When Huang Yize heard this, he wiped his hands and looked back at Yun Bilu. "Am I not good?"

Yun Bilu ran to him with a grinning smile and said, "You are the best, but Master gave me some file information. I read it and it really helps."

Huang Yize looked slightly, walked over, picked up the tablet and looked at it, and then printed out the information in a study room in the presidential suite. He used a pen to draw out the key points for Yun Bilu. "You only need to read these. , Don’t watch too much, bother.”

"Ao, ao!" Yun Bilu looked at the highlights on the paper, and remembered the scene of having classes with Huang Yize in school and studying together.

At that time, she occasionally was awkward with him, thinking about it, she felt that she was wrong.

If she knew that she and Huang Yize had seen so few times now, then she should be with him well, and it would not be awkward.

"It's more than 8 o'clock in the evening. You can watch it for an hour, go to bed at 9:30, get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow to eat, and then go."

"it is good."

There was Huang Yize helping her arrange the time, and Yun Bilu knew a lot in her heart, so he wouldn't be in a hurry.

Because Huang Yize gave her a key point, Yun Bilu also remembered something, so she finished it in more than half an hour.

"I finished reading and went to the shower to sleep."

"All remembered?"

"Well, remember?" Yun Bilu, like the obedient pupils, blinked his clear eyes and nodded vigorously.

Huang Yize pondered: "I will help you remember the tricks that everyone may use, and then you will use the crack tricks."

Yun Bilu shook his head, "In fact, this is already very good. I don't want to speculate. I don't want to be the first. I just want to prove myself with my ability, and I can learn more experience in comparison with everyone. "

Listening to her words, Huang Yize looked at her, rubbed her head, and said softly: "After all, you have a shorter martial arts training time, less than a year, compared with those who have practiced martial arts since a few years old, Can it work?"

"Look at me, I practiced as a kid, and I have a foundation."

"Did you practice when you were fighting with someone? You said so kindly."

"How do you know when I was a kid fighting with someone?"

"I don't know anything about your business?"

Yun Bilu looked at Huang Yize seriously, his expression was not very good-looking.

Huang Yize knew she was skeptical, "No one asked you, your family told me before." Huang Yize didn't directly say Yun Bilu's grandfather, afraid of causing her grief.

Even if I don't say that, Yun Bilu is still somewhat depressed and dull even if he tries to control his emotions.

Huang Yize sighed inwardly and looked slightly warm, holding Yun Bilu into his arms, "Sorry, I shouldn't say this."

Yun Bilu shook her head, holding Huang Yize's clothes tightly and calming her emotions. She would work hard and be strong.

"Grandpa used to worry about me the most. I knew I was naughty like a wild boy. I didn't worry about grandpa before, but when I grew up and hadn't graduated, grandpa..."

Speaking of which, Yun Bilu couldn't say anything, and Huang Yize slapped her on the back, "Bi Lu, you work very hard and excellent, if your grandfather knows, you will be proud of you."

"I used to think that I graduated, and I should be filial to Grandpa." Since Grandpa disappeared, she worked hard. Even if she missed Grandpa, when she was sad, she secretly cried on the bed and did not want people to see her fragility. .

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