Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1458: Can't see feelings clearly

Hearing Yuan Shuangrui's words, Han Mubai's eyes flashed, with a trace of deepness, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, and he gracefully poured a glass of red wine to Yuan Shuangrui.

Only slowly said: "Shuang Rui, the matter of marriage is for the two families to finalize the time and matters. I will give you an answer now, but my personal opinion does not represent the family. You should understand."

Yuan Shuangrui listened to Han Mubai's words and smiled wisely. She always showed a very gentle and elegant appearance on her face.

But she was clamoring and uneasy in her heart.

She always felt that Han Mubai's attitude was vague.

Before, his attitude was unclear, and he always looked like a business official, but he was always gentle with her. If she had anything, or if she wanted to meet him, he would spare time.

He has always played the role of fiance with due diligence, but he has not been too intimate towards her.

Before, she was not worried or afraid, but now it is different. Now that there is Qin Huai Ling's time bomb, she has to worry.

Only when her relationship with Han Mubai is determined, and everything becomes a stubborn thing, can she be completely assured.

As long as the Han family and the Yuan family are truly married and have a wedding, she is the Han family. Even if the Yuan family does not allow her to be an heir, she also has a place to sit and rely on the forces.

Yuan Shuangrui thought, his expression changed for several times, and said warmly: "Mu Bai, we only say our personal opinions, is it okay?"

Han Mubai looked at Yuan Shuangrui deeply, and put her look into her eyes. Her eyes turned: "Shuangrui, we represent the marriage between the Han family and the Yuan family."

Han Mubai's implication is to represent the two big families, not to talk about personal matters.

For Han Mubai, there is no real marriage, then everything will change, he will not let out his personal feelings casually, such a person is suitable for marriage before love.

Yuan Shuangrui's face paled slightly. She tried to control herself, but her hands holding the glass were tightened. She had feelings for Han Mubai, but she couldn't see Han Mubai's feelings for her.

Or did he always do business and have no feelings at all?

Yuan Shuangrui has always been a calm and fierce woman, and she used whatever means to achieve her goals. Every step of her life was carried out according to plan.

But her plan for herself did not include that she would have feelings for Han Mubai, or even a strong possessive desire.

She didn't want him to be with other women.

Yuan Shuangrui looked at Han Mubai to give her dishes with grace and gentleness. She looked startled. She couldn't see Han Mubai's thoughts. He could be so gentle and meticulous to her, but he didn't reveal a little bit of emotion for her.

"Mu Bai, you are very kind to me, I... I don't want to see you for a long time?" After hesitating, Yuan Shuangrui finally found a more euphemistic expression and expressed his meaning.

How could Han Mubai not understand the meaning of Yuan Shuangrui's words, he put his hands on the dishes and gently put down the chopsticks, said: "Shuangrui, I am too short to accompany you on weekdays, my wrong, I will take more time in the future With you."

Yuan Shuangrui looked at his eyes that looked at him, and there was gentleness in it, but like light and shadow, it was not so real.

There was an emotional roar that almost took control of her, allowing her to say outdated words.

She teased Chunchun and said, "Mu Bai, I know you are busy, looking after your work, don't be too tired. I thought, if we get married, I can be by your side, and you don't need to work so hard."

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