Rhapsody of Entertainment Rebirth

Chapter 470: Another slap in the face of the European and American cultural circles

Although the airport interview between Shanhe and his wife was short, it was full of topics.

The next day, Shanhe's self-evaluation appeared on many M country media, and quickly spread throughout the world.

"A quasi-first-rate director, a second-rate writer, and an inferior businessman!" This sentence amused Shanhe fans and people around the world.

Grand Slam for Best Picture at the three major European film festivals; the first to win the Golden Globe Award and the Oscar for Best Director consecutively; four films in the top ten of the global box office rankings; starting from "Gravity", every film has a box office of over 1 billion "Mr. Billion" is just a quasi-first-rate director?

He started writing at the age of thirteen, and almost every one of his works has sold well around the world. His works have triggered several global protests; breaking Western conventions, he is the first Eastern writer to win both the Booker Prize and the Goncourt Prize. ; Being named "the most influential writer of the 21st century" by global media is just a second-rate writer?

The most joyful thing is that in his early thirties, his wealth has soared to the top five in the world's richest list, and his wealth is still rising crazily; he has strongly replaced Li Jiacheng, who has dominated the Chinese wealth circle for sixteen consecutive years, and became the richest man in China. ; The founder of the largest film and television entertainment kingdom in the East, whose prospects are called "the next richest man in the world" by all professional financial media, is he a low-level businessman?

Never before has a super rich man and cultural celebrity evaluated himself in this way. Shanhe's unique and ridiculing self-evaluation made the global public laugh and laugh at him, and at the same time, he was also very kind to him, which aroused widespread joy and discussion.

"When it comes to pretending, I only admire mountains and rivers. I can pretend to a new height every time!"

"Hua Xiaqiu is the cutest super-rich man. I don't feel the so-called superiority of the elite at all from him!"

"I just like Hua Xiaqiu's style. This is the real genius. I'm very good, but I just don't care!"

"Hua Xia Qiu puts the world's richest people to shame. Money is nothing to him!"

"I hope Yau becomes the richest man in the world. He is much more interesting than Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg!"

Shanhe's casual answer to a reporter aroused global discussion and excitement, which made Shanhe himself dumbfounded. What he said was really the truth.

Putting aside the cheating of reborn people, after more than ten years of adaptation efforts, Shanhe feels that his true level is this level, and maybe even a little watery. The world's quasi-first-rate director and second-rate writer are already very good, okay? He is already very proud of the results of his life's hard work. After all, in his previous life, he was just a loser at the bottom. As for the businessman, he has no confidence in his business talent, so don't mention it!

Different from Shanhe's self-deprecation, Disney and global distributors are happy to admire Shanhe's operation. His words are more effective than any amount of publicity investment. The publicity and distribution of "Operation Mekong" has made huge profits.

Qiu Zhen is a perfect collaborator. Not only does he have amazing box office appeal, but he also brings his own hype every time, always bringing huge good news inadvertently.

During the filming break of "Green Book", everyone was sighing and teasing Shan He, and Bruckheimer gave him a thumbs up.

"You are really awesome. One sentence is worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars. The global box office of "Operation Mekong" was increased by at least 200 million dollars because of your words!"

Shanhe glanced at the old gangster and was too lazy to talk to him, but the talkative Will Smith beside him would not miss gossip.

"Qiu, I learned another trick from you. It turns out that you can still hype and attract attention like this. It's so creative and advanced. I'll go to Twitter to speak in a minute!"

"Haha... Will, that sentence only applies to Qiu, others don't have such achievements as him!"

Heath Ledger and his wife on the other side also laughed and joined in the teasing,

"Qiu, your interview made Matilda very funny. She lay on the sofa and laughed for more than ten minutes. She said uncle Qiu is so interesting!"

Michelle Williams covered her mouth and asked with a smile:

"I'm very curious, Qiu, how can you take this sentence so seriously? Your expression at that time coupled with that self-evaluation is so funny!"

Shanhe rolled his eyes at the people around him and replied casually:

"That's what I really think, believe it or not!"

"Haha... you don't understand that Qiu is inheriting the history and tradition of Chinese literati!"

Bruckheimer explained to everyone in a professional tone of voice familiar with China:

"In the East, what truly talented people pursue is not money and fame, but a state. They believe that only humility and low-keyness can achieve this state. Many geniuses in Chinese history have abandoned wealth and power and lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. Qiu, you can’t imitate them, times have changed, you should give full play to your genius!”

"So that's it!"

"so cool!"

"The mysterious Eastern culture is so incredible!"

Bruckheimer's profound remarks raised Shanhe's toughness to the extreme. Shanhe looked at the self-righteous old gangster and couldn't laugh or cry. You understand so much that it makes me, a Chinese, speechless!

That night, big-mouthed Will Smith posted Bruckheimer's remarks to his official Twitter account, which once again aroused a wave of discussion on the Internet. The old gangster's self-righteousness deceived a large number of Western melon-eating people. The inscrutability of Eastern culture fascinates many Westerners.

Even the domestic public agrees with this. As the saying goes, great people hide in the city. Chinese literati do have this state and tradition!

Looking at the discussions and exchanges between the public in the East and the West on the Internet, it was Shanhe's turn to be happy. I didn't expect that my casual answer could have the effect of promoting Chinese culture. The old rogue is so talented!

Amid the discussions of the global public, "Operation Mekong" continues its glorious release journey.

"Operation Mekong" is too suitable for the current domestic atmosphere. The audience can almost experience all the cool points in the film, with feelings and special effects, imaginative large-scale real-life shooting, and the pride of China's rise and regaining dignity. The film is unmatched in the domestic market.

To put it in a more awesome way, even if another "Avatar" is released at this time, it will be crushed by "Operation Mekong"!

In the first four working days of the second week, the single-day box office in China remained at around 200 million yuan. The box office recovered again during the three days of the weekend. The single-day box office on Saturday even broke 300 million yuan again, and closed at 800 million yuan the next weekend.

In the next week, Operation Mekong earned an astonishing 1.6 billion RMB in box office revenue. In just 10 days, Operation Mekong's domestic box office revenue exceeded 2.7 billion RMB, equivalent to 400 million USD.

This figure shocked the entire China, and the Chinese film market was once again on fire. The entire film and television industry was excited and overshadowed by Shanhe, a pervert.

What was exciting was that the Chinese film market had such explosive potential, and what was speechless was that it seemed that only Chuhe Film and Television and Shanhe could realize this potential!

The figure of 400 million USD in 10 days shocked not only China, but also the whole world. The development of the entertainment and cultural industry is one of the important manifestations of national strength. Only when the people's wealth index is sufficient under the guarantee of strong national strength, can a country's cultural and entertainment industry be vigorously developed.

A poor and backward country cannot have a developed entertainment and film industry. The global film market ranking is just a replica of the global comprehensive national strength ranking. The continuous miracles of the two films "Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World" and "Operation Mekong" tell countries around the world a fact: China is really coming back, back to the stage where they have been for more than a thousand years!

In comparison, the box office performance of "Operation Mekong" in the second week in Europe and the United States is much weaker. Although Shanhe's unique self-evaluation has caused two discussions among the global public, it cannot completely change the situation of Chinese-language films in Europe and the United States.

On the first working day of the second week, the box office of "Operation Mekong" fell below 10 million, and the box office data hovered around 8 million for the next three days.

The box office ushered in a rebound over the weekend, with 17 million US dollars on Friday, 18 million on Saturday, and 16 million on Sunday. The box office for the three days of the second weekend was 51 million US dollars, a decrease of nearly 40% compared with the previous weekend!

In the full seven days of the second week, Operation Mekong's North American box office closed at 85 million US dollars, still holding the top position in the North American weekly box office rankings.

After two weeks and ten days of release, Operation Mekong's North American cumulative box office was 166 million US dollars, and Hollywood media predicted that the total box office of the film would be between 230 million and 250 million.

The situation in European countries was better, but the weekend box office decline was also not small. The cumulative box office of European countries in the second week was 93 million US dollars. After two weeks of release, the box office of European countries closed at 178 million US dollars.

This result is already quite good for other directors, but it is a bit thin for Shanhe, the "Mr. Billion". Next week, Marvel's superhero masterpiece Avengers 2 will be released, and the box office of Operation Mekong is bound to be frustrated again.

The mainstream media in Europe and the United States seem to have seen the dawn of "reversal" and began to collectively report the box office decline of Operation Mekong, singing the pessimism of Shanhe's future, in order to highlight his wrong choice and avenge the previous trick he played.

"Huaxia Qiu may face a big decline in his career, and the myth of Mr. Billionaire will be shattered!"

"Arrogance is the fatal flaw of all geniuses, and Huaxia Qiu has himself to blame!"

"Huaxia Qiu made a wrong choice. He will become a stumbling block for art by advocating for power and political propaganda!"

For a while, Shanhe, the genius, seemed to be about to fall into the quagmire and lose his glory. Just when the mainstream Western cultural circle was preparing to increase its firepower and try to completely drive Shanhe into the mortal world, the news that followed immediately gave them a slap in the face. These Western cultural trolls immediately looked embarrassed and stopped.

"Operation Mekong" broke 250 million US dollars in the second week of box office in China, and 400 million US dollars in ten days. At the same time, the film's second week box office performance in various Asian countries is still strong. In Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it once again swept nearly 60 million US dollars in the second week.

"Operation Mekong" was released worldwide for ten days, and the cumulative box office exceeded 800 million US dollars!

A Chinese mainstream film with an investment of less than 100 million US dollars has broken 800 million US dollars in two weeks. It is certain that the global box office will break 1 billion. How can such an achievement be discredited or criticized?

The Western mainstream cultural circle has been slapped in the face by Shanhe at light speed again, which makes the Western public laugh and cry. "Room" is not enough to slap the left cheek once, and you are sticking out the right cheek to be slapped by "Operation Mekong". It's really ridiculous!

Even Western right-wingers are laughing at the performance of these old guys. Please, can you old guys be more reliable? If you want to discredit Huaxia Qiu, you have to be a little technical. You can't always tell lies with your eyes open!

Huaxia's strong box office data is clearly in front of them. Huaxia Qiu's choice is not only correct, but also far-sighted. With such an unfathomable Chinese market behind them, what will they do if they don't shoot Huaxia Heroes!

The Chinese media's counterattack is coming soon. The imperialists are determined to destroy themselves. They want to deliberately smear our representative of destiny. Isn't it just a quarrel? When it comes to verbal disputes, China is your ancestor!

"Eighty million US dollars in ten days. If this is called Waterloo, please give me 10,000 US dollars!"

"Oriental culture does not value unreasonable clamor, we like to speak with facts!"

"Shanhe never had a choice, and he didn't have to make a choice, because China is his motherland and his backing!"

"There is a Chinese allusion called 'hiding one's ears and stealing the bell', a Chinese idiom called 'being smart', and a Chinese joke called 'asking for one's own humiliation'!"

After a lot of noise and tongues wagging, "Operation Mekong" is entering its third week of release.

Although the domestic box office data has declined significantly, it still remains above the level of over 100 million yuan in a single day on weekdays. The film's cumulative domestic box office has exceeded 3 billion yuan before the third week of release. 500 million yuan was cut, and the cumulative box office in three weeks exceeded 3.5 billion yuan!

At this point, it is a foregone conclusion that "Operation Mekong" will become the first domestic film to break the 4 billion mark.

Media across the country are reporting on this milestone breakthrough. As the most powerful weapon among cultural commodities, film’s influence is not limited to the film and television industry!

"Xinwen Lianbo" spent a full three minutes reporting on the wave of "Operation Mekong" in the country. The host's discussion was not limited to the development of the Chinese film market, but extended this milestone to the spiritual level.

"...The record-breaking domestic box office of "Operation Mekong" is the fruitful result of decades of arduous development of China Film and Television. It also represents the reverence and love of the broad masses for the people's heroes, and is also full of the Chinese people's eagerness for the country's strength." Hope and pride..."

"Dazhong Daily" also made a special report on its front page with the title "The new era needs the main theme, the new era calls for new heroes".

"China Youth Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Global Times" and other major newspapers also reported the record-breaking news of "Operation Mekong" on their front pages.

The news on the Internet is overwhelming, and interviews and filming behind-the-scenes of the crew of "Operation Mekong" can be seen everywhere.

The general public is accustomed to Shanhe breaking records and setting new highs, and others are not in the country, so the praise for him is not very enthusiastic. The two leading actors, Sun Honglei and Liu Ye, are the ones who benefit the most.

Especially Liu Ye, his role as the undercover anti-narcotics policeman Xin Wu moved all the audiences. He was the most popular character in the film. European and American audiences were also deeply impressed by this role. His performance was recognized by movie fans. With "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" With "Operation Mekong", Liu Ye became the number one actor in the country and a veritable international movie star. A Hollywood crew even sent him an audition invitation.

Sun Honglei is not bad either. One film established his status as a first-tier domestic movie actor. His salary and endorsements have doubled several times, and there are countless domestic scripts for him to star in.

The two of them are the most popular figures in China recently, and their schedules are full of invitations for various interviews.

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