Xie Limo gave Yun Bixue a comfort with his eyes.

Yun Bixue blinked and didn't understand Xie Limo's meaning.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's cute and confused look, blinking her eyes, grabbing her body, and bowed her head to kiss her hair heartily: "Emperors are okay, you don't have to worry about anything, just be good, eh? "

Yun Bixue's eyes rolled, her eyelashes moved slightly, and she lowered her head. Since he didn't say that, she wouldn't ask!

But even if she didn't ask, she could guess from Emperor Xie Limo's expression that the emperor might be uneven.

Yun Bixue didn't want Xie Limo to be so tangled, she said softly, "Then I'll go back to the house and rest."

In fact, Yun Bixue wanted to give Xie Limo the time and space to deal with things himself.

Even if the news is important, for Xie Limo, it is no better than Yun Bixue. He smiled warmly and said: "Go, I will help to return to the house."

Yun Bixue waved his hand and said: "I'm not so squeamish, just a few steps, I can do it myself."

Xie Limo embraced Yun Bixue and helped her, saying, "I'm not at ease with you, I'm afraid you will fall in a few steps."

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's serious look, and knew to follow him!

In fact, he really regarded her as a fragile doll, even if she behaved well, he was not at ease.

After sending Yun Bixue back to the house, Xie Limo came out and came to the corner of the corridor before dismantling the news.

I saw that it said that the prince of country A was almost dead.

Xie Limo looked at this and his complexion changed greatly. Before that, he sent someone to the King's Palace to explore the news. In any case, he could not find anything, and the security was extremely tight.

Moreover, five or six years ago, the king did not matter, and no one knew what the reason was, but he did not expect that at this juncture, the king's body would soon be gone.

If this matter spreads in country A, it will inevitably cause panic among the people. After all, if the king passes away, the entire country A may also be in a mess.

Although there are King Kang and King Huang sitting in town, it may not be able to calm the people's panic.

Xie Limo has a condensed look, his eyes become very deep.

After contemplation, Xie Limo immediately arranged the plane, intending to bring Yun Bixue back to country A as soon as possible.

When Xie Limo told Yun Bixue to go back, Yun Bixue just accepted it calmly. In fact, she already had a guess in her heart.

Besides, she is wherever Xie Limo is, so he said to go back, she naturally followed the husband and wife.

When Xie Limo and Yun Bixue bid farewell to Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao, they were both reluctant.

Especially Bai Yaoyao, holding Yun Bixue's hand, had a sad look in her eyes, and was particularly reluctant.

Yun Bixue smiled at Bai Yaoyao's appeasement: "If you don't leave, the one in your family should mind, you just got married, you should go on a honeymoon or something."

Bai Yaoyao turned red and shook Yun Bixue's hand. "You know, I don't really have any idea about honeymoon."

Yun Bixue knew that she was the same as before, and she felt that when the two were together, they all spent their honeymoon.

She quietly whispered in Bai Yaoyao's ear: "I can see that you are fine now, I can rest assured this time."

"Can you see it? Obviously?"

Yun Bixue nodded and continued to whisper: "The appearance of being moistened by love is completely different from before."

In fact, looking at Bai Yaoyao, Yun Bixue also understood. In fact, whether one is happy or not, can really be seen in the expression and the charm.

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