Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1463: Yuan family can close the net

Han Mubai bent over and broke Yuan Shuangrui's fingers a little bit hard, without looking back.

Yuan Shuangrui quickly put on her underwear, put on a skirt, and ran out staggeringly. She didn't want anything now. The feeling in her heart was very strong. She must hold Han Mubai.

If you let him go today, she might not be able to find him, and she might not be able to maintain her status.

Grandma put too much pressure on her, and she rebounded too.

At this time, Yuan Shuangrui was very embarrassed. She was anxious to run out, and because it was a hotel, she was naturally seen, photographed on her mobile phone, and quickly uploaded to the Weibo space.

When many people use Weibo to scan the space, they saw this embarrassed woman, which was not taken seriously, but the headline was posted on it, "Miss Yuan Family!"

These four words have doubled the number of views on the page.

Everyone looked at the embarrassed woman in the photo, can't believe it, this is the famous lady?

"Isn't this P's? Who dares to poke Miss Yuan's family so boldly?"

"That is, this photo is too fake, deliberately increase the number of clicks, deceptive, don't look at it."

"It's not Miss Yuan's family at first glance, hey, but the people in P picture are not bad."

"I look like it's true, the ladies and ladies are also sad sometimes."

"Ah, it's not right. Look at the hotel below! It's Han Shao just left, and Miss Yuan chased it out. It's thoughtful!"


Yuan Shuangrui didn't know that she was paid so much attention at this time, and her reputation for hard work was also destroyed by herself.

After receiving the news, Xie Limo raised his mouth and squinted dangerously.

He said to Xie Liu around him: "The Yuan family can also close the net."

Xie Liu understands, but he still has doubts in his heart, "Xie Shao, don't wait for the Han family and Yuan family to dissolve the marriage contract?"

"The time is ripe. Even if the Han family does not announce anything to the outside world, he will not marry Yuan Shuangrui." Smart men will always be far away from women like Yuan Shuangrui. Besides, Han Mubai is not only smart, but also has a vision, he I won't make jokes about the Han family, and I won't let Yuan Shuangrui be the grandmother of the Han family.

Xie Liu nodded to understand, then took the photo taken by Yingwei and went to the news agency.

Of course, he was looking for a reliable newspaper office, because some media were afraid of reporting with the royal family as the vane, so he looked for Xie's secret line, such as

When the photo was submitted, the leader of was very excited and crawled out of the bed at midnight, calling on all employees to start working overtime.

This time the salaries of several classes doubled.

All employees, who work overtime or not, dare to go to the company. Even those who are far away have to take a taxi for two hours and have to go to the company to work hard.

In just one night, all the newspapers and news articles were ready. Even the night began to print madly, and the web pages began to update at a speed.

That night, Yun Bixue was still in the hospital to recuperate her body. When she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, she picked up her mobile phone to play.

Of course, because Xie Limo was not here, she dared to take out her mobile phone to play. If Xie Limo was there, she would control her strictness.

After reading the news, it didn't matter, she swiped Weibo, but she swiped Weibo, and she saw a photo of Yuan Shuangrui's embarrassed photo from the hotel. It was very intriguing. There are comments below. It's all speculation.

Some people speculate that the marriage between the Han family and the Yuan family may be a bit ugly. It is said that Han Shao left the hotel at the forefront, and Miss Yuan chased out with a cry.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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