After Xie Limo knew, his first reaction was that Yun Bixue met An Yexuan.

She met the normal An Yexuan!

Not interested in the normality of An Yexuan.

Seeing the heavy rain outside, Xie Limo frowned, and he still picked up his coat and went out.

Xia Junyan Wu took the elevator to the top floor, and when she saw Xie Limo, her beautiful eyes lit up and said, "Minister Xie!"

Xie Limo saw Xia Junyan dance coming head-on, his eyes slightly moved, and he said lightly: "It turned out to be Her Royal Highness."

After calling for care, Xie Limo went on.

Xia Junyanwu looked at Xie Limo, who had just passed her by, and he was stunned. Some of them did not recover. He even passed by him, even stinging at her with a glance, just a light sweep?

Only in front of Xie Limo, Xia Junyanwu felt that her beauty was empty talk, because Xie Limo was not moved by her beauty at all.

She could not see the stunning in his eyes, she could not see any fascination, only indifference.

Xia Junyanwu is actually unwilling.

She has seen too many men, foreign and domestic, only Xie Limo makes her feel perfect and impeccably perfect.

However, Xie Limo already has a wife.

She had been entangled in this for a while, and thought she was relieved, but Xie Limo was too dedicated. She watched it many times, and he was really good to his wife.

It's better than everyone's imagination, even if people look at it, they feel warm and happy.

So she envied, the more she looked, the more she envied, the more this envy sentiment gathered, the more she could not pull away.

She went to watch every day at that time, Xie Limo walked with Yun Bixue.

He was careful and patient, and the scene fell on her eyes.

Later, when she went to bed at night, she would dream. She dreamed that she was Yun Bixue, and Xie Limo was treating her well.

When this dream woke up, she became greedy.

Yes, greed, she shouldn't be like this, but with such thoughts in her heart, she can't get away with it.

So, she hoped to see him more and more, and then later, she moved her thoughts that she should not have...

Everything is not to blame her, because this man is too perfect, even walking, is so precious and gorgeous.

Seeing that Xie Limo was about to get on the elevator, Xia Junyan Wu quickly turned his head and quickly caught up with Xie Limo, "Minister Xie, Minister Xie."

Xie Limo heard Xia Junyan Dance's voice, and had to press the elevator's hand to look back at Xia Junyan Dance and said, "His Royal Highness, is there anything wrong?"

Xia Junyan Wu felt a little weird and embarrassed in his heart, but said calmly: "Minister Xie, there is such a heavy rain outside. If you go out like this, it will be dangerous."

Xie Limo said softly: "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

Xia Junyan Wumei smiled and said, "Minister Xie, you also know that you are now an important person in the Ministry of State, but there can be no problems, or the Ministry of State's people are not stable."

This may be the reason why she can talk to him and get close to him!

She checked Xie Limo, the woman who wanted to approach him before, even his sleeves were out of reach, and Xie Limo was never polite to the woman who coveted him.

So she didn't want Xie Limo to see the clues, she could only contact more in the name of work.

Xia Junyan Dance is very confident in herself, but she is fond of Xie Limo, a man with great self-control and love for his wife, so any means and methods of Xia Junyan Dance are useless.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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