Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1607: This little girl has a good aura

Suddenly Yun Bilu's eyes lit up and said to Huang Yize: "I know, this is what Master said.


Huang Yize's eyes flicked. He wanted Yun Bilu to watch and learn more. As for whether she could be the first, he didn't care.

But if she wants to be the first and needs his help, he will help.

Because for Huang Yize, these people's martial arts are so powerful, he can see the flaws at a glance and see what moves can be used to deal with them.

This group is the woman's victory, her name is Li Qiuxiang.

In this way, Yun Bilu looked at each other in groups, and they all looked at them intently. They also remembered a lot of moves and learned a lot in their minds.

By the time Yunbilu was in this group, it was already over ten in the morning.

When the host said that the next group of players were Yun Bilu and Bai Guangjian, the scene was once again the same as the frying pan.

"Bai Guangjian, it was him!"

"He is the champion for two consecutive years, martial arts is the first! And he is just in his early twenties, and I heard that he is also very handsome."

"Has won two championships, and still come to the game?"

"People don't play for the sake of competition, they learn to learn."

"Huh, Bai Guangjian should go directly to the finals, right, that one called Yun or something, is it a newcomer? I have never heard of it before!"

"It's very strange to listen to the name, and the name is a woman? Oh, I know it without comparison, it must be Bai Guangjian."


Yun Bilu listened, crying without tears, without such a cheating father, the master gave her the sign, why should she compare with the previous champion!

Huang Yize looked at her somewhat depressed, and touched her head. "Don't you want to be the first? Always hit him."

Huang Yize's words instantly restored Yun Bilu's fighting spirit.

She went straight up and walked towards the playing field, and she also looked at the opposite named Bai Guangjian who came over, and it turned out to be a handsome guy with a long, handsome figure.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, his eyes blinked and he grinned at Yunbi with two small dimples. He was really handsome.

But Yun Bilu was unmoved, standing like a pine, still like a stone.

"It turned out to be a little girl."

"It is not an opponent of Bai Guangjian at a glance."

"Let's talk about it, this little girl has a good aura, don't look down on people."



At the beginning, Yun Bilu took the lead and directly attacked the chassis of Bai Guangjian. The move was swift and fierce. Like a leopard, he moved quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately. His movements were more varied, with both hands and feet. The posture is also extremely agile.

Bai Guangjian froze for a moment and hurriedly responded, but it was always a half-shot, which made Yun Bilu stand the initiative, but still did not affect the adjustment and play of Bai Guangjian.

"Bump..." The sound of strong fights and fist fights continued to sound.

The following audience, watching, began to admire the comments. After all, many of the people who came to watch were good martial artists. They had a passion in their hearts and liked to watch the strong showdown.

"Wow, handsome, cool..."

"A girl, it's so cool to be able to make such a powerful move."

"She could even move in the hands of Bai Guangjian!"

"Look, the girl's boxing style can bring the wind, indicating that the strength and speed have been reached, and hate is good."

"However, Bai Guangjian's martial arts still prevail. Bai Guangjian's martial arts have improved further than last year."

"Wow, look, the girl can avoid under the attack of Bai Guangjian's flying legs!"

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