Xie Limo's gorgeous eyes turned and looked at Yun Bixue, "How did you guess that King Kang controlled behind the scenes?"

"This is a good guess. I used to doubt it. Now I'm sure it's King Kang. Think about it, the giants smuggled arms. Although the Lu family was punished or even copied, it was considered to calm the anger, but the Yuan family was fine, according to common sense. Shouldn’t I check the Yuan’s family? But no, only the royal family has such a right, and the person in power in the royal family is King Kang. Therefore, the smuggling of arms may be the acquiescence of His Royal Highness. of."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue with appreciation: "Yes, the analysis is very good."

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo and said solemnly: "Even if this is the case, even with His Royal Highness King Kang behind him, the Yuan family must be destroyed."

Xie Li nodded his head, "Since we have chosen to hug Qin Huai Ling, then the Yuan family will naturally be destroyed, the tunnel will be broken through immediately, and the arms will be transported in. Once the evidence is found, the Yuan family cannot escape, even if King Kang wants to keep the Yuan family, Nor can it withstand the wave of public opinion."


Qin Huai Ling has been keeping his wounds secretly. Originally, he planned to meet Han Mubai in person to expose Yuan Shuangrui's actions, but in Xie Limo's words, this was too pretentious, or he would wait and see the changes.

But Han Mubai had no news there. Even if he took a letter written by Yu Guangwei in blood and passed it on to Han Mubai, he still didn't move at all.

People can't see the depth.

The hatred in Qin Huai Ling's heart is very strong, and there is also some anxiety in his heart, or Xie Limo has been suppressing his anxiety, telling him that he can't reach the speed, and he must gradually.

After the tunnels of the Yuan family were cleared, the arms transported by Huang Yize also quietly arrived at the imperial capital. Xie Limo quickly sent people to send the arms equipment to the Yuan family overnight.

Then, seeing the tunnel blocked, Xie's Shadow Guard installed inside the Yuan family took some pictures.

At this time, Yuan Shuangrui did not know all these things. Recently, all she had in mind was about Han Mubai.

Recently, Han Mubai was not cold or aloof towards her, and she did not find her very much, she became panicked.

Think of what grandma said, you can use a woman's means.

Yuan Shuangrui sent the confidant to buy the medicine, and she wanted to use Han Mubai's body, so that she could cook raw rice.

After getting the medicine, Yuan Shuangrui looked at the medicine all day, and he was a little nervous and jumped up and down.

Although hesitant, Yuan Shuangrui knew that this must be done because she couldn't understand Han Mubai's thoughts, and she couldn't afford to delay.

So Yuan Shuangrui found an opportunity to meet Han Mubai at the hotel.

Han Mubai did not refuse Yuan Shuangrui's invitation, and he did not plan to cancel the marriage with the Yuan family for other things.

He wanted to keep watching.

He Han Mubai could not let her be the mother of the Han family because she suspected Yuan Shuangrui.

But he Han Mubai hated being led by his nose. He read the letter photo written in blood, but he was unwilling to do it according to the other person's mind.

So he didn't express it.

For him, if Yuan Shuangrui has always performed well, the marriage between the Han family and the Yuan family will continue.

To the hotel

Yuan Shuangrui gently greeted Han Mubai with a smile, just like normal days, asking for warmth, but not annoying, showing the temperament of a perfect lady.

The two chatted about family life. After talking pretty well, Yuan Shuangrui asked: "Mu Bai, after the New Year, I will be twenty-three years old, when will we get married?"

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