When Yuan Shuangrui had an accident, the entire Yuan family started to be bad, and internal chaos began to appear.

Kang Wang Xia Jun Yanting looked at this situation, but calmed down.

"Your Highness, this?"

Xia Junyanting's eyes were very quiet. The quietness made people feel stunned. Xu Shao shook his head, then stroked gently on the paper, and put a big cross on the Yuan family.

Xia Junyan Ting's personal assistant understood that His Royal Highness King Kang abandoned Yuan's family and did not intend to offer assistance.

The planner at the side said: "His Royal Highness, this incident was caused by the Qin family, and it is entirely possible to abolish the Qin family and protect the Yuan family."

Xia Junyanting waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "One can't have two, and then protect the Yuan family, it is too obvious, because the anger of the people of the imperial capital, or even the anger of the people of the whole country, those in power cannot do so."

"But the Yuan family is also very important to His Highness."

Xia Junyanting said coldly: "No matter how important it is, it is now a waste chess."


When Yuan Shuangrui was detained, the whole person was calm, not crying, but just waiting quietly.

She also analyzed the whole situation in her mind, and always felt that everything was like a net. From the beginning, she was in the net and could not be pulled out.

Even if she doesn't do anything, there will be a day when everything she did to Qin Huai Ling when she was a teenager has buried hidden dangers. Qin Huai Ling will surely find her every way to get revenge.

She was in a panic. If she stayed calm, Han Mubai would not abandon her, Lv Suyan would not bite the Yuan family, and she would not be caught so quickly.

She is waiting for Yuan's family to bail to save her.

But three days later, there was no news at all, and no one even visited her, which made Yuan Shuangrui uneasy.

She anxiously began to inquire with the caretaker, only to realize that the Yuan family is now in a stage of infighting, each wants to seize the position of the heir, and many people have fled with money and fled by plane.

Many servants of the Yuan family servants, in order to save their lives, have provided the police with the initiative they know.

At this point, everything in the Yuan family's secret was broken, and the news began to cover everything about the Yuan family. It can be said that today the Yuan family is just like a transparent person, and a little privacy has been dug up.

Now no one can keep the Yuan family.

At this time, the Han family also spoke out, denying the fact of the marriage, completely abandoning the relationship with the Yuan family, and even issuing a statement, willing to cooperate with the evidence investigation of the Yuan family.

Knowing all this, Yuan Shuangrui fell to the ground with a bang, and the head was on the ground, never waking up again.

A few days later, when the Yuan family fled, they walked away. When the police went, they were almost empty.

The industry under Yuan's name was also taken over by the Ministry of Finance.

The death of the Yuan family shocked the giants of the imperial capital and felt that everything was like a dramatic change. The fall of the giants was so unexpected that it caught people off guard.

Everyone was also surprised to find that in more than half a year, the Anjia and Jiang families had an accident, and the Lu and Yuan families were destroyed. It was too fast. There seemed to be a pair of hands urging all this behind.

And none of them knew who the master of these hands was.

Yun Bixue looked at the news report, his expression changed, and said to Xie Li, "I didn't expect it to be so fast?"

Xie Limo said indifferently: "Qin Huai Ling has endured for so many years without any preparation. I knew from the beginning that the Yuan family would eventually be wiped out by the Qin family."

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