She was also very depressed, only to talk to her sister.

After all, Xie Limo had never been in a cold war with her for so long.

"Sister, do you think your brother-in-law is in love with others?"

Yun Bixue's face sank, "Bilu, I believe your brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense about this."

"Well, don't say, make a joke, anyone can see, the brother-in-law is very kind to you, can do anything for you, but this does not talk to you, it's not right." said, Yun Bilu Also worried for his sister.

Yun Bixue sighed, "Did you even think it was wrong?"

Yun Bilu seriously said: "Yeah, you are pregnant with children, he is so angry, it should not be like this! The brother-in-law is too wrong to talk to you, and you have done nothing wrong."

Yun Bixue is extremely soft-hearted to Xie Limo, and feels that he is very good to herself, so in the face of anything, she is used to finding reasons from herself, and never thinks Xie Limo is wrong.

But now my sister said that Yun Bixue still loves Xie Limo.

Every time Yun Bixue thinks of Xie Limo's goodness, she will be very soft-hearted and tells Yunbi: "Actually, your brother-in-law is also not easy. He took care of me very hard, maybe I didn't take care of myself, he was angry. ."

Yun Bilu felt that her sister had the advantage of being pregnant for three years.

She shouted: "Sister, it is wrong for you to think this way, and you are not easy. It is the hardest for a woman to get pregnant. The brother-in-law should take care of you. Shouldn't he take care of you?"

"No, your brother-in-law has been taking care of me all the time, it is because I made him angry, I just want to make him angry and happier."

Yun Bilu knows that her sister cares about her brother-in-law very much. She coughed and softened her tone: "Sister, you listen to your brother-in-law now. I can't say you are right or wrong when I'm a sister, but you can't just blindly If you can accommodate yourself, will you lose your temper?"

Yun Bixue pouted, "Can I still be angry with him? It will make him sad."

Yun Bilu listened to her sister's words and sighed several times. She knew that women are actually stupid in love. How can anyone say that they are still sensible in love, and if they are sensible in love, they are not called Love it!

"Sister, I don’t mean you want to get angry with him, I mean, you are pregnant now, pregnant pregnant women are already emotionally unstable, when you encounter things, you have your own sadness, you have your own thinking, and your brother-in-law cannot Because you have sad emotions, it is not normal to ignore you. This is not normal."

Yun Bilu still loves her sister the most. She is actually getting angry for her sister.

Although it is a matter of two husbands and wives, she should not join in, but her sister is her closest person. She just hopes that her sister is happy and cannot be aggrieved.

Yun Bixue sighed, "Yes, I will be excited when I hear about Grandpa. I will be angry and sad when I hear some conspiracies. I cannot control these emotions myself."

"That's right, people have the freedom to vent their emotions. Are you freed by your brother-in-law's freedom?"

Yun Bixue listened to her sister's unhappy tone, and regretted telling her these trivial things, "Bilu, don't worry, it's nothing, your brother-in-law is really good to me."

In any case, Yun Bixue loves Xie Limo very much, even if there is something wrong with her, she is not willing to think about it, she just feels that she did not do well enough.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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