"Look, it's getting more and more powerful. I can't see the figure of the two!"

"A girl can actually make such a tiger and wolf fist, majestic!"


More than ten minutes later, Yun Bilu and Bai Guangjian are still in a strong duel, which surprised everyone present.

After all, that is Bai Guangjian? During last year's game, all opponents couldn't pass ten minutes in his hands.

At this time even Bai Guangjian who was still fighting was also amazed, he underestimated the girl.

Yun Bilu watched that she hadn't hit the Bai Guangjian yet, and her body burst into fire. She couldn't kick it. When she landed, she slapped the ground and lifted her body. She twisted her body and her legs spiraled into the wind. Cleave towards Bai Guangjian.

Bai Guangjian's expression was sharp, and he stooped and flipped back, and then his feet stood upside down towards Yun Bilu's chassis.




At this moment, many people stood up. As soon as Yun Bilu fell, he was bound to be kicked out by Bai Guangjian's foot force. This is undoubtedly, because this trick, everyone can see clearly, Bai Guangjian didn't give the opponent a chance to avoid.

Huang Yize's eyebrows are also locked, although I believe this girl, but because the care is chaotic, I can't help but worry.

But to everyone's surprise, Yun Bilu took the initiative to block Bai Guangjian's move on one leg. In this way, he could also use his strength to force him, and the other leg split towards Bai Guangjian's head.

In this way, no one is taking advantage of both sides.

Huang Yize was relieved to see Yun Bilu unharmed.

At this time Gu Zhengxun sat down under Yun Bilu's seat, and he smiled elegantly: "Worried about her?"

"Yes!" Huang Yize still respects Yun Bilu's master very much. He does not intend to deny his inner feelings.

"Trust her, you just care about chaos."

"Master arranged this intentionally?"

Gu Zhengxun knew that Huang Yize asked about the grouping.

"The grouping is fairly fair, but there are exceptions so she can show her strength."

The corner of Huang Yize's mouth moved, said lightly: "Master wants her to take advantage of Bai Guangjian's fame to take off in one fell swoop."

"Yes, she has this courage, and she wants the first name, nothing more than to get your approval, isn't it?"

Huang Yize's mouth twitched, "Master knows so much."

"Since accepting the disciples, it is natural to understand thoroughly."

"Master is a member of a family of hidden martial arts. Why did she choose to accept her as an apprentice."

Gu Zhengxun Ruya smiled and said: "Relax, she is my apprentice just like my daughter, I will not harm her."

During the conversation between the two, the style of fighting on the field changed. Yun Bilu changed her moves into soft Tai Chi moves, plus a variety of martial arts martial arts.

And Bai Guangjian also changed the move, the two were staggered, and their expressions were condensed. No one dared to relax...

Half an hour later, there was still no victory or defeat, and finally the host shouted, "Draw!"

This is the end.

Because the normal game is more than ten minutes, it is stipulated that if it exceeds half an hour, it will be a draw, but no one dares to step up for that long time, because if it is a draw, before entering the finals, they have to confront two promoted personnel. No elimination, or direct finals.

Therefore, most people dare not let the game last for more than half an hour, they will knock down the opponent as soon as possible, so that they do not have to confront two promotion personnel.

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