Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's expectant look, an expression he was eager to share. He nodded and said, "Axue, I believe that as long as you say it, I believe it."

In fact, Xie Limo did not think that the dream must be true. He just believed that it was a dream and had nothing to do with reality.

But Yun Bixue felt that the little boy in his dream must exist in reality.

She smiled gently, and then reached out to stroke her stomach, "I think it must be a boy, very beautiful and beautiful."

In fact, Xie Limo wanted a daughter very much, but as long as she had a baby, he would like it.

Looking at the happiness between Yun Bixue's eyebrows, his long-held heart also fell.

Yun Bixue thought about the little boy in his dream, and looked: "Li Mo, I found the boy's face is very similar to you."

Xie Li's eyes flashed and said, "If the child calling your mother looks like me, naturally."

Yun Bixue couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, and reached out to hug Xie Limo: "I really look forward to it, but there are still a few months before the child can be born."

"The doctor just said that maintaining a good mood will make the child have a good temper and personality."

"Is it still said?"

"Well, I also said. Eating more fruit is good for children's skin."

Yun Bixue's eyes lit up, "Then I want to eat fruit, I want to eat fruit."

Xie Limo smiled lightly. There happened to be fruit that everyone had bought, which had already been washed. He looked at Yun Bixue's bright eyes and began to cut mangoes.

Yun Bixue held Xie Limo's hand and said: "You have been tired for so long, take a good rest, I am not in a hurry to eat, let me cut fruit for you."

Yun Bixue felt that she couldn't patronize herself. In fact, Xie Limo was the hardest.

Xie Limo didn't let her move around, but she could still cut fruit while sitting.

Xie Limo shook his head and turned his hands outward, without letting Yun Bixue touch the knife and the mango. "You sit down and lie down if you are tired. Don't touch the knife and stick your hand carefully."

Yun Bixue was anxious. "Li Mo, you are so kind to me, and I feel uncomfortable." She always felt that he had paid too much, and she didn't know how to treat him better, and better.

Xie Limo made a move in his hand and almost let the knife cut his finger. He looked at Yun Bixue and said: "Fool, I should be good to you."

"But I want to be nice to you!"

Xie Limo looked warm, put the knife down, gently touched her stomach with her hands, and said warmly: "If you want to treat me well, wait for the child to be born, and try to compensate me."

Yun Bixue nodded without hesitation, said: "Well, if you let me go east, I will go east."

Xie Limo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't believe that his wife was very opinionated. The reason why he listened to him at this time of pregnancy was also distressed to him, and he didn't want to worry about him. When the child was born, most of her thoughts were on the child.

This is what he can imagine.

"Then let me go west?"

Yun Bixue's eyes flashed slyly, "I also go east."

"Haha..." Xie Limo couldn't help laughing, her chest followed with a light shock, and her eyes looked softly at Yun Bixue, she was really his treasure.

Seeing Xie Limo smile so heartily, Yun Bixue was in a good mood.

In fact, she thinks that husband and wife are one, and you will be happy because of each other's happiness.

After a while, Xie Limo cut the mangoes into slices and fed them to Yun Bixue one by one.

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