Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1717: At first glance, people cannot ignore

Xie Limo looked at the smile on Xia Junyanwu's face, and did not have an extra expression. He frowned and said lightly, "How did your high princess come under such a heavy rain?"

When asked by Xie Limo, Xia Jun Yan Wu was really a little ignorant.

Xie Limo smiled with a lip, "Since the princess can come, then I can go back, I believe this rain is OK."

Looking at Xie Limo's smile, Xia Junyan Wu had a dazzling feeling. There was a stunning, quiet opening, but it made people tremble.

This smile, as if all the world's elegance, can no longer be ignored.

Xie Limo didn't know that his smile was like the plum blossoms in the snowy mountains, which was imprinted in Xia Jun's heart.

This is the case with some people. Even if you do nothing, you will be amazed by the time and make you engraved in your heart.

Xie Limo is such a person who can not be ignored at a glance.

This is true of Xia Jun's Yan Wu.

Even if she tried to stay calm, she was shaken by his smile and distracted by his moving voice.

Xia Junyanwu almost said in a daze: "I came by helicopter, so the heavy rain did not affect me."

After speaking, Xia Junyanwu almost bit her tongue, but she still had to remain calm.

Xie Limo said warmly: "Her Royal Highness, can you lend me the plane?"

"Where are you going, I can get you on the plane together."

Xie Limo said quietly: "Go home, such a heavy rain, I don't worry about my wife, so I have to go home and see."

Xie Limo never conceals his wife's favor and love, and anyone familiar with the Ministry of State knows that Minister Xie loves his wife as often as he wants, and often hangs his wife on his lips.

At the dinner party in the evening, he could not attend without attending, and hurried back to take care of his wife.

Some female colleagues in the department are particularly envious, saying that the men of Gu Jiaai's wife are very responsible men.

So it has been a long time, and male and female employees in the department have great respect for Minister Xie.

Xia Junyanwu listened to Xie Limo's words, the sourness in her heart, Yun Bixue was really so good, so good that he could do anything for her.

Xia Junyanwu didn't believe it. She always felt that love was conditional. As long as she took out enough interests to seduce or even threaten, Xie Limo could always see her.

But now, she can only suppress the sourness in her heart, and gently said: "I transferred the plane, you go up, they will take you back to where you live."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xia Junyan danced politely: "No need to be polite to me, as a princess, I should do something for everyone."

Xie Li's eyes moved, and he wouldn't even think about the curved corners in Xia Junyan's dance words. He now has Yun Bixue in his mind.

Thinking, she saw the normal An Yexuan, what would she think?

Now that it's raining so much, I don't know how she feels at home?

She will definitely worry about him, so he will go home and be with her, and she will be better.

In the end, Xia Jun's unwillingness to dance, Xie Limo got on a helicopter and went home.

Wu Yin looked at the princess's look next to him and persuaded: "The princess relaxes and the time goes on, Minister Xie will always see you well."

Xia Junyan sighed and said, "Wu Yin, my heart can't hide you, but I actually don't want to hurt Yun Bixue."

"His Royal Highness, people in love will always be injured, you can fight for it with fairness."

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