When the child turned his face, Yun Bixue was amazed. The child was so delicate and delicately carved, it was so beautiful. He could hardly find an adjective to describe the cuteness and beauty of the child.

Yun Bixue looked at the child, her heart was particularly soft, and her joy felt so obvious, her hands tickled, and she wanted to hug her.

The child also looked at Yun Bixue with beautiful big eyes, his eyes bright.

Yun Bixue couldn't help it anymore. She looked around. There seemed to be no one. She felt that the adult was wrong. She should not put the child in the yard alone. Although the child was sitting on the felt, it was too small. It seems that the size of two or three years old, according to the truth, she should be held by adults.

"Little girl, what about your parents?"

The child pursed his lips at once, as if unhappy.

Yun Bixue originally wanted to hug her, but because of her unhappy look, her hands could only be taken back hesitantly.

"That, are you upset?"

The child stretched out his hand at once, as if to hug.

Yun Bixue was so excited and hurried forward to hug the child in her arms, smelling the milky fragrance on her body, don't like what she likes.

"I am a boy."

Unable to hear the child's crisp and glutinous voice, Yun Bixue almost fell the child.

She looked at the little boy in surprise. How could such a beautiful child be a man? Not a girl?

The little boy grunted and suddenly kissed Yun Bixue, "Mom, I'm a baby."

Yun Bixue stuttered in an instant, not knowing what to say, but felt dizzy for a while, but the reaction could not come.

"Does mom not like babies?"

"I...I'm not your mother." She has no children now!

"Mom, I am a baby, I am a baby..." The little boy looked at Yun Bixue pitifully and aggrievedly, with tears in his big eyes, as if accusing her of not liking him.

Even though Yun Bixue was shocked, he quickly appeased, "You are so beautiful, I naturally like it, how can I hug you?"

"Mom, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. Mom needs to protect the baby!" After that, the little boy kissed Yun Bixue again, and then disappeared from her arms.

Yun Bixue blinked in front of her and turned into a mist again. She was shocked and woke up instantly.

Xie Limo saw Yun Bixue waking up and asked worriedly: "Is there any discomfort?" Although the doctor said no problem, he still wanted to ask her how she felt.

Yun Bixue looked at the house in front of her and knew it was a hospital. She could not tell whether it was a dream or a reality for a while.

"Axue, what's wrong?"

Yun Bixue grabbed Xie Limo's hand and said, "Li Mo, I have a dream. I dreamed of a little boy, and he called my mother."

Xie Limo's expression touched Yun Bixue's hair gently, "Well, don't worry, our children are also good and tenacious. The doctor said, I usually give you too much nutrition, so my belly is bigger than ordinary people. , I'll adjust the meal appropriately in the future."

Yun Bixue opened her mouth. She felt that everything in her dream was too unbelievable. Even if she said it, no one believed it.

But if anything, Yun Bixue wanted to share with Xie Limo.

She sat up and told Xie Limo what she had in her dream.

"Li Mo, do you believe it? I think it's weird, but it's so real, I still think my face is still kissed."

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