Yun Bixue looked at the subtitles below, and then looked at the scenes of war on the picture, his heart mentioned his voice.

She looked over her heart, her face pale, her expression stiff.

She only felt that her heart was about to jump out, looking at the scene of the war, her face became more and more white. These silhouettes and videos must have been taken by frontline reporters.

Otherwise, she is not worried. Bai Yaoyao is her biggest worry.

Even if Xie Limo told her that Bai Yaoyao didn't need to go to the battlefield, she was still worried that the war would spread to Bai Yaoyao.

"According to reports from frontline reporters, a female general from the Northern Army has been able to prevent her from wearing eyebrows. She has outstanding commanding and combat skills. She has joined forces with the young and handsome commanders in the northern section. No one can beat the enemy. The figure, the reporter could not interview..."

Female general? Yun Bixue wondered, restless, and wished she could now put her wings to go to country X.

Xie Limo saw Yun Bixue watching the news when he came out and prepared the meal.

Xie Limo's face froze and froze, put the food on the table, walked over and turned off the TV directly.

Yun Bixue looked up at Xie Limo, who had wanted to get angry with him, but looking at his face in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, the anger could only be swallowed.

Is it necessary to quarrel over this matter? She was reluctant to quarrel with him.

Obviously, she was wronged, she could not watch TV, she could not surf the Internet, she was under strict control, she could not complain.

"Li Mo, the war in Country X has been fought for a long time, it is very fierce, I am very worried about Bai Yaoyao, I don’t know how she is now, I don’t know..."

Yun Bixue said anxiously, Xie Limo put the chopsticks **** the table and said coldly, "Have a good meal."

Yun Bixue's heart trembled, knowing that Xie Limo was really angry. She immediately put down the remote control and walked to the dining table to eat carefully.

Seeing that Xie Limo's expression eased, and gave her the dishes, Yun Bixue boldly said: "Li Mo, if you said that the war is gone, shall we go to Country X to see Yaoyao?"

As soon as Yun Bixue's words fell, Xie Limo's dark and icy breath completely radiated out. He placed his chopsticks on the bowl and made a crisp sound, which sounded like a hammer, and suddenly hit Yun Bixue's heart.

Xie Limo said coldly and dumbly: "Yun Bixue, what do you think? What I said to you on weekdays, you didn't remember it? You are pregnant now, you can't go anywhere, and some things I won't let You know, it’s good for you too, you know, what can your body do now? It will only upset you, make you in a bad mood, a lot of stress, your mood will change accordingly, your morning sickness will be serious The babies in here are also influential... aren't you clear about these?"

Yun Bixue was said by Xie Limo, and suddenly felt that he was useless and could do nothing.

She bit her lower lip and was aggrieved.

I don't know what happened, maybe I was pregnant and stayed at home all the time, but my temperament became more sensitive, and she couldn't accept it with a little heavy talk.

Yun Bixue squeezed the emotions in his heart and looked down at the rice and vegetables in the bowl.

Seeing Yun Bixue look like this, Xie Limo felt soft in his heart and said, "Eat slowly."

Xie Limo didn't say it was okay. In this way, Yun Bixue was more grieved, and tears began to flow down.

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue and cried. She gave her a fishbone hand, and her face changed with horror.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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