Yun Bixue knew that Meng Xintong on the mobile phone must be dissatisfied.

Yun Bixue lip smiled, "I am your mother-in-law, but your father he..."

"He was still traveling outside and said that he walked all the places his mother walked through. Although he was wrong before, I don’t feel much now. After all, I never expected my father’s love and now I don’t think about anything. ."

"Xin Tong, I think that Zhou Pingyu's official position is now there. If someone with a heart digs out your relationship, you can still catch your father and threaten him."

Meng Xintong was shocked, "Bixue, fortunately you reminded me that I will arrange this matter well."

"Well, I think the Meng family has also developed very well in the imperial capital, but recently, you don’t want to stand in a team, remember to wait and see the changes."

"it is good."

Yun Bixue chatted with Meng Xintong again before hanging up.

A person is really a bit boring, Yun Bixue also picked out the TV series to see, see the "Princess Concubine" press conference.

Yun Bixue's eyes lit up. She knew that she was in the media company of the Imperial City, which was the TV series, but she was not the name before, and she participated in the role selection.

Looking at the surface of several actors at the press conference, Yun Bixue was still very satisfied.

Especially Li Xu, I didn’t expect it to be so hot and so hot now, just look at the status of the fans below.

The host also asked him that nowadays, it is popular all over the world, and it is well-known internationally. What do you think?

Li Xu took the microphone and said: "What I want to say here is that I can have today. I want to thank my benefactor. She is my Bole. If she doesn't choose me to give me the opportunity, it won't be a few days. Li Xu... When I was poor, she helped me, so I told myself to work hard and live up to this kindness..."

The remarks were a little sensational, and a warm applause broke out at the press conference.

The host asked curiously, "Can we ask, who is your benefactor? Is it male or female?"

Li Xu just smiled and said: "Sorry, this really can't tell everyone, but I believe anyone who meets their benefactors will be grateful."

This sentence Li Xu said was reasonable, so everyone did not dispute that he did not answer, and still gave applause.

The heroine of the TV series Li Guile also expressed her gratitude to Zhi Yun, but did not say who this person was.

Everyone speculated that the benefactors of Li Guile and Li Xu were the same.


Yun Bixue watched the press conference on TV and listened to the gratitude they expressed, and was warm in his heart.

In fact, when I first chose them, she also felt that her character was good. She didn't want everyone to thank her, but she didn't want to be one thing. It was another thing to hear everyone's words.

She was very warm in her heart. She had done so many things without realizing it!

Suddenly felt that it was worth doing a lot of things. After a busy day, when I look back one day, I feel that life will be very fulfilling.

Yun Bixue watched the TV series and fell asleep on the sofa. The servant quietly adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, and then took a blanket to cover Yun Bixue.

When Xie Limo came back, he saw Yun Bixue fell asleep on the sofa, his eyes softened, and he kissed her hair in the past, and then asked the servant to cook, and he carried her into the bedroom.

Yun Bixue woke up and watched him hug himself: "Can you still hold me now?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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