Yun Bixue followed Yun Dong's sight and saw the car. If it was correct, it was indeed An Yexuan's.

Yun Bixue can't figure it out, what is An Yexuan doing?

Do you know that she retaliated against him, so she monitored her every day?

But it was wrong. Every time she walked, An Yexuan drove there. After she walked back, he drove away.

In short, the feeling of being watched all the time is very creepy. She doesn't like it, but she doesn't want to have any trouble with An Yexuan.

"Yun Dong, don't care about him, but secretly let people watch, don't let him do anything that is not good for us."

"Relax, Miss, I have been staring at him for a long time, and since the first day of his driving there, I have let the dead stare."


"Miss, do you say he has become normal? Why do I feel more abnormal?"

Yun Bixue asked indifferently: "He is a clawless cat now, and he hasn't been hurt for a while. Even if he settles down, he can't pose a threat now, so he doesn't need to bother."


Xie Sixteen wanted to follow An Yexuan recently, and An Yexuan did not let her follow.

No one knows what An Yexuan thought.

After knowing Xie Limo, he pondered for a while and gave Xie Wu an order, "Xie Wu, find something for Anjia to make An Yexuan inseparable."


Xie Wu understands that Xie Shao's possessiveness is extremely strong. Even if An Yexuan looked at Mrs. Shao from a distance, Xie Shao was uncomfortable.

Imagine that the person you love is being watched by other men all day. That feeling is definitely uncomfortable!

Xie Wu acknowledged that he was really serious about carrying out his mission. Anjia Xuan summoned An Yexuan to go back, and An Yexuan was unmoved.

"Ye Xuan, when your father begs you, now we need everyone to work together to get through all the difficulties."

"Father, didn't I settle my brother's job? Do you think I don't exist!"

"You are my son, how could it not exist!"

"Father, forgive me for being so stubborn all the time. I have been disobeying you for what I want to do."

Although An Yexuan has always rejected Anfu, Anfu has sensitively discovered a problem, that is, today An Yexuan, even if he is rejected, he is very respectful of him, like a real son.

He felt that the child might be getting better, so he grinded it hard all day and finally let An Yexuan promise to return to the family to help settle down.

On this day, An Yexuan looked at Yun Bixue not far away in the car, his eyes were a little soft and gentle, as though he was missed and melancholy.

Finally, I said sorry, silently, An Yexuan would start the car to leave, maybe he would not have time to come again for a long time.

He is clever and knows many things about Anjia. There may be Xie Limo behind, but he is in a calm mood. He can no longer blame anyone. He blames himself.

Anjia's current situation is caused by him, so even if Anjia is sorry for him, he can't ignore Anjia's life and death.

Yun Bixue walked for a while and sat down in the pavilion.

At this time, a low-key luxury car parked outside the gazebo and walked down from above an old man in Chinese costume.

Yun Bixue looked at the serious old man with some familiar faces, and she frowned.

Suddenly remembered that this was the old man who had met in Ning'an City. Later, she told Xie Limo about it. Xie Limo said that the old man was the second elder of Xie's.

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