Of course, no one knows now that Yun Bixue was born with a son. For Xia Junzihao’s persistent thoughts on her sister, at the beginning, Yun Bixue was very keen to wear a skirt for his son, which led to a series of ridiculous things. Of course this It's all afterwards.

As for now, Yun Bixue did not know what Xie Limo and Xia Junyanting talked about in the study.

But she thinks it must be a very serious topic.

Some time ago, what happened to the emperor's capital, the Lu family and the Yuan family, Xia Jun Yanting probably suspected that she had gone to Mr. Xie.

Once this kind of suspicion breeds, the behavior of His Royal Highness King Kang will definitely deal with her and Xie Limo.

But she thought, today is too coincidental, because Haoer is here, maybe half of the killing intention was resolved from the beginning.

Yun Bixue continued to accompany Haoer in painting and drawing.

When Xie Limo and Xia Junyanting came out of the study, it was already late. At the same time, Huang Wang Xia Junyanli personally came to pick up Haoer.

When Yun Bixue heard that His Royal Highness King Huang came to pick Haoer in person, he was shocked. He kept expressing emotions in his heart. Why is it so clever today, too clever and too bloody!

She seemed to yell in the sky, how to deal with this scene later?

Before she could come up with something, Xia Junyan Li unexpectedly met Xia Junyanting in the courtyard.

The night was dark, and Yun Bixue didn't know what their expressions and attitudes were in the yard.

I only knew that the two were noisy and noisy, and Haoer was taken away calmly.

They all left, and Yun Bixue had more doubts in her heart. She also wanted to talk to Xie Limo and chatter, but Xie Limo went to the kitchen to cook.

Yun Bixue also chased into the kitchen, "Li Mo, you let the maid cook, I still have a lot to tell you."

Xie Limo's slender hands cut vegetables while replying: "Are you curious again?"

Yun Bixue nodded, "Still you know me, if you don't tell me, I will definitely feel itchy."

"Wait, I'll cook first."

Yun Bixue leaned against the door frame and said depressed: "Well, I will suppress curiosity first, but I think that Huang Wang and Kang Wang should clarify the past, you don’t know yet, Haoer is actually King Kang's biological son."

"It can be seen."

Listening to Xie Limo's calm and calm words, Yun Bixue almost choked on his mouth, "How do you know?"

"If King Kang and Haoer stand together, compare them, and look at the expressions of the two, it will be easy to see."

Yun Bixue gave a thumbs up, "Li Mo, you are still strong."

Xie Limo cut the vegetables, began to prepare the dishes, turned on the cooker hood, and pushed Yun Bixue out, saying: "Obey, sitting in the living room, the kitchen has oil fumes, which is not good for you."

If Yun Bixue didn't care about fumes before, but now with a baby, you should pay attention to everything.

Although I still want to say a lot, I can only bear it.

Yun Bixue sat in the living room, looked at the closed door of the kitchen, walked to the TV, and started to tinker with the TV. He didn't know that the line was connected, and finally the TV could be turned on.

She took out the remote control and turned it on, turning off the sound and quietly watching the news.

She is still thinking about the affairs of country X.

"According to the latest news from the recent news agency, the war in Country X is nearing its end...The Northern Army dominates, becoming an overwhelming trend, the Southern Army is losing ground, and the east and west main battlefields are also occupied by the Northern Army...The Northern Army has advanced The arms equipment is unmatched by other three parties..."

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