When Yun Bixue came out again, Xie Limo stepped forward to help her and let her sit on the sofa.

"I have something to go out and let the maid take care of you."

Saying this, Xie Limo picked up the car key on the table and prepared to go out.

"I see the weather forecast, the temperature is still relatively high today."

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's head, "It will be September soon, no matter how high the temperature is, wherever you go. If you are at home, call me if you have anything, and I will come back."

Yun Bixue nodded, Xie Limo had to deal with anything, and generally she would not interfere.

"Then you have to come back early."

Hearing Yun Bixue's instructions, Xie Limo stepped in a footstep, turned around, walked over, bent over and kissed Yun Bixue's forehead.


When Xie Limo walked out of the door and Yun Bixue listened to his car leaving, she discovered that once he left home, even if it was only a minute, she would think of him easily.

She felt that this feeling was also used by Xie Limo.

He used to guard himself almost all the time before, but now he is busy, mostly not at home during the day, she was not used to it at first.

Sitting on the sofa was boring, Yun Bixue picked up the TV remote control and retuned the station.

She saw Zhou Pingyu on TV and interviewed the masses.

Yun Bixue muttered: "I didn't expect Zhou Pingyu to be quite popular with the people."

Yun Bixue suddenly found out that some accompanying officials around, as well as officials visiting and receiving foreign guests from various places, were a few cold students who were arranged by her.

Unexpectedly, in a few months, everyone can develop well on their own.

Yun Bixue was very pleased.

Thinking of Meng Xintong, Yun Bixue hesitated and called her.

"Bi Xue, you finally called me."

Yun Bixue listened to the complaining voice on the phone and smiled, "You are a busy person, thinking not to disturb you."

"You said it down, today it is estimated what kind of wind reminds you of me."

In fact, the reason why Yun Bixue and Meng Xintong rarely meet each other in the emperor is mainly because they don't want others to stare at them. Both of them are aware of each other, but each time they make a call, they have to make fun of each other.

"I saw your home Zhou Pingyu in the news today, condolences to the visiting masses, very welcome."

A sigh came from that end, "I knew you wouldn't think of me suddenly, it was because of Pingyu."

"Isn't he you? The same."

"How can it be the same, I heard that there are many friends around you..."

Before Meng Xintong finished speaking, Yun Bixue hurriedly promised, "No matter how much, you are a very important friend in my heart."

With this sentence, Meng Xintong was happy, "Pingyu did work very hard. I heard that the officials of the dignitaries are very scarce, especially this year the emperor is not calm, and there have been major movements, so there is a shortage of staff. I hate hard work. Hearing that he may be promoted this year."

Yun Bixue was surprised. Zhou Pingyu was really promoted very quickly. Sure enough, Xie Limo's vision was also excellent.

"That's good. When did the two of you get a wedding, it took a long time."

"It is estimated that at the end of the year, but it has not yet been decided, I will definitely tell you."

Yun Bixue said seriously: "Of course, I'm your family."

"It's improper, you are my mother-in-law."

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