Duan Yanhao didn't know about it at all, and after hearing Xie Limo's statement, his body stiffened.

Xie Limo continued gently: "At that time, she said goodbye and said a lot, and said that if she could not come back, let me not tell Axue, she was very stubborn at that time, I want to find you, Bai Yaoyao, she is ready to die. You said, if she didn't care about you to a certain extent, would she?"

Duan Yanhao's face changed and his heart trembled, "I don't know."

"Actually, there are many things you don't know, but Axue and her are girlfriends. I know her very well, and I don't know. I just don't want to see Axue sad. She hopes you can give Bai Yaoyao happiness."

"I tried my best to think so."

"When she wakes up, we still have to attend the wedding. Axue's body for more than five months now still sticks to it. I hope you can stick to it."

"In any case, I never thought of giving up, and I would never let anyone who wanted to hurt her." Duan Yanhao's cold look, with bloodthirsty ruthlessness, also showed his determination.

Xie Limo was optimistic about Duan Yanhao, so he nodded silently.

In the room, Yun Bixue walked gently to the bed and said, "Yaoyao, don't you care if Bilu and I are both here? We all came here thousands of miles and wanted to see you happy, but now you are asleep, Can we not be sad or anxious? You know, I have been pregnant for more than five months. I can’t be sad or irritated, so will you wake up?"


Looking at the people who still didn't wake up, Yun Bixue sighed.

Sitting in a chair, she began to think carefully about the people and things Yaoyao cares most about.

Yun Bixue suddenly flashed in his head, waved to Yun Bilu, and whispered something in her ear.

The light in Yunbi's eyes lit up, and he gave his sister a thumbs-up silently.

Yun Bilu coughed and shouted, "Sister, I don't think Duan Yanhao has been back. Will something happen? I'm a little worried. Go and see.

Yun Bixue also shouted: "Well, go and see! From last night to now, he has no use for anything, and he has nothing to eat. After listening to Liugu, it has been a long time for me to grieve. If you go and see, he shouldn't be in trouble. ."


Yun Bilu deliberately walked out the door and vigorously closed the door.

She looked at Huang Yize and Duan Yanhao by the door, then put her finger to her mouth and compared them to a boo.

Yun Bilu looked at her watch and wandered outside for more than ten minutes. She looked at the time and hurried into the VIP room. She said loudly, "Sister, it's about to die, Duan Yanhao fainted and passed out. Being in first aid, the doctor said that he was in danger. He wanted to see Yaoyao. What should I do now?"


"Sister, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"


In the process of Yun Bilu's yelling, the finger on the bed moved, and Yun Bilu's startled eyes widened.

Yun Bixue blinked at her, and Yun Bilu continued to shout loudly.

At this time, Bai Yaoyao was getting bigger manually, and she slowly, slowly, strenuously opened her eyes.

Yun Bilu jumped up in excitement and forgot to help Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue was not very flexible. He was almost dropped by Yun Bilu. Fortunately, Xie Limo came in and saw it. He ran over and helped Yun Bixue.

But at this moment, almost scared out of his cold sweat.

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