After everyone was relieved, Duanjia's old house regained its former laughter.

In order to make Country X more believe in the love of the President and the President's wife, the two deliberately brought in a media and then conducted an interview.

When doing the interview, the two did not show much affection, especially the eye contact, it was a tacit understanding.

The audience sitting in front of the TV looked very envious of this kind of feeling, even if they didn't speak, they could make people understand the deep meaning even if they didn't speak.

Although this interview is short, it can be regarded as a peace of mind for the entire country X, so that everyone can firmly believe in the feelings of the president and the wife of the president.

Also supported two people.

In fact, most citizens believe in their own eyes. As for public opinion and rumors, they will always die with the wind.

Besides, Country X has just been unified, and it is when a happy event is urgently needed that everyone will naturally be happy to see the president’s wedding.

The wedding day of Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao is also the most beautiful time for Bai Yaoyao.

This country X is full of joy. The wedding car circled the country capital of country X several times. The president and his wife smiled and greeted everyone with a smile.

The citizens are even more enthusiastic.

Everyone sent their blessings, and Yun Bixue and Yun Bilu were also happy.

Yun Bilu, as a bridesmaid, walked around the city following the wedding car.

Especially the wedding car or the elite soldiers go around the city, just like the parade style, which makes everyone excited and excited.

Yun Bixue had a big stomach and was inconvenient, so she watched it on the wall of the presidential city.

Not everyone can go up on the walls of the country. They are all important people specially approved by the President. They can sit and watch from the top, and look at the bottom, with a particularly wide field of vision.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao went up to the city wall, and the soldiers below started saluting and sending blessings.

The respectful salute of the generals, the name addressed to Bai Yaoyao is General, "The first ceremony, salute General Bai..."

When the soldiers saluted Bai Yaoyao in unison, Bai Yaoyao raised a speechless excitement and pride from the heart.

She never regretted the birth and death of the soldiers. Especially today, she received the highest courtesy, and they also fulfilled her once-girl dreams.

When the third ceremony was over, everyone called Bai Yaoyao the President's wife.

Duan Yanhao is proud of his wife, he didn't feel that he was robbed of the president's limelight.

Yun Bixue was watching beside him, and his eyes were also excited. "Li Mo, look at it quickly and get the respect of all general soldiers. It's really exciting."

Yun Bixue was excited there, but Xie Limo's eyes flashed a complex light.

Yun Bixue shook him, nothing happened, she looked at herself, she was happy, anyway, she couldn't guess which of Xie Limo's muscles was wrong, so it didn't matter.

Yun Bixue actually doesn't understand. Now Xie Limo is comparing her to Yun Bixue's wedding, and honestly feels wronged and wronged her.

He could give her better, but he didn't.

Although he will make up someday, it is always uncomfortable for him.

Yun Bixue didn't understand, and the man was inexplicably concerned about some things.

Throughout the day, Country X was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and laughter and laughter continued. Most people also waited in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast of the president’s wedding.

Watching the live broadcast, everyone was also full of blood, and many young people would definitely be soldiers after quarreling.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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