Even if Yuan Shuangrui is no longer vulnerable, how can he cry at this time, Han Mubai will not be soft-hearted.

People like them bear the responsibility of the family, and they can't go wrong at any step.

He shook his head and said: "Yuan Shuangrui, Miss Yuan, your heart is too ruthless, as a woman, you do whatever you want to achieve your goal. This is not your strength, but your weakness. Our Han family is not like your Yuan family, and we need to fight for it with all means. In that position, the Han’s mistress needs to be dignified and tolerant of everything, but you are not suitable."

This unsuitable sentence caused Yuan Shuangrui to sit on the ground weakly, his face pale and pale.

She was deliberately thinking of becoming the Han grandma, but now, Han Mubai has directly determined her life and death.

The expression on Yuan Shuangrui's face followed the grief, and I couldn't believe it. A wave of emotions almost dominated her body.

Even breathing, she felt that she could not breathe.

In a trance, she came to the bed all at once and grabbed Han Mubai's sleeve. "Mu Bai, you can't be like this, you can't be like this. The Han family and Yuan family are married!"

"Yuan Shuangrui, are you still up to now?"

"I can be a good little grandma of the Han family. I can tolerate everything. I can be modest."

"But your heart is too cruel."

"No, Mubai, I haven't hurt anyone. I don't even dare to pinch an ant, you know."

Han Mubai's face became somber, "Really? Up to now, still want to lie to me?" Then, Han Mubai took the phone over, with the blood book of Ding Guangwei, clearly written, how Yuan Shuangrui instructed him, how to make He killed Qin Huai Ling.

Yuan Shuangrui's heart and blood were upset, and one couldn't bear it, almost fainting.

Still Han Mubai pinched her hand, she didn't faint when she hurt.

"I have seen this picture and this blood book long ago, but I want to give you a chance, even if someone says you are bad again, you are also my fiancee. I have the responsibility to protect you and believe you, but what about you? Yuan Shuangrui, You are very disappointing me. First of all, your way of doing things is too fierce. Also, your mentality is unstable, easy to be impulsive, do things regardless of consequences, and have a narrow horizon...

Han Mubai said word by word, and what he said from his mouth made Yuan Shuangrui think she was useless.

Han Mubai looked at Yuan Shuangrui, the whole person was chilling, "All kinds of things show that you are not suitable for the Han family. I was willing to accommodate you, but you should not use the means on me. This is a big taboo!"

After that, Han Mubai didn't say much. When he got dressed, he opened the door and went out, but Yuan Shuangrui didn't know where he came from. He grabbed Han Mubai's leg at once, "Mu Bai, I was wrong, I knew it was wrong Yes, I must change it. I know it’s wrong, Mu Bai. Don’t do that. I’m not going to be like this in the future.

Yuan Shuangrui realized that if the Han family really dissolves the relationship with the Yuan family, then the position of her heir will also be insecure, and Grandma will definitely not watch this happen.

She has worked so hard for so many years.

Han Mubaiju looked at him condescendingly, watching Yuan Shuangrui had no arrogance at this time, so he squatted on his lap.

At this time, he was really disappointed. If Yuan Shuangrui's calm and arrogant point might make him change his mind, but at this time, he really can't see what other advantages she has.

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