In the news, a surveillance video was brought up, with the princess helping to rescue the moment when the water was washed away.

Yun Bixue was shocked when she looked at the thrilling scene in the news.

She thinks that if the rescue is not timely, Xia Jun Yanwu is likely to really sacrifice for the people.

Yun Bixue put down his chopsticks and said, "Li Mo, it turned out to be so thrilling. Fortunately, it rained heavily today, and you didn't go out."

Xie Limo turned his eyes and said, "How to put down the chopsticks and eat soon." Then, Xie Limo put the chopsticks back in Yun Bixue's hands.

Yun Bixue actually thought of a lot of things, she was pretending to have something in her heart, and she had no appetite.

But in order not to worry about Xie Limo, she continued to eat bit by bit.

After eating, Yun Bixue couldn't help but say: "Li Mo, I think this will increase the prestige of Xia Junyanwu in everyone's hearts. It is estimated that it is difficult to erase, even if she wants to seize power, sit on The position of the royal palace is also possible."

Xie Limo naturally knew what Yun Bixue was worried about. He reassured: "Axue, you have a bit of a dead end in your thinking. Think about it, is it difficult to be a good person? Is it difficult to maintain a good image?"

Yun Bixue nodded.

Xie Limo continued: "What if it's a bad image?"

Yun Bixue listened and suddenly realized that she understood Xie Limo's meaning. Xia Junyan Dance wanted to continue to maintain a good image, she would be bound by all aspects, because once something that was not conducive to Xia Junyan Dance was reported, she maintained it for a long time. Will collapse.

So in fact, there is nothing to worry about, the soldiers will cover up the water! No matter what, there is a way.

In the evening, the rain became smaller and it became hesitant.

Yun Bixue said to Xie Limo: "Let's go to bed at night, don't sleep on the bed."

Xie Limo is unknown, but looking at Yun Bixue's excited look, he doesn't ask much, as long as she is happy, he will follow her.

Xie Limo went to the second floor and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the bedroom. Now that the air is cool at night in autumn, he is worried that Yun Bixue will catch cold.

In the evening, Yun Bixue insisted on opening a little window, and then lying in bed and Xie Limo chatting.

The two were talking, listening to the sound of the rain, feeling the warmth of the moment.

Before going to bed, Yun Bixue yawned and said: "When I was in Ning'an, every time it rained, you would accompany me to talk and listen to the rain in bed, so I want to do that tonight."

In fact, the most important thing is that in such weather, there is a strong sense of security pervading him when he hugs and listens to his voice.

After that, Yun Bixue slept.

Xie Limo kissed her hair, her heart was softly touched, "Sleep, my Axue, every rainy night in the future will always be with you and listen to the rain."

The rain stopped in the middle of the night, and the next day, Xie Limo went to work normally, explaining that everyone took good care of Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue has also regained the day of reassuring her baby and still going out for a walk every day.

But Yundong will find that there is a car parked not far from their villa, and they will stop there every day for people to check, only to realize that it is An Yexuan.

"Miss, this An Yexuan is very strange. You said that he didn't do anything all day. He just drove to our villa not far away. His brain is sick, and we can't let people drive away because he stopped there." Yun Dong thought, An Yexuan was quite smart. He was not far away, so they had no reason to chase him away.

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