Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1686: Be harmonious in that respect

Yun Bilu shook her head and said seriously, "Sister, brother-in-law should be good to you. Moreover, you are still pregnant with children. It is not easy to be a woman. You will be a mother in the future."

"Bilu, I know you always have ideas, what do you think I should do this time?"

Yun Bilu listened, very distressed to her sister, "Sister, you were not like this before, when were you so careful? The brother-in-law encircled you like a sheep, which is not fair to you."

Yun Bixue throbbed, but insisted: "He is for me."

Yun Bilu was almost crazy, "Sister, you said the brother-in-law is for you, but do you like the feeling of being trapped like a sheep? Even better, are you willing to do this?"

In fact, Yun Bixue had to admit that Bilu was right. She didn’t want to be bound by anything. She likes to live a wanton life, just to prevent Li Mo from worrying. .

The more careful and harder she is, she doesn't want him to be angry, but the truth is the opposite, he is still so easily angry.

"Bilu, I am pregnant, and the emperor's situation is unstable. I still feel that it is safer to stay quiet at home." Yun Bixue thinks that even if Li Mo ignores her, she doesn't want her sister to have this brother-in-law. Opinion, so naturally speaking for Li Mo.

Yun Bilu was helpless, "Well, sister, I don't know how you get along, he can treat you well, and you are willing, I will be relieved."

Yun Bixue was still not relieved, and heard Yun Bilu say, "Sister, I'm asking you a question."

"Well, you said."

Yun Bilu is actually a bit entangled. This question, she was 21 years old, it was really a little awkward to ask, "Well, sister, are you living with your brother-in-law after getting pregnant?"

Yun Bixue froze for a moment, and suddenly realized, "Bilu, this, there has been nothing for a while, but your brother-in-law also loved me and looked after my body."

"Sister, I'm speechless to you, in short, you need to be harmonious in that respect, women, you must learn to take the initiative."

Although Yun Bixue blushed across the phone, she was several years older than her sister, but she was educated by her sister, and she felt a bit shy.

"Sister, are you listening?"

"Well, I will remember it when I hear it."

Yun Bilu struggled a bit and said, "Sister, actually, I think you and your brother-in-law still lack a little life stimulation."

Yun Bixue was afraid of listening to this sentence, "Don't, Bilu, you don't know, it's because of too much excitement, your brother-in-law is nervous and scared, and I look at him like that, it doesn't work."

Had Xie Limo not been irritated or afraid, she would not be so strict with her, a little hurt and a little thing, his eyes could show a look of terror.

Yun Bilu thought for a while and analyzed: "Sister, if this is the case, you will take the initiative to coax your brother-in-law and men will coax."

Yun Bixue frustrated and said: "I coaxed, it's useless!"

Yun Bilu thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and said, "Sister, you are useless, you will know later, I will pass on some methods to you by electronic documents, to ensure that your brother-in-law will be obedient to you. what!"

Yun Bixue listened and almost bit his tongue. When he hung up the phone and saw the information from the mobile phone, Yun Bixue looked at it for a while and really had to give his sister a thumbs up.

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