He thought her tears were heavy and heavy, and he couldn't breathe.

Duan Yanhao shook Bai Yaoyao's hand slightly, trying to push Bai Yaoyao away, and wanted to wipe her tears away, but Bai Yaoyao held him tightly, and he was not allowed to push her away.

Bai Yaoyao cried for a long time, crying in a low voice until her emotions stabilized, she quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, so that Duan Yanhao could not see her tears.

Xu Yu, Bai Yaoyao withdrew from Duan Yanhao’s arms, blinking his enchanted but swollen eyes and asked, “Yan Hao, where is this? I only remember when I fell off the cliff, and I didn’t remember anything else. Why are you here? Where are we?"

Duan Yanhao lowered his head and gently kissed Bai Yaoyao's eyes with pity, and kissed the tears left in her eyes, so careful and cherished.

Every move makes people feel that she is the treasure in his heart.

Duan Yanhao held Bai Yaoyao's head and kissed her forehead and hair vigorously. There was a sense of nervousness in her expression.

Looking at the doubts in Bai Yaoyao's expression, Duan Yanhao began to explain, "I jumped out when I was breaking through. I was a commander of the Northern Army. I would rather die than fall into the hands of the enemy. I also climbed on this mountain. I found the river below. It’s spring now. It shouldn’t be cold. If I jump down, there might still be a ray of life. If I fall into the hands of the enemy, it’s a captive. I don’t want to die, but I can’t be a captive. The hostage of the Northern Army, so I jumped down myself... The enemy was not assured, look for it below, this is the land card of the Southern Army, I can’t be mixed with the citizens, fortunately, there is a cave, I’m temporarily hiding here, just After a morning, I was trying to figure out how to leave, how to contact the troops, but I didn't expect to find you..."

According to Duan Yanhao's account, Bai Yaoyao learned that she fell into the river and followed the river into the cave. No wonder she woke up to hear the sound of gurgling water in the cave.

Later, her injuries were handled by him.

It is now in the afternoon, that is to say, it is almost a day since she came to the south in the morning.

"Yan Hao, it's great. I saw you, and I didn't die. We must be together."

With that said, Bai Yaoyao could not help crying again, Duan Yanhao gently wiped her with her hand, "Yaoyao, don't cry, don't cry."

Bai Yaoyao listened to him like coaxing a child, pushed her hand away and smiled, "You treat me like a three-year-old kid!"

She could not have imagined that before, she was so handsome that she would have such a naive time.

She was still used to when he was cool.

Both of them also spoke out their respective experiences. After talking, they were frightened by each other's thrills, and finally hugged each other tightly together to experience this feeling of being alive.

"Yan Hao, you can't scare me anymore."

"No, not next time."

Bai Yaoyao suddenly realized what it was, and pushed away Duan Yanhao, "No, since last year, when the Chinese New Year is approaching, you know that there will be a war, and let me leave intentionally, right?"

Looking at Bai Yaoyao's serious look, Duan Yanhao could only be silent.

"You answer me!"

Duan Yanhao nodded.

Bai Yaoyao looked at him with resentment, angry and did not want to take care of him, "You said you would not leave me, but in the end lie to me, let me go back to country A."

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