For several days in a row, Yun Bixue was almost isolated from the outside world, which made her feel wrong and began to observe Xie Limo. She always felt that her family Mr. Xie was a bit abnormal recently.

During lunch on this day, Yun Bixue kept looking at Xie Limo, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"What do you look at me like this? Have a good meal!" Xie Limo pointed to the bowl in front of Yun Bixue. The dishes were already laid on it, and the bowl was full, and Yun Bixue didn't eat much.

A strange light flashed in Yun Bixue's clear eyes, took a few bites, then looked at Xie Limo, and said, "Li Mo, have you been hiding from me recently?"

Xie Limo's movements in his hand, a look in his eyes, looked at Yun Bixue and said: "Why do you say that? What do you think I can hide from you?"

Yun Bixue thought about it, and really couldn't think of it, so Xie Limo has a woman outside? This is simply impossible.

Then, he did what he did without knowing what he was doing. It was nothing more than dealing with the affairs of the imperial capital, she could guess.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it's really nothing.

Yun Bixue said with a sneer: "Li Mo, they all say that they have been stupid for three years. If I'm stupid, you must not lie to me."

"Okay, don't lie to you."

Since the news of the smuggling of arms was broken out by the Yuan family last time, it was suppressed by King Kang with his rights, and the news faded.

But what Qin Huai Ling said voluntarily put the Yuan family at the cusp of the storm, and various voices against Yuan Shuangrui continued.

Feeling this kind of ruthlessness and injustice, a cruel woman should be punished.

Because it was so hot, the police were alarmed. In order to appease the wave of public opinion of netizens, they had to conduct a case investigation.

The reporters are constantly interviewing and chasing articles, and even want to interview the attitude of the Han family, but the Han family has remained silent.

Moreover, the Han family claimed that Han Mubai had gone abroad to handle the company's business and would not return in a short time.

The reporters can only focus on the Yuan family and the Qin family. The attitude of interviewing the Yuan family is ambiguous. The attitude of interviewing the Qin family is consistent. Yuan Shuangrui should be severely punished by law.

The Qin family wanted Qin Gu to testify, because it was Qin Gu who knew the truth of the year, and joined forces with the Yuan family to persecute Qin Huai Ling.

However, the police station in Ning'an reported that Qin Gu committed suicide.

When Qin Huai Ling heard this, the first reaction was that Qin Gu was killed by him, not suicide.

But it is not easy to find evidence that Qin Gu was killed right now.

"Qin Shao, did the Yuan family escape this relationship?"

Qin Huai Ling's eyes were cold and his mouth was cold. "I've already prepared myself. The evidence is there."

When Qin Huai Ling took out the video that was recorded, everyone was amazed. The video above is what Qin Gu said himself. The truth about the murder of Qin Huai Ling at that time is all here.

A letter written by Qin Gu himself can also be used as evidence.

Yuan Shuangrui looked at the two pieces of evidence and was shocked, "All are fake, fake, Qin Huai Ling deliberately, forged."

"I'm sorry Miss Yuan, please cooperate with us to do an investigation. Now Qin Shao sues you for suspected intentional killing of Qin Gu."

Yuan Shuangrui has a deep hatred in his heart, especially his hatred for Qin Huai Ling is as turbulent as the waves, and he can't calm it down.

She wanted to see Han Mubai, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see it, and the Han family kept a silent wait-and-see attitude and did not lend a helping hand.

In this regard, everyone has speculated that the marriage between the Han family and the Yuan family may be in name only.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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