Xia Junyan Wu listened and sighed, "Wu Yin, you are speaking to me, and you said that, but what will the people of the whole country think?"

Wu Yin is the shadow guard of the royal family. There is no right or wrong, only loyalty. She looked at the princess's sadness and persuaded: "As long as Minister Xie is willing, the wind of the country will naturally fall to you. Princess, in love, use Point means, that means good intentions."

"Is that true?" Xia Jun's Yan Wu trance.

At this time, Xia Junyanwu didn't know that to **** love would only make her more painful, and she could not **** real love.

The relationship between Xie Limo and Yun Bixue was not inserted by the third person.

At this time, Yun Bixue was sitting by the window, looking at the heavy rain outside, but the mood was very calm.

She could not help thinking of the scene just in the rain, An Yexuan!

He looks much normal.

Yun Dong took the hot dessert and put it on the small tea table, and also looked out the window along Yun Bixue's eyes, "Miss, the rain outside is getting bigger and bigger, it really has nothing to look at."

"It's nice to have a rainy day and it's quiet."

"However, if it's raining, not going out will delay many things."

Yun Bixue gave her a glance and said, "Many places, especially the farmhouses, still need rainwater, and the weather is good and the weather is good to have a good harvest."

"Oh, Miss, I think that An Yexuan is very strange today."

Yun Bixue blinked his eyes and looked at Yun Dongdao: "Do you think he is very strange?"

"It's different from what he's seen before. I used to think it was a neuropathy, but now I think it came out of the neurological hospital. It is normal and it is estimated that it will be treated."

Yun Bixue laughed loudly, and was really amused by Yun Dong's words.

After laughing for a while, Yun Bixue gathered his smile and sighed: "An Yexuan seems to be really in the spirit of witchcraft and evil spirits. It may be better now."

"Miss, this is the first time I have heard of such things. It turns out there are really things in the world."

"Well, I didn't believe it before, but there are a lot of things in the Thousand Worlds. This was also discovered by Xie XVI. I used to think that he loved Chu Feier. Something was abnormal. Now, it seems that things may not be like that."

Yun Dong listened to Yun Bixue's emotion and asked curiously: "Miss, do you remember his good?"

Yun Bixue shook his head firmly: "It doesn't matter to me how he does, but even if he has the spirit of witchcraft and evil spirits, but the things he has done to me are facts, I have no mercy on him, we only have hatred ."

"Miss, you are the best. You have clear grievances and calmness."

Yun Bixue smiled warmly: "I am in front of Li Mo, and I tend to be emotional and irrational."

"This is normal. If you are sensible in front of Xie Shao, then it is not emotional."

"Little girl also understands love, very good."

Just when the two were talking, the sound of a helicopter rang over the villa. Yun Bixue was startled and quickly stood up and walked towards the courtyard.

Just now, she was restless and called Xie Limo. He said that he would be there soon. She guessed it should be a helicopter.

Yun Dong wanted to stop, but looking at the bright smile on Yun Bixue's face, knowing that it might be Xie Shao, she understood that blocking was useless.

Yun Bixue ran into the yard. Yun Dong held an umbrella on her head. When she saw Xie Limo coming down from the helicopter, her eyes were all bright and shining.

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