Yun Bilu knew she was safe, so she rested anxiously and asked what might be needed in the north. Bai Yaoya hesitated and said nothing.

Bai Yaoyao thought that the next war might be more severe, and she had put her life and death out of control.

However, she could still hear Yun Bilu's voice again, and she couldn't let Yun Bilu down.

"Bilu, take care of yourself, love yourself, be happy and happy."

"Sister Yaoyao, what did you tell me, did you have something wrong? Sister Yaoyao, don't scare me."

Bai Yaoyao felt sore in her heart that she would not see Bilu girl if she really sacrificed on the battlefield.

When she fell on the cliff that day, she was thinking about Yun Bixue and Yun Bilu. Bixue now has Xie Shao, she was not worried anymore, but Bilu's girl's temperament was not stable enough, and it was still reassuring.

"If there is something wrong, can I still call you well? Don't worry, I just heard about the war outside, and I feel it."

Yun Bilu patted her heart, "Sister Yaoyao, don't scare me, almost scare me, I can wait for you to come back!"


After talking on the phone, Yun Bilu quickly returned to the dormitory, went online, and began to study the news of country X.

In the process of research, Yun Bilu suddenly flashed his brain and called Huang Yize, "Huang Yize, I know, arms, arms, the north must need arms, this is the root of combat."

Huang Yize hooked his lips and felt that his girl was very clever and could understand everything. After a little analysis, she could understand it thoroughly.

"I know, the meeting has already been prepared, the most advanced arms and weapons."

"Hee hee, Huang Yize, I find I like you more and more, Ma, let's kiss again."

These calls that the girl gave him were so pleasing. Although he was across the phone, he could also imagine her look, his heart became softer and softer, and he really missed her.

Even if I missed it again, I couldn't get away from it. Huang Yize could only hang up his phone and hold the phone to see the photos.

He had never thought about it before, and he would look at a photo and pin up Acacia.

If it was before, it was all his disdain, but if it really came to him, he would feel this feeling, thinking and heartache, even looking at the photos, it is also a comfort.

Country A

Three months have passed, Xie Limo is also lifting the ban, holding Yun Bixue at night, always wanting to get close.

The loved one is by the side, and it feels awful to only hug and see, but not touch.

But he was as happy as he was.

However, Yun Bixue's morning sickness has been so powerful recently that Xie Limo didn't dare to toss her, thinking about waiting for her to stabilize.

In these two days, news reports about Country X are everywhere. Even the evening news of Country A is about Country X.

Xie Limo was afraid that some things could not hide Yun Bixue, and made her anxious and worried, so she pulled out the TV and accompanied Yun Bixue every day to prevent her from using her mobile phone to surf the Internet.

If she was bored, Xie Limo called them Tian Xiaojuan.

When I called it, I said yes in advance, and I would never mention the affairs of country X.

Although he doesn't want Yun Bixue to watch international news, Xie Limo has been paying attention. He wants to protect the people around her for Yun Bixue.

He also continued to secretly send Xie's shadow guard to protect Bai Yaoyao secretly.

He also contacted Huang Yize, and the two discussed the unanimous opinions on the affairs of country X.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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