Xie Limo now blames himself, he really shouldn't leave her half a step.

Looking at Xie Li Mosha's white and cold face, Yun Bixue secretly stuck out his tongue, which worried him again.

While Duan Yanhao watched Bai Yaoyao wake up and ran to the bed excitedly, the tears that he could hardly hold back almost fell.

Duan Yanhao's lips were trembling and he wanted to say something, but there was always no sound.

Although Bai Yaoyao just woke up, she was weak and her eyes were a little blurry. She wanted to reach out, "Yan... Hao... are you okay?"

Duan Yanhao heard this sentence, and couldn't help trembling in his heart, and deep waves appeared in his heart, seeming to drown him.

Turns out... Turns out, was she worried about him?

Duan Yanhao looked at Bai Yaoyao who wanted to reach out and grabbed a hand to help her put her hand on her cheek. "Yaoyao, just wake up, just wake up, you don’t know that you scared me... Really , Just wake up..."

At this time Duan Yanhao was already incoherent, and did not know what to say.

Bai Yaoyao has had an operation and has been sleeping for a long time.

Subconsciously, she felt that Duan Yanhao was in danger, but she was able to see him in front of her eyes. Bai Yaoyao would not understand what happened and what woke up?

"Yan Hao, why are you so haggard? Has it changed?" Because when he woke up, Bai Yaoyao's voice was still hoarse. What he said was distressing.

This sentence caused Duan Yanhao to hold Bai Yaoyao's hand tightly, and his heart also followed with a warmth. It was still his Yaoyao. It was nice, she woke up.

Bai Yaoyao was caught like this, his hand followed by a pain, he recovered, and then set his sights on the whole house, and saw Bi Xue, Xie Li Mo, Bi Lu and Huang Yize...


Bai Yaoyao looked at Duan Yanhao with puzzled and dependent eyes, as if waiting for his explanation.

Duan Yanhao said slowly: "You have been sleeping until now, everyone is coming to see you, waiting to attend our wedding."


"Well, don't you remember?"

Bai Yaoyao was silent, frowning, as if thinking.

But her silence made Duan Yanhao nervous, but he dared not ask, afraid that her answer would make him unbearable.

I really loved, and I realized that my heart is no longer my own. A change of emotion in the other party can make him nervous.

In fact, Bai Yaoyao just wanted to be awake before coma, straighten out his thoughts, and make himself awake.

Xu Yu finally thought of why she fell dizzy, why she fell asleep, and why she only woke up now.

A flash of light flashed in her eyes, and she looked up at Duan Yanhao, "Yan Hao, what happened on the Internet yesterday, was I dreaming?"

Duan Yanhao's face stiffened, and then said: "Yaoyao, that's not a dream, but the news was suppressed by me, and the people behind me were rectified by me. No one will stop us both. ."

Bai Yaoyao looked at Duan Yanhao's expression and knew that she worried him, she said firmly: "Yanhao, I believe you."

In this sentence, Duan Yanhao's excited tears flickered, "Yaoyao, I..." There were too many words he wanted to say, but because of the excitement at this time, he would not know which one to say for a while.

Seeing Bai Yaoyao wake up, Yun Bilu and Yun Bi Xuesong breathed, and the two took their respective people out of the nursing room, giving the space to the two.

Bai Yaoyao woke up, and Yun Bixue also told Master Duan and Duan Xinya immediately.

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