Seeing that Xie Limo didn't speak, Yun Bixue continued: "Don't be so nervous about me, if you are nervous about me, I will also be nervous."

Xie Limo could only soften her expression, touched her head, and stopped talking.

Yun Bixue took Xie Limo's hand and kissed, "Okay, I'm in a better mood. If you take a day off, you should be happy."

Xie Limo's brilliant eyes flashed indulgent light, smiling lightly, but there was always a trace of sadness in his heart.

But Xie Limo's sadness, Yun Bixue did not know.

She looked at the heavy rain outside and was accompanied by her loved ones. She felt that today was really a pleasant day to enjoy, drink tea, have a snack, and talk to Xie Limo. It was really good.

No matter how heavy the rain is outside, Yun Bixue does not worry about the rain entering the villa, because the foundation of the villa is relatively high, and the first floor is above the steps, and the drainage system outside is very good. It is still safe to stay at home.

"Li Mo, you said that such rain continues to fall, and it will directly become a pattern of looking at the sea."

"Worried about this?"

"I was thinking, would that princess be flooded with water?"

Xie Limo pinched Yun Bixue's nose, "She is a princess, there are arrangements to do anything, and someone in the dark is naturally protected. If it is really dangerous, whether it is a rescue boat or an airplane, it will be ready."

Yun Bixue praised, "Princess treatment is good!"

Xie Limo looked at the expression of admiration on Yun Bixue's face, his expression condensed, and said, "Axue, you are my queen. I will show you what you want."

"Okay, okay, I know you can do it. What I don't envy is the emotion. I have you, but it's more important than anything."

This sentence is true, Yun Bixueguang has Xie Limo, which is worthless, and can make many people envious.

Even the princess who wanted to take her, Mr. Xie, was useless, because he was hers.

Thinking of this, Yun Bixue was full of happiness.

Yun Bixue's serious words made Xie Limo's expression slow and touch her head gently.

For him, having her is more important than anything, but for men, some words are hidden in the heart and cannot be said.

All day long, except for Yun Bixue taking a nap, other times, Xie Limo accompanied her to speak.

Sometimes Yun Bixue squinted on the lounge chair, and Xie Limo told a story beside him.

In fact, even if it is a childish story told to a child, Yun Bixue also likes to listen to it, and she likes his clear and moving voice like a spring.

That kind of intoxication made her always want to hear.

Xie Limo spoke tirelessly. In fact, sometimes he has a feeling that he is coaxing Yun Bixue, the big baby.

The day is so simple and warm to spend.

When I was about to eat in the evening, Xie Limo received a call, "Minister Xie, something happened to Her Royal Highness, and now she was taken to the hospital. The princess said she wanted to see you."

Xie Limo looked awkward and frowned, "The princess has an accident, and the doctor will take care of it. I have been on vacation for a day."

"But Minister Xie, the princess wants to see you."

Xie Limo's face was cold and cold and said: "If there are political matters, she can report to you. When I go to work tomorrow, you will tell me again. If it is a private matter, my wife is unwell. I need to look after it and cannot leave. ."

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