Xie Limo listened to Yun Bixue's words, leaning lazily on the side, a glare flashed in her gorgeous eyes, "Did that lady dispel the fire?"

Yun Bixue almost choked on her spit. She looked back at Xie Limo and pointed at him with a finger: "You deliberately misunderstood what I meant."

After finishing the speech, Yun Bixue swallowed a little bit disappointedly, because she saw her Xie's clothes half-open, and the clothes buttons were only tied to the two or three below, not above.

He showed that perfect skin, and also displayed strength and sexiness, like the cheetah and tiger that was ready to be released, dangerous and charming.

Yun Bixue knew that the gentle elegance of her family's Mr. Xie was only the surface, and it was dangerous in his bones.

But she was glad that his gentleness gave her.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's expression in his eyes. Before, he didn't care about this skin bladder. Now, looking at his wife's fascinated look, she thinks that this skin bladder allows him to use beautiful men's plans for his wife.

After Yun Bixue recovered, he saw the smile in Xie Limo's eyes, snorted, turned his head, and ignored him.

"Ma'am, this is to eat dry and wipe clean, so it's abandoned like grass and mustard?"

Yun Bixue almost stumbled to the ground, her lips twitched, and she turned back to Xie Limo. She wanted to say, who can take away this demon, how can one night become a demon, and it is so elegant What about beautiful men?

Yun Bixue shook his hand and said, "Are you still wronged?"

"Well, my wife is satisfied, so ignore me."

Yun Bixue's cheeks are bulging, like a red apple, very cute.

Xie Limo got up lazily, slender fingers gently moved Yun Bixue back into his arms, "angry? Don't take care of me, don't wait to see me?"

"You deliberately bullied me deliberately, my belly is obvious, you don't want to see me, so you are angry with me." She will also talk about the ability to reverse black and white.

Xie Limo smiled softly, his chest shook, and touched her head, "Axue, you said it upside down, even if you don't want to see me, I will be by your side."

"Just teased me just now."

"No, Axue looks good."

Yun Bixue felt that this morning, the two of them were flirting.

She suddenly realized that she lived with Xie Limo more and more and returned, the same as the young couple, but this feeling is also quite new.

Yun Bixue photographed Xie Limo's hand and said: "I just got up, I haven't washed it yet, you are all done after washing."

With that said, Yun Bixue was going to the bathroom.

Seeing that she was holding her stomach, Xie Limo looked a little uneasy. She pulled her back, grabbed her waist, and supported her belly with one hand, trying to gently help her to the bathroom.

"Doubt!" Yun Bixue suddenly stopped at the same place, his body stiffened, and he dared not move with his eyes wide open.

Yun Bixue's reaction surprised Xie Limo, "What's wrong?" He said, and began to take a closer look at her body.

After Yun Bixue recovered, he held Xie Limo's hand on his stomach again and said to Xie Limo: "Li Mo, do you feel it?"

"What do you feel?" Yun Bixue was so shocked that he couldn't bear it.

Yun Bixue whispered: "Stupid, the fetus is moving, the child is saying hello to you, knowing that you are his father."

Xie Limo's gorgeous eyes shuddered, his lips slightly squeezed, his body stiffened, and then he looked at Yun Bixue's stomach very seriously, his hands didn't know how to move well.

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