Duan Yanhao smiled lightly, picked it up and put it on Bai Yaoyao again.

Duan Yanhao looked at Bai Yaoyao's white neck, elegant and touching, when wearing a necklace, his fingers touched Bai Yaoyao's skin, all with a slight tremor.

If it were not for special circumstances, he really wanted to take the next step.

But when treating Yaoyao's wounds, he saw all kinds of small wounds on her arms and legs, and he was very distressed.

She was the woman he wanted to put in the palm of her hand, but she experienced wind and rain.

But he understands that Bai Yaoyao is not a flower in the greenhouse, she is like fragrant plum, fragrant and moving.

Bai Yaoyao was still wondering, "Yan Hao, how do you communicate with the outside world?"

"This is the necklace. After I saved you, I immediately used the system in this necklace to contact my grandpa."

Bai Yaoyao frowned, "Necklace?"

"Yes, there is a chip system that is connected to the outside world. It is developed by top scientists. It can send out a distress signal under the condition of interfering with the system and interrupting the signal." Then, Duan Yanhao opened the small switch on the Bai Yaoyao necklace. , Revealing a small circle inside.

Bai Yaoyao was amazed in her heart, all of which exceeded her imagination.

When she came back to her, her eyes lit up, as if she was burning with flames, "So, we will be saved, will we be all right?"

Duan Yanhao held her hand, Zheng Zheng head, "Trust me, we will be fine, when the sky is dark, I will take you, climb the cliff with the rope, and merge with Duan's blood shadow, so as to leave."

"Well." This time she was not afraid, but she felt more energetic and safe in her heart.

When Bai Yaoyao and Duan Yanhao were trapped in the cave, the Civil War started completely, and both sides invested a lot of military power and began to fight.

The flames of war fought and the explosion continued, and the smell of smoky smoke filled the air.

In the east, Ouyang and Duanmujun saw that the situation was good, and they also began to invest in military forces in an attempt to take advantage of the fishermen.

Country X has fallen into a full-scale war, and all four military forces have joined the battle.

This time, the sleeping people and citizens fully realized that this is a real war in Country X, and began to anxiously want to make a plane to leave Country X and want to leave quickly.

However, in this era of war, everyone escapes, who still cares about work and others.

Although the position of the northern section of the family army is relatively good, the people still get panicked and confused.

This time, all the journalists focused on country X and began to report a lot of the war in country X.

International news also put the news of country X on the headlines.

Country E

Since Yun Bilu and Huang Yize came back, she went to class step by step, and Huang Yize had returned to the Black Dragon Party.

When Yun Yize left, Yun Bilu was not so difficult to separate, because she felt that she should be very important in his heart, otherwise she would not pay her back for the New Year.

With a sense of security in her heart, she felt that he would come back, but she was worried about his safety in her spare time, but every time she heard his voice on the phone, she was relieved.

It was two or three months since the time passed. On this day, Yun Bilu continued to go to the coach to practice martial arts and heard people around him discussing the affairs of country X.

"It's really scary, you didn't hear that bombs bombed everywhere."

"I heard that staying in the house, I can hear the sound of the submachine gun. Gee, who can think of war in this peaceful age."

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