Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1724: Seeing Xie Chengxiang privately

Xie Limo's words are very clear. The implication is that the life and death of the princess has nothing to do with me. The life and death of the princess is a doctor's business. No matter how big the matter is, it is not as important as my wife's.

So no negotiation.

After talking, Xie Limo hung up the phone.

People over there have been stomping anxiously, how to explain to the princess!

Xia Junyanwu didn't expect the rain to be so heavy. In the end, she was swept away by the water. Even if there were more rescuers, she would have time to find her and get her out.

At that moment, Xia Junyan Dance was blown by the strong wind, and then was washed away by the turbulent water.

She still remembers how she felt at the time. She almost thought she was dead, and she didn't know how much spit.

After suffocating, she felt nothing else until she woke up at the hospital.

Now, Xia Junyan Wu Rao is calm again, but also has a kind of fear.

She was still a little shocked, and her heart was shaking.

She remembered that when she thought she was going to die, a figure flashed through her mind was Xie Limo, who was absolutely gorgeous.

She realized that she wanted to see him even if she died.

This feeling became stronger when she woke up, so when people asked her how she felt, if she felt uncomfortable.

She just said to meet Minister Xie.

Everyone is afraid to guess casually. In order to please the most beautiful princess of the royal family, someone in the Ministry of State naturally called Xie Limo.

Xia Junyanwu was also eager in her heart. She wandered between life and death today. She wanted to see him, should he come?

Xia Jun Yan Wu waited anxiously, always looking at the door of the ward, hoping to see Xie Limo.

At the same time, there was a fear of water in my heart, and now my heart was shaking, I just hoped that the person in her heart would come to comfort her.

She thought about it, as long as he comforted a few words, she would not embarrass him.

She just wanted to see him privately.

But she waited for a long time and couldn't even eat her meals. The news came that Minister Xie had to take care of his wife and could not rush.

Xia Junyanwu felt that her heart fell instantly. She sat there staring blankly, her face pale, her beautiful face without blood, and she looked very bad.

After Xie Limo hung up the phone, Yun Bixue asked next to him: "Is the princess calling someone? Did she have an accident?"

Xie Limo's calm expression eased a little, explaining: "She was almost washed away by the rain and almost life-threatening. Now she is fine."

"Oh, but did she want to see you?"

"I want to accompany my wife and have no time to manage others."

Yun Bixue pouted her lips and said, "Actually, it's fine if you go to see her. I won't mind."

Xie Limo flicked Yun Bixue's forehead with his finger.

"Okay, let you see it, but if you don't see her, she should be very angry and angry, and it is estimated that she will not be able to get off the table."

Xie Limo disagreed, "She is wrong to mention this idea. Since it is not right, she should pay for her emotions."

The light in Yun Bixue's eyes lit up, "Or you are right, you are a married woman, how can you meet a woman alone!"

Her Mr. Xie has a high EQ, and it is useless to get some wildflowers by the road.

In the evening, Yun Bixue was in a good mood and ate a bowl of rice, but the evening news was praising De Xia Jun Yan Wu, saying that she almost sacrificed for the people.

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