Yun Bilu listened and listened, didn't want to leave, and wanted to listen to it for a while.

Huang Yize took her hand and said, "Stop eating?"

Yun Bilu threw out his tongue, quickly grabbed Huang Yize's arm, and said kindly: "Go eat, go eat."

Looking at Yun Bilu's dog-like appearance, Huang Yize couldn't help but want to laugh, flicked her forehead, and then took her to dinner.

After dinner, Yun Bilu was still full of energy, let Huang Yize walk with her on the street, and take a look at the surrounding scenery.

Walking to a square, there was a piece of news on the large screen of the square. The Queen’s assistant came out to give a speech about the International Wushu Conference tomorrow.

Yun Bilu looked at: "The assistants around the queen are so beautiful, would the queen be more beautiful?"

"do not know."

"You are the young master of the Black Dragon Party, why don't you know?"

"The queen of country M has never appeared in the media, and there are no reports and photos of her in the news papers. Everything is done by the assistant to speak."

"Ah, why doesn't it appear in the media? No one sees it, or is it because of ugliness?"

Huang Yize frowned, "Yun Bilu!"

"Here, I'm here."

"Told you, don't talk nonsense when you get here."

Yun Bilu looked around, "There is no one around, I will only tell you that the voice is very quiet, it's okay."

Huang Yize was helpless and explained: "This is the protection of the Queen by Country M, and even the left minister rarely shows up, but the Queen will often dress up in private clothes and visit privately. She will adjust the national policy according to her own observation. Now Country M is in Under the leadership of the queen and the left, it has become more prosperous."

"The more you say, the more curious I am."

"If you win the first place in the martial arts competition, you have a chance to meet the queen and the left."

When Yun Bilu heard this, the spirit came, "Really? That's great, I must be the first, and then meet the legendary two." So, Yun Bilu folded his hands, very happy, both eyes With a bright brilliance.

She now firmly believes in her mind that she will be the first in martial arts tomorrow.

So after a short stroll, she took Huang Yize back and said, "I want to go back to rest quickly and cultivate my spirits. Tomorrow, I won the first good meeting with the queen and the left."

"You didn't mean that I participated in the competition for me and wanted to be the first?" The girl said that the wind is rain, and Huang Yize couldn't help teasing her.

Yun Bilu stepped in, and said haha: "Yeah, isn't it for you? So I worked hard!"

After returning to the hotel, Yunbilu immediately took a shower and then prepared to sleep, but before going to bed, she still called Master.

Gu Zhengxun asked her to pay attention to some matters, and then sent her an electronic data file, "Bilu, these are the contestants, the more powerful, you compare it yourself, there are a few in your heart, tomorrow's game We must also pay attention to maintaining physical strength, not violently fighting, and playing against everyone, pay attention to strengths and avoid weaknesses, and defeat opponents with minimum effort."

Yun Bilu solemnly said: "Yes, Master, I know."

"Well, go to bed early."

Yun Bilu looked at the information on the tablet and looked at it line by line. Everyone’s name, size, height and weight, and what they were good at, all of them were above, which helped her a lot and avoided her in the game. Play blind.

Yun Bilu was warm in his heart and muttered: "Master is so nice."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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