Looking at Bai Yaoyao with a complaining tone, Duan Yanhao felt the same as what he grasped, and was very worried.

"Don't be angry, don't be sad, I want to send you back to the Chinese New Year."

"Yan Hao, now, you still say so."

Duan Yanhao sighed softly: "Well, that night, I received news about the fighting of the Southern Army. Too sudden, I was not ready yet. In that case, I can't keep you In country X, if you go to country A, you are safe and I can rest assured."

"Then have you thought about what should I do if you are in danger?"

Duan Yanhao was speechlessly questioned by Bai Yaoyao, "I just wanted you to be good at the time, and I didn't think about anything else."

Bai Yaoyao wanted to be angry, looking at Duan Yanhao's haggard and thin look, but couldn't bear to be angry.

He can only beat his chest, "You are not allowed to do this next time, you must take me wherever you go, even if you die, I will be with you."

This sentence was Bai Yaoyao's heart, and he said it casually, but it gave Duan Yanhao a big shock, making him tremble in his heart, and his body also shocked.

Bai Yaoyao really wants to die with him, he believes, no doubt.

If not, how could she, a woman, come to him at the risk of her life.

How much courage and courage is required.

The Duan family came from a warlord before. At that time, the grandfather and grandmothers married one after another, saying love on weekdays, good to grandfather and grandfather, but when the war was in danger, they ran faster than anyone else, curled up. Gold and silver jewelry left overnight.

They followed the grandfather of the grandfather, and trained their ability to fight in the army on the horse farm. On the night before the war, some of them also said that they would follow the battlefield, but when they were really needed, they used this skill one by one. It became the capital of escape.

So he felt in his heart that women should need protection. They are not people who can stand side by side with you. They can enjoy the blessings with you, not with you.

Later, he encountered an exception, that is, Chi Jiaojiao, Chi Jiaojiao's kind of womanhood, admiration and appreciation.

She was also the first woman to get into his eyes, so he had no objection to that marriage contract.

But now it seems that Bai Yaoyao gave him a bigger surprise, his cold eyes flashed the intoxicating light of Liuli, shocked, but also with distress.

"Yaoyao, how lucky I am to meet you."

Duan Yanhao jumps too fast, Bai Yaoyao will not be able to keep up with him for a while, "Yan Hao, what's wrong with you? You haven't answered my question yet, you must take me next time, but you can't leave me behind, you don't know that I'm falling When I was on the cliff, the only regret was that I couldn’t see you before I died."

"Sorry, sorry, Yaoyao, I will take you next time."

"Yeah, you take me with me, I can help you fight, we fight side by side, I don't have to be suspicious all day long, I don't have to worry about fear all day, I can't even sleep well, I always worry about you. "

Duan Yanhao listened, and he was so worried that he was the woman he wanted to take care of, but finally he followed him to endure hardship, "Yaoyao, I'm not good."

"It's not your fault, it's the fault of the war. This time, when we go out, I will accompany you to defeat the southern army completely. We will unite the country X." Bai Yaoyao's words carried a domineering, although she was injured at this time, But there is a breathtaking manner and grace.

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