Xie Limo looked down at her belly and said, "Don't move, even if you are ten months old, I can hold you."

Yun Bixue smiled, "I looked down upon our family Mr. Xie."

Her body was very heavy when she looked at herself, so she was quite surprised to see Xie Limo hug her horizontally.

"You let me down!"

"Stop sleeping?"

"Sleeping on the sofa for so long, not sleepy." In fact, mainly because he was not at home, she was bored. Since he came back, she would not feel bored.

"Good!" Xie Limo gently put Yun Bixue down.

After Yun Bixue stood, she followed Xie Limo into the study. He was busy, and she was watching.

He also told him what he saw in the news today.

Xie Limo listened carefully and patiently to what she said, and touched her head: "Well, now my wife is getting more and more powerful."

"Li Mo, you have always touched my head like this, it feels like coaxing a little girl."

"You are my little girl."

Xie Limo's eyes are warm and soft. He knows that Yun Bixue had few words a year or two ago and had a quiet temperament. She was in front of herself and she would say all her heart.

So he also likes to listen, go home every day, listen to her talk about a day, even if it is small and subtle, even if it is repeated every day, he likes to listen, and for this he enjoys it.

If one day she didn't say it, he would not be used to it, and he would guess wildly, was she not willing to tell him!

So the mood of the person is wonderful, he only knows that she is more important than herself.

The time went into September.

There was also a sense of coolness in the air. When Xie Limo went out in the morning, she would also bring him a thin coat.

In the evening, she would also sit by the window and watch him return.

The day was so peaceful and peaceful. Xie Limo covered all the wind and frost for her, and she could rest assured of raising the baby.

In less than two months, she thought, she could see the child herself.

An Yexuan's body only recovered after more than ten days, but the whole person looked much thinner, but his condition was better.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he said this to Xie Xie, "Mayfair, I knew I was wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong with you?"

"It's wrong with paranoia and hatred towards women."

Xie Sixteen secretly evoked a ridiculous arc, in fact, she does not treat An Yexuan as a normal person on weekdays.

An Yexuan looked at Xie Sixteen's back, his eyes flickered, and said nothing more, perhaps only he knew what he was thinking.

When the reporter interviewed An Yexuan, he kept silent about what was beaten that day, even if he was questioned.

An Yexuan did not say that the person who beat him was Qin Huai Ling.

For all this, Xie Sixteen felt that An Yexuan was abnormal, and he always felt that after An Yexuan was hospitalized this time, he had changed a lot.

Xie Sixteen's face changed slightly, he looked at An Yexuan, hesitated, and asked, "Yixuan, do you have any thoughts?"

An Yexuan looked at the trees outside the hospital, his eyes stunned and said, "Maybe, do you hate me?"

Xie Sixteen was shocked in his heart, and asked no questions on his face, "Yixuan, why do you ask like this?"

She was thinking, did An Yexuan discover something? After all, she didn't cover up on weekdays, and often tossed An Yexuan, letting him live in a courtyard or something.

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