Regardless of how Yun Dong swears, An Yexuan also does not quit, and there is no trace of impatience in his expression.

He just looked at Yun Bixue with special concentration. When he saw her stomach, his body became stiff.

At this time, sister Yun Bixue's car also arrived, and Yun Dong hurriedly drove to let Yun Bixue go in.

She stood outside the car, with her arms akimbo and a finger pointing at An Yexuan: "An Yexuan, you dare to be disrespectful to our young lady, we squeezed your fingers and pried you to settle down, we still remember the earliest Yun Family Because of you, that’s how it looks like, hum!"

An Yexuan closed his eyes in pain, and when he opened them again, Yun Dong also got into the car, and the car disappeared into the rain curtain immediately.

An Yexuan's strength seemed to be evacuated, and the umbrella in his hand fell to the ground.

Xie Xie, who was not far away, has been watching this scene in the car, seeing the rain getting bigger and bigger, and going on like this, An Yexuan will definitely be in trouble.

She can only drive past, pick up An Yexuan, and then leave.

Xie Sixteen guessed that he did not appear in An Yexuan's mind, but could only remain silent.

An Yexuan was sitting on the co-pilot and leaning on the back of the chair. The whole person was very quiet, as if the silence did not exist.

Xie Sixteen didn't know what An Yexuan was thinking now, but with her knowledge of him, An Yexuan was trapped in his own world at this time, and seemed to have pain that could not be resolved.

Back at An's house, An Yexuan did not hold an umbrella. He stood in the rain and allowed the rain to hit him.

Xie Xie saw that An Yexuan was torturing himself, and he thought it should be very cool, but worried that he had not been discharged from the hospital for a long time. After such a toss, he went away without catching a cold.

Quickly took him to the house.

"Yixuan, you can't toss yourself even if you are in a bad mood."

An Yexuan looked deeply at Xie Sixteen and said, "I saw Bixue."

Xie Sixteen had some troubles in her heart, and she really didn't know what kind of expression she should show.

For a while, she said: "You know, I can't remember many things. You never told me about her before, so I don't know who she is."

"She is your college roommate."

"Really? I don't remember much, and I don't know how to relate to her."

An Yexuan has been looking at Xie XVI for a long time, and Xie XVI can't escape. He can only look at his eyes frankly.

An Yexuan said tiredly: "You have a bad relationship with her, you hate her."

Xie Sixteen's mouth twitched. Why is An Yexuan sober now? He even knew that Chu Feier hated Yun Bixue. He used to insist only that Yun Bixue was responsible for Chu Feier.

Why did you suddenly change your mind now?

Xie Sixteen was puzzled and pushed An Yexuan to take a bath, then changed clothes.

Before An Yexuan walked into the bathroom, he looked back at Xie Xie and looked at her back: "You are not Chu Feier."

Xie Sixteen was shocked in his heart and turned back, "Ye Xuan, what's the matter with you? I'm Mayfair? You shouldn't even know me?"

An Yexuan pursed her lips and looked a bit painful, saying, "I'm kidding you."

After talking, An Yexuan turned his head into the bathroom.

Instead, Xie Sixteen's heart was raised in her throat, and she felt that An Yexuan really doubted her just now.

She didn't know why An Yexuan doubted her. Was it because she met Yun Bixue today?

Xie Sixteen couldn't make up his mind and told the matter to Xie Liu. Xie Liu quickly reported to Xie Limo.

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