Yun Bixue think she is serious?

Xie Limo did not speak while looking at Yun Bixue and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay."

"Happily, I'm too busy lately. I didn't spend much time with you. It's my fault."

Yun Bixue blinked, holding Xie Limo's hand and said, "Where did you say that we are husband and wife and we all understand each other? If you stay by my side every day, you can't do anything else. I will also blame myself for my guilt! That’s fine, I won’t delay you doing anything else.”

Xie Limo lowered his head and printed a kiss on Yun Bixue's forehead, then went to the kitchen to cook.

Nowadays, sometimes the servants cook, sometimes Xie Limo cooks, but Xie Limo arranges the nutrition.

He never lost her on the food he ate, but because of the explanation of the doctor in country M, Xie Limo would not let her eat so much, just enough to eat, it would not let her eat.

As Yun's belly grew bigger, Yun Bixue was more worrying to see when he walked, so when Xie Limo was not around her, I hope she was sitting there.

Xie Limo had thought about it before, let Yun Dong come to accompany Yun Bixue during the day.

But Xie Limo felt that Yun Dong's temper was too active and asked her to go out to protect Yun Bixue, but he was really worried when accompanying Yun Bixue at home.

So he also asked Xie Liu to occasionally take Yun Dong out to help Yun Bixue hone the people around him.

After all, in the future, he could not always watch beside Yun Bixue, she still needs a better shadow guard.

Since the Qin family became the lord of the imperial capital, Qin Huai Ling was also very busy. It took almost half a year for Qin Huai Ling to move most of the industry in the imperial capital, allowing the Qin family to take root in the imperial capital.

The reason why Qin Huai Ling wanted to make the Qin family a great help for Xie Limo.

Everyone's ability to see the wind makes the rudder still very powerful. At first glance, the Qin family has developed so well, which is completely beyond imagination. Qin Huai Ling's young surprise was also excavated, and Qin Shao Li became the emperor's sweet. cake.

Many people in the family love Qin Huai Ling. They are talented and capable. They grow so well and are so young. Everyone wants to marry their daughter into the Qin family.

But Qin Huai Ling refused to mention the matter of marrying a wife.

In fact, there is the example of Yuan Shuangrui, which makes Qin Huailing not very fond of women.

On this day, when Qin Huai Ling drove to handle the task, he passed an alley and saw An Yexuan standing in front.

Qin Huai Ling's face sank, and he reversed the car directly, stopping outside the alley. Qin Huai Ling put on his gloves and got off.

Without saying anything, Qin Huai Ling began to fight towards An Xuan.

With one fist, An Yexuan was directly hit on the ground.

Qin Huai Ling had already punched several punches before the reaction, and his nose was bleeding.

"Ah... what are you doing, you..." An Yexuan reacted and wanted to fight back, but because he has always been in a disadvantage, it was not so easy to fight back at this time.

Moreover, Qin Huai Ling has been training himself for so many years, and he has not worked hard to cover his whole life. It is more than enough to play An Yexuan.

"You... kill a thousand knives... what are you doing, poof... beating people!"

"It's you, An Yexuan. I don't think you are pleasing to the eye. How many pounds are you unclear? If you can deal with women, I can deal with you."

Qin Huai Ling said Yun Bixue, he knows that An Yexuan used to suppress the Yun Bixue in Ning'an City with the identity of the Emperor An's family, and even did a lot of things that harm Yun Bixue. Beaten.

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