"What's the point of looking for me? I won't take over the Marvel Universe."

"You are the best screenwriter in the world. They have suffered this loss and must make some changes. If they want to continue the Avengers series, they must ensure the excellence of the script. Your screenwriting talent is unmatched. And!"

"Hehe... I don't have time to worry about them!"

Bruckheimer came up and whispered:

"Qiu, this is a good opportunity to blackmail!"


Shanhe was shocked by the shamelessness of the old rogue,

"You are such a bad old man, you cheat your own people!"

"Look at what you said, this is making money based on your ability, and it's not shabby!"

"That's right!"

"Of course, we are not employees of Disney and Marvel, so we don't have the responsibility of voluntary labor!"

"About this matter, I'm not very good at talking!"

"Look at you, you have been in the world of fame and fortune for so many years, and you are still the same as before. I will help you get it done when the time comes!"

"Haha... OK, we'll talk about it later!"

Bruckheimer's prediction was accurate. In the upcoming global release, Endgame did encounter trouble. The reputation of this movie is getting worse and worse, especially compared with the reputation of Operation Mekong. More and more fans are complaining on the Internet.

"What the hell is Endgame? The Hulk can actually fall in love with Black Widow. It's really eye-catching!"

"It's really not good. The characters have no personality at all. Riotron is a very powerful boss in the comics, but he is just a mentally retarded chatterbox in the movie. To be honest, the quality of Endgame is worse than Operation Mekong. Far worse!"

"Marvel has comics as its foundation, but it can still come up with such a rubbish script. Look at Hua Xia Qiu's "Operation Mekong". Apart from anything else, the plot is so ups and downs that it makes people's adrenaline surge!"

"Isn't Hua Xia Qiu the largest private shareholder of Disney? Marvel should ask Hua Xia Qiu to help write the script. Stop ruining the comics!"

The sudden drop in word of mouth was immediately reflected in the box office data. The North American box office of "Avengers 2" fell by nearly 70% in the second weekend, and the box office for the second weekend was 71 million US dollars. The fourth week of "Operation Mekong" fell by less than 20%, and the North American box office for the third weekend was another 25 million US dollars.

The situation of various film markets around the world is mostly similar. After the outbreak period of "Avengers 2", the box office curve plummeted. In the second week and seven days, the global box office was less than 400 million US dollars, while the box office trend of "Operation Mekong" remained stable, and the overseas box office in the fourth week still exceeded 100 million.

Combined with the nearly 400 million RMB box office data in China, Operation Mekong’s fourth week global box office closed at 160 million US dollars again, and the global total box office has accumulated to 1.19 billion US dollars!

Now, the global entertainment media has exploded. A 300 million blockbuster with its own Marvel brand + Avengers gimmick + market expansion, the final box office performance is likely to decline. It is possible that it can’t even beat Huaxia Qiu’s Chinese theme movie. How can this be justified!

A Hollywood super blockbuster that was generally believed to crush everything before, now can’t even beat Chinese-language movies, how can the high-ranking Hollywood feel!

All major media around the world have reported and analyzed the front page headlines at the same time. North America is okay. Most media are discussing the matter, comparing and analyzing the flaws of Avengers 2 and the reasons why Shanhe’s works have remained vibrant for a long time.

"This is a failure of the screenwriter. Disney and Marvel need to make changes!"

"Hua Xia Qiu's works always have a strong story and can always capture the audience's emotions. Marvel lacks this kind of thing!"

"At its core, Hollywood movies are stuck in the quagmire of lack of talent. Movies are not industrial products. Without creativity, they lose their appeal!"


In contrast, the reports and comments of European media are full of gloating.

"Hollywood's nemesis is here. Hua Xia Qiu defeated a group of American superheroes with Chinese police!"

"Hua Xia Qiu exposes the essence of Hollywood movies. Without soul, no matter how good-looking they are, they are just a shell!"

"It is certain that the future of movies is not in Hollywood. Europe only lacks a great magician who can change everything! ”

In China, the domestic media was even more excited. It just so happened that the domestic box office of "Operation Mekong" exceeded 4 billion RMB, and the entertainment media collectively climaxed.

""Operation Mekong" exceeded 4 billion, and the global box office exceeded 1.2 billion US dollars. The Hollywood movie model is not invincible, and the future of Chinese-language movies is bright!"

"With the broad Chinese market as a backing, Shanhe is almost invincible. He can still defeat Hollywood blockbusters!"

"This is a milestone victory for Chinese-language movies. It not only broke through the 4 billion RMB threshold, but also represents the possibility that Chinese-language movies can compete with Hollywood!"

"Chinese film directors, learn from Shanhe. He is paving the way for Chinese-language movies, but more people need to follow his footsteps..."

Bruckheimer is worthy of being an old gangster who has been in Hollywood for decades. He has calculated everything accurately. The box office of "Avengers 2" continued to decline in the third week. The three-day weekend sales in North America were less than 5,000 US dollars. Global box office trends There was also a huge drop.

Fortunately, the film has been released in China. Relying on Marvel's long-term influence and the film's generous special effects scenes, the domestic box office exceeded 500 million yuan in the first three days.

"Avengers 2" looked embarrassed and stumbled across the billion-dollar box office threshold. At this time, the global box office of "Operation Mekong" had exceeded 1.3 billion.

At this point, it is a foregone conclusion that "Avengers 2" will lose to "Operation Mekong" at the global box office. Disney and Marvel executives held several meetings for the show to discuss the follow-up plans for the Marvel Universe.

A few days later, Disney President Robert Iger, Marvel President Kevin Feige and "Avengers" series director Joss Whedon arrived at the filming set of "Green Book". As expected, they came to learn from Shanhe. Well, the Marvel Universe is too important to Disney to tolerate any more risks and mistakes.

At this time, the filming of "Green Book" was more than halfway through, and the filming scene was filming a quarrel between Tony and Don Shirley. This was also an emotional episode in the film, which required superb acting skills from the two actors.

To be honest, for Shan He, the filming of this movie was very easy, but he was not very satisfied. The reason is very simple. He is not from M country, nor did he grow up in that era. Without enough experience, he could not create his own scenes and dialogue.

Shanhe used a very clever method. In addition to restoring the scenes in his memory, he handed over his creativity to two actors. Heath Ledger and Will Smith knew Country M better than he did, and they were closer to the characters. So far, Shanhe is very satisfied with the performance of the two, especially Will Smith. As a black upper-class person who comes from the bottom, he empathizes with the character Don Shirley in the play, such as this scene. , his explosive power amazed the entire crew.

"Yes, I live in a castle, Tony, alone! Rich white people pay me to play piano for them because it makes them feel cultured and classy, ​​but when I walk off the stage, In their eyes, I immediately became a black man who was discriminated against, because this is their true culture and tradition!”

Will Smith was in artificial rainfall, with tears streaming down his face,

"I suffer alone because I'm not accepted by my own race, because I'm not the same as them, and if I'm not black enough, and I'm not white enough, and I'm not man enough, then tell me, who am I?"

This passage occurred during an argument between Tony and Don Shirley, and was shouted angrily by Don Shirley in the heavy rain. Before that, Tony said:

"I know who I am. I've lived in the Bronx neighborhood my whole life, with my parents and brother, and now my kids, and I'm the one who's working hard every day to make money to put food on the table for my family. You bastard, you travel around the world every day to play for those high and mighty people. I live on the street and you sit on the throne, so my world is much darker than yours!"

Both performances were wonderful, but Shanhe still preferred Will Smith's catharsis. His emotions and expressions were on point, very sincere and touching.

"Ka, Will, you did a great job, the statuette is waving to you from the front!"

But the talkative Will Smith did not respond to Shanhe's praise at this time, and was still in the character's mood, bursting into tears.

Shanhe walked up and patted Will Smith on the shoulder without saying anything. When he turned around, he saw Bruckheimer, Robert Egger and Kevin Feige chatting not far away. ,

But Joss Whedon, the director of the "Avengers" series, stepped forward and gave Shanhe and Will Smith a thumbs up.

"Great scene, Will's performance is astounding, Yau, your movies are always so emotional!"

"Hello, Jos, when did you get here?"

"It's been a while, we don't want to disturb your work!"

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