Anye Xuan was beaten with a nosebleed. He wanted to get his hands on, and he wanted to fight back, but Qin Huai Ling didn't give him a chance at all. After one fist fell, the An Yexuan could only call.

"Bump..." The sound of one fist after another was so loud.

"Ah... let go of me, I won't let you go..." The shouting voice was An Yexuan.

Qin Huai Ling seized this opportunity before he let it go.

What he was afraid of Huai Ling, even if it was the former An Yexuan, he would fight now, not to mention that now An Yexuan has been seized by Anjia. At best, he is just an ordinary person.

"Qin... Qin Huai Ling... I won't let you go..."

"Then I will kill you today..." Qin Huai Ling was tired with his hands and kicked.

For Qin Huai Ling, Xie Limo and Yun Bixue were kind to him, so he naturally had to fight hard once against all the people who had hurt the benefactor.

Because there are few such opportunities, An Yexuan has less time to go out alone. Every time he saw him before, he brought a group of defenders. It was not so easy to get started.

The reason why he went out alone this time is also Xie Xie's credit.

In the end, An Yexuan's teeth were all smashed. Now the air is completely leaking and he can't speak clearly.

Xie Sixteen actually came back a long time ago, and saw An Yexuan being beaten. She stood in a dark place and watched, but couldn't find it. Xie Sixteen ran out.

"Ah... Ye Xuan... who are you? Why hit An Ye Xuan..."

Qin Huai Ling smiled coolly and said, "Do you like this kind of person? This kind of man who specializes in bullying women?"

"No, I don't remember what happened before. He said we were very affectionate before." Xie Sixteen felt that she was all amazed by her acting skills.

"You don't know yet? People like him are ashamed and humiliated to men. When their girlfriend has an accident, they suspect other women, even persecuted again and again, and they are disgusting!"

"Is it?" Xie Sixteen pretended to be innocent, but actually rolled his eyes in secret

"You can ask him what he has done."

After that, Qin Huai Ling kicked An Yexuan again before leaving.

Xie Xie waited for Qin Huailing to leave before crouching down to watch An Yexuan.

Today, An Yexuan is very thin and almost skinny. Xie Xie knew that this was caused by her tossing An Yexuan.

At this time he was beaten again, his whole body was covered with bruises, his face could not be seen, he was swollen, and his nose was still bleeding.

He just lay there, panting, as if he had no strength at all.

"Ye Xuan, are you okay? He said that what you did before is true?"

"I am...for you..."

When Xie Xie heard it, he was so angry that he knew that An Yexuan had persecuted Mrs. Shao indiscriminately for the sake of true Chu Feier. Her lungs were almost exploding.

She now even has an impulse to leave An Yexuan regardless.

But in the end she endured it and called an ambulance to get An Yexuan into the hospital.

But as a result, the incident that An Yexuan was beaten was not a secret, but was reported by the reporter.

Anjia once again became the focus of Emperor Capital.

Yun Bixue looked at the news at home, and it was almost impossible to recognize the appearance of An Yexuan lying on the bed at the news. This thin, bony person who could not see clearly was really An Yexuan?

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