Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1518: Don't want to be concealed

Xie Limo put the fish down, wiped his hands, gently reached out to wipe Yun Bixue's tears.

But Yun Bixue turned away from his head, wiped his tears with his back, sucked his nose, and did not look at Xie Limo.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's reaction, and realized that he had just spoken and stressed.

There was a deep sigh in his heart. Recently his emotions were a bit uncontrollable, which changed completely with her mood.

Maybe it was because he was too nervous, so his emotions were a little tight, just like the spring, he pressed hard, and he might rebound and speak more heavily.

Knowing that he was wrong, Xie Limo also whispered softly and said softly: "Axue, I'm sorry, I just talked a little bit heavy, don't you get angry with me, okay?"

Yun Bixue lowered his head and mumbled, "I'm not mad at you."

When she answered him, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

She knew that she was pregnant, and he followed anxiety and did not worry about it, but also because she was worried about her.

But such a cold tone, such a heavy tone, made her unable to bear grievances, could not help but want to cry.

If the emotion can control her, she won't cry, so she understands that he can't control his emotions.

Understanding is one thing, and caring is another.

Anyway, she feels cold now, very uncomfortable.

Xie Limo got up and walked to Yun Bixue's side, trying to take her into his arms.

Yun Bixue was awkward and didn't want to lean on him.

But he was so close to her, smelling the faint smell of him, she was still fascinated by her heart.

"It's my fault, you shouldn't be angry with you, but you have to understand me, I will not let you do everything for your good."

Yun Bixue suddenly turned around, "Hiding me, is it good for me?"

"This is a lie in good faith!"

Yun Bixue blinked red eyes with a drop of tears on her face. She solemnly looked at Xie Limo and said, "Li Mo, I don't like being in the dark. This makes me feel like a fool, From the earliest time, I said, I’m not that kind of vine, I want to be a big tree with you, I know you are good for me, but I’m not comfortable, I’m hard to understand, and you must be difficult Understand my feelings."

Xie Limo gently held her shoulder, "Don't cry, look, you cry, it's not good for children."

"Child, child, everything is a child, Li Mo, can you consider some for me?"

With that said, Yun Bixue pushed away Xie Limo, and walked away when he stood up.

Xie Limo grabbed her arm and pulled her, Yun Bixue leaned towards Xie Limo because of inertia.

"Li Mo, what are you doing?"

"Even if you are angry with me, you should eat your meal. What I worry about is you. You are hungry and your body is uncomfortable. The child is always in your stomach. Your emotions. Your mood. Everything just affects you. , I watched your morning sickness, watched you sleep well, I was in a better mood, I thought, this child came out, I spanked him, let him toss you like this."

Yun Bixue held Xie Limo's hand and said, "No one like you is allowed to say so, nor to bully children."

"Okay, but you have to eat well. Since you are worried about your children, let nutrition keep up."

Yun Bixue closed her eyes, removed all her disturbed emotions, and began to sit down and eat seriously.

Xie Limo watched her eat and touched her head, very pleased.

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